Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Моя коллекция Project Zomboid
Коллекция модов для одиночной игры в Project Zomboid. Включает в себя: улучшенную графику, освещение, дружелюбную к лору игры музыку, новое огнестрельное оружие в ванильном стиле, изменённую механику стрельбы, новые звуки стрельбы, новое авто, мотоциклы, квадроциклы, лодки и прицепы, исправление ошибок ванильной версии и фиксы багов, новые звуки взаимодействия с предметами, авто, зомби, добавлены новые анимации зомби и анимации для игрока, добавлена новая одежда в ванильном стиле, так же добавлены новые причёски и бороды, новый визуал некоторых контейнеров.

Новые механики: с модом на здравый смысл вы можете открывать любые консервы ножом и вскрывать запертые замки монтировкой, но сверху этого есть мод для взлома замков монтировкой или же заколкой с отвёрткой, имеющими мини игру в процессе взлома. Так же вам больше не нужны только ножницы для того, чтобы рвать одежду на кусочки или бриться и стричься, для этого подойдёт любой нож, что имеет смысл. Изменены характеристики авто во время езды по бездорожью, теперь авто будут оправдывать свою мощность. Изменены характеристики холодного оружия, теперь некоторые образцы холодного оружия будут сохранять прочность дольше, а так же заимеют возможность нанести критический удар. Увеличено время действия некоторых бафов и дебафов персонажа, теперь вы сможете почувствовать себя по настоящему сытым! Добавлен лут у зомби: еда, патроны, медицина и т.п. Добавлена механика переработки украшений в металлолом и непригодный метал, из которых теперь можно выковать гвозди. И ещё многое другое, что я предлагаю изучить вам самим!

P.S. Сборку нужно устанавливать на чистую версию игры, если у вас есть моды, которые вы не хотите потерять, просто сохраните их в свою коллекцию Steam и только после этого отпишитесь от модификаций. Сборка не идеальна и может иметь в себе ошибки и недоработки, я буду очень благодарен, если вы мне о них сообщите в личных сообщениях Steam, чтобы мы вместе могли их исправить. В разделе "Моды" может гореть красным цветом мод на спавн новых авто во время событий и историй, но в этом нет ничего страшного, так как выше него есть фикс исправляющий это и всё работает, ничего скачивать для работы этого мода, как там пишется, не надо. Так же вам не обязательно включать мод Flat UI Revamp, он изменяет иконки интерфейса на более тёмные и округлённые версии, он обязательно установлен для работы новых кварцевых часов с отображаемым циферблатом WatchUI. Вы спокойно можете включить мод WatchUI и без включенного Flat UI Revamp в своём мире, всё будет прекрасно работать и без него. Из-за изменённых текстур земли могут возникать тёмные квадраты на грядках, увы, но это чинится только засыпанием земли на место недостающей текстуры. Это можно сделать либо набрав земли в мешок, либо через меню строительства в Building Menu, если вы включили эти "постройки" в настройках песочницы. Если у вас значительно понизился FPS после установки сборки, на подобный случай я оставил в ней мод Better FPS, его настройка и запуск описаны на странице мода. По всем возникающим вопросам постараюсь ответить в своём Steam. Желаю удачи и приятной игры!
Items (280)
Sleeping Bags! (B41)
Created by PaperWyvern
This Mod Is No Longer Necessary in Build 42 as sleeping bags have been added to the vanilla game. Thanks for all your Support! Adds working sleeping bags to Project Zomboid! Search places you might find a tent for them. Like Self storage and hunting stores...
[RU] Sleeping Bags!
Created by node
RU: Перевод модификации Paper Wyverns Sleeping Bags на русский язык. Не содержит в себе самой модификации. Ссылка на мод: EN: Russian translation for Paper Wyverns Sleeping Bags mo...
'88 Toyota Hilux
Created by KI5
Someone said that you can't have too many trucks and I have to agree, especially when it is the Hilux. It comes in 2 chassis variants, single cab and extra cab, it has two-tiered bumper armor, it is smaller and lighter than most trucks and that can be a go...
Slow Consumption
Created by PaddiSson_
Slow Consumption Tired of constantly having to change the empty battery in your flashlight? Or finding a new soap or lighter to replace the empty one? Or even changing colored light bulbs too often? Because we've all done this too many times. This mod does...
Tailoring Fix
Created by star
Makes it possible to gain sewing exp from cutting denim and leather clothes. Note I made this mod because many people complain that tailoring is broken and it's almost impossible to level up. And now my other mod Size Labels makes a bit more sense. Ways Cu...
Spiffo Statue Fix
Created by Zelen
You finally gain the strength to pick up the big Spiffo. As an added bonus, you can put him down too! Picking up this statue still has the vanilla requirements of level 2 carpentry and a hammer. B42 Update: A new Spiffo statue without the green pedestal wa...
Open Ammo Boxes While Walking
Created by Zelen
This is a basic mod that edits the crafting recipes for opening ammo boxes to allow you to walk while opening ammo boxes. It also allows you to put ammo back into boxes while walking. Running and sprinting will still interrupt the action. Includes 7 versio...
Created by Arsenal[26]
Original TrueActions mod (by iBrRus) Required. This is an Add-On mod that : - Adds a bit of code to Sitting TimedAction to expand sitting options - Adds work-around for tiles with incorrect or missing direction - Adds method for tile objects to have multip...
Spongie's Hair API
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42 This mod un-hardcodes some features from the base game and fixes some bugs. All hairstyles of the same length are now available when cutting your hair in-game This removes the issue where you cannot switch from a vanilla hairstyle to a...
Respawn in Car [MP/SP]
Created by AuD Last Update MP/SP: 2.0v Patch note >> Respawn in car With this mod, if a player disconnects inside a vehicle, he is bound to respawn in t...
[B41/B42] Rain Cleans Blood
Created by Akamir
Tired of zombies splattering their brains all over your pretty lawn? Well no more! Just wait for some rain or snow and watch it all fade away. What does it do? This mod makes it so that when it's raining or snowing, blood will slowly fade away from floors ...
'86 Chevrolet CUCVs + M101A2 Trailer
Created by KI5
This is one of those packs of vehicles that are all too interesting to pick a favorite, at least for a military fan like me. It covers all the classics and has some civilian bonus vehicles that made sense with the available parts. They share most of the pa...
TchernoLib B41
Created by Tchernobill
Features and tools with high reuse potential. Global Object Simple interface to add your own Global Objects to the game. Details here. see