Link Copp-Millward
You might know me from ScrewAttack, The Game Heroes, the Yamagato Industries Business Report, Cyberpunk Bartending Action Discord, or any other number websites/social media. You may also just know me in real life. :tomcatrom:
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Đã chơi 5 giờ
I've played through the game 5 times or more so far. There are plenty of reviews here that already tell you how the game plays, so I'll keep this brief.

It's a resource balancing game that also has a bit of hidden-identity discovery to it. There is no major story or plot to the game outside of short little vignettes and "event deck" stuff that happens which requires you to make a decision on. Every season you choose some people to raise or lower your resource bars, while hopefully finding out who to sacrifice without angering that sacrifice's house. Rinse and repeat 12 times, and you get an ending.

I also find it impotant to note that the game DOES come in multiple colors besides puke green. There is a purple/green variant and also a greyish black/red variant.

- Very cool aesthetic, reminds me a bit of Darkest Dungeon or Mike Mignola artwork.
- Nicely drawn cutscenes.
- Solid soundtrack, fits the mood perfectly.
- Overall interesting theme/concept as a whole.

- Lack of a real story, they really could've done something here. After a playthrough or two you just start clicking through everything and watching bars move up or down. This also means you're less invested in the "moral quandry" of the gameplay, because you start seeing everything as numbers instead of characters/people.
- The gameplay can be repeatitive if you're not into this kind of thing. Feels more like a game you'd play in short bursts.
- Not much variety in how you achieve the different endings.

Shrouded Isle is a really great game that doesn't quite reach its full potential. The 10 dollar price tag may feel a little steep for some if they don't intend on replaying it often. I personally didn't mind as I think we should throw our support behind original ideas and concepts even if the execution may not be as perfect as we would have liked in hopes that it inspires more original efforts.
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Điểm kinh nghiệm đạt được
get9 29 Thg10, 2017 @ 7:33am 
How're you going to only have .3 hours on record for Detention? Get that done, Bruh.:2015coal::2015coal::2015coal:
swed_3 26 Thg06, 2016 @ 1:35pm 
Only 7 more badges until 100 oi.
Indomitus 14 Thg02, 2015 @ 1:07pm 
So how does it feel to finally get play ol' Grim Fandango?
Omelet 31 Thg01, 2015 @ 12:15pm 
Hey. You sent me a friend request a while back and I just got to it. :P (sorry :3)

PeacefulSun 14 Thg11, 2014 @ 1:09pm 
Thanks. :)
Kaz 15 Thg07, 2014 @ 4:11am 
Hello. I have entered your name in the manual, but I want to thank personally. Thank you very much for your manual for the game Blackwell Convergence. Thanks to you, I made a similar passage in Russian. Good luck!