

Datatjänster inom IT-system

SenseNode Energy Analytics - smart energy monitoring solution. Reduce energy usage, emissions and costs.

Om oss

We work with big manufacturing companies such as Tata Steel, Spendrups and SCA that really care about sustainability and energy efficiency. They are typically very machine heavy, use a lot of energy (often over 5 gigawatt hours per factory), have billions SEK in revenues and have a network of multiple factories. They also have high standards in quality, data accuracy and reporting. However, SenseNode isn't a good match for everyone. Manufacturers with a high degree of manual/electronics assembly, for example, do not have a good fit for us.

Datatjänster inom IT-system
11–50 anställda
Privatägt företag
Wireless, Energy, Data collection, Data analytics, energiövervakning, energikartläggning, energi, energibesparing, grön energi, energieffektivisering, energioptimering, CSRD, Energy Analytics och Energy Efficiency


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  • Visa organisationssidan för SenseNode, grafik

    741 följare

    Ventilation systems are often overlooked when it comes to energy efficiency, but they hold big potential for immediate and cost-effective energy savings. 🌍 With a few targeted actions, it's possible to reduce energy use without compromising on production quality. From improving air tightness and insulation to utilizing energy-efficient components, there are several steps companies can take right now. Check out our latest article for practical tips and see how you can make a difference today! 💨✨ #EnergyEfficiency #SenseNode #VentilationOptimization

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  • Visa organisationssidan för SenseNode, grafik

    741 följare

    🪚🌲 Inspiring results at SCA Sawmill in Bollsta 🌲🪚 Key achievements: - Enhanced Ventilation: By using SenseNode’s energy measurements, SCA improved their dryer ventilation process, boosting both wood quality and energy efficiency. - Proactive Maintenance: Early detection of fan issues prevented potential equipment failures, avoiding serious consequences. - Further Improvements: SCA is now expanding meter installations to further enhance efficiency and sustainability across more dryers. Great job @Jimmy Sehlberg and the team at SCA, Bollsta! Read more at: #Sawmill #energyefficiency #wooddrying #SenseNode

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  • Visa organisationssidan för SenseNode, grafik

    741 följare

    Read about the great work the sustainability champion Jonas Ciardi is doing at Elcowire Group.

    Visa organisationssidan för Elcowire Group, grafik

    1 038 följare

    ”In an era where environmental awareness is paramount, recycled copper stands out as a shining example of sustainable practices. At the same time, to meet ever-growing future market needs, recycled copper will not be available in large enough quantities, and primary copper will still remain crucial. However, it is extremely important that primary copper choice still has a low carbon footprint!”, says Jonas Ciardi, Environmental and Sustainability Manager at Elcowire. Elcowire has the complete offering: Low-carbon Copper products from recycled as well as from primary copper, or from standard Copper rod if this is what the customer prefers. Read more about our sustainability efforts on our web where you also find our latest sustainability report. ——————— „In einer Zeit, in der Umweltbewusstsein an erster Stelle steht, hebt sich recyceltes Kupfer als leuchtendes Beispiel für Beispiel für nachhaltige Praktiken. Gleichzeitig wird recyceltes Kupfer nicht in ausreichenden Mengen zur Verfügung stehen, um den ständig wachsenden Marktbedarf zu decken, und Primärkupfer wird weiterhin von entscheidender Bedeutung sein. Es ist jedoch äußerst wichtig, dass die Wahl des Primärkupfers einen niedrigen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck hat”, sagt Jonas Ciardi, Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanager bei Elcowire, der das komplette Angebot hat: Low-carbon Kupferprodukte sowohl aus recyceltem als auch aus Primärkupfer oder aus Standard-Kupferstangen, wenn der Kunde dies bevorzugt. Lesen Sie mehr über unsere Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen auf unserer Website, wo Sie auch unseren neuesten Nachhaltigkeitsbericht finden. #sustainability #lowcarboncopper #recycledcopper

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  • Visa organisationssidan för SenseNode, grafik

