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IFPRI Africa

IFPRI Africa

Research Services

Dakar, Dakar 3,297 followers

We provide research-based policy solutions that sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in the world.

About us

About IFPRI The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. IFPRI is one of 15 centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), an alliance of 64 governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations. IFPRI's Vision is a World Free of Hunger and Malnutrition.This vision is based on the human rights to adequate food and freedom from hunger, and the recognition of the dignity inherent in all human beings. IFPRI's Mission is to Provide Research-Based Policy Solutions That Sustainably Reduce Poverty and End Hunger and Malnutrition. IFPRI established the west and central Africa office (WCAO) in 2010 to better meet local research and capacity needs for reducing poverty and ending malnutrition in the region.Although the West and Central Africa region has experienced strong economic growth over the past 15 years, it faces challenges from increasing urbanization, a growing middle class, transforming agrifood systems, and the intensifying effects of climate change. WCAO is helping to address these pressing problems. It also supports the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and works with regional bodies such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and individual countries to provide evidence-based agricultural policy solutions and capacity-strengthening support. WCAO staff from two IFPRI research divisions: the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division (MTID) and the Poverty, Health, and Nutrition Division (PHND). The following are highlights of the major research, capacity-strengthening, and policy-dialogue activities that IFPRI leads from WCAO.

Research Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Dakar, Dakar
Agriculture, Economics, Hunger, Malnutrition, Research, Food policy, Resilience, Food security, Sustainability, Climate, Social science, Nutrition, Food, and Development


Employees at IFPRI Africa


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