    741 följare

    📊 🌲Improved Quality and Productivity through Energy Metering at Södra Långasjö🌲📊 In 2022, Södra Långasjö partnered with SenseNode to optimize energy use across our wood dryers. Key achievements: 🚨 Anomalies Detected: Uncovered unexpected differences in energy consumption between similar dryers. 💧 Boiler Control Enhanced: Gained crucial insights that allowed us to fine-tune boiler operations, improving efficiency. 💪🏼 Production Boosted: Addressed key issues, leading to higher production volumes and better quality. 📊 Simplified Energy Mapping (EKL): Streamlined the process with accurate, detailed data. Big shoutout to Nicklas Nilsson, Patrick Jonsson and Anton Dahlberg for making this happen. Learn more about how we turned data into action. #EnergyOptimization #OperationalExcellence #Sawmills #Wooddrying #SenseNode #EKL

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  • Visa organisationssidan för SenseNode, grafik

    741 följare

    🌍 Championing Sustainability Together 🌍 At SenseNode, we're dedicated to supporting sustainability professionals who are leading the charge in creating a more sustainable future. Few roles have undergone such a transformation in recent years, with increasing demands from legislation, public expectations, and internal company initiatives. A special shoutout to some of the incredible sustainability leaders we collaborate with:  Jonas Ciardi at Elcowire Group, Lina Nelander at Hydrotech, Inc., Mimmi Hassling at Erasteel, Rune Samuelsson at Boråstapeter, Kristian Sandberg at Nolato, Fanny Sjödin at SkiStar AB and Cecilia Lundin at Spendrups Bryggeri AB How We Support:  📊 Real-time Data Insights: Our platform provides the tools needed to monitor and reduce energy consumption, helping companies meet their sustainability targets. 👥 Collaboration: We work closely with sustainability teams to tailor solutions that align with their specific goals. ✅ Impactful Results: Together, we are making significant strides towards a greener, more sustainable future. To all the sustainability champions out there—thank you for the vital work you do every day. We’re proud to be your partner on this journey. #Sustainability #EnergyEfficiency #SenseNode #GreenFuture Read more:

    Sustainability - SenseNode

    Sustainability - SenseNode

  • Visa organisationssidan för SenseNode, grafik

    741 följare

    💡 Tips för små och medelstora företag - delta i ett av världens främsta acceleratorprogram Energimyndigheten erbjuder just nu en möjlighet att delta i ett mycket spännande acceleratorprogram i samarbete med University of California Berkeley. Om ditt företag jobbar med hållbarhet och innovation kan det här vara något att kolla närmare på. 📅 Den 20 augusti håller de ett webbinarium där de berättar mer om programmet och vad det kan innebära för er. Det kan vara en bra chans att få inspiration och insikter, även om ni inte är redo att ansöka just nu. Ta en titt om ni är nyfikna – det kan vara ett steg i rätt riktning! #Hållbarhet #Innovation #SME 

    Möjlighet att delta i ett av världens främsta acceleratorprogram

    Möjlighet att delta i ett av världens främsta acceleratorprogram

  • SenseNode omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Erik O Andersson, grafik

    VD SenseNode | Energy Analytics for manufacturing industry | 10-20% energy optimization delivered

    Feedback! Att starta och driva bolag är inte lätt. Kraven från kunder, anställda, styrelse, myndigheter, mm, är i princip oändliga. Tur då att man får bra feedback ibland. Idag beslutade en koncern med 13 miljarder i omsättning och 25 fabriker över hela världen att samarbeta med SenseNode kring sin energioptimering. Under processen har de varit i kontakt med 3 av våra befintliga kunder. Ledningsgruppen sammanfattade referenserna så här: ”Oerhört fina referenser. Ni verkar ha byggt ett riktigt fint bolag”. 😍 Ps. om något mer industriföretag vill spara upp till 20% av sina energikostnader och minska utsläppen på köpet så skicka ett meddelande!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för SenseNode, grafik

    741 följare

    We’re thrilled to share a successful case study highlighting our collaboration with DOT Halmstad. Key achievements: - Insulated Zinc Kettle: 221 MWh annual savings. - Shut Down Smaller Units: 648 MWh annual reduction. - Demand Charges Optimization: Reduced from 800 kW to 700 kW. Their story is a testament to the power of targeted energy solutions. Way to go Dennis Nielsen, Jan Uhrberg and Jesper Poulsen Harders ´

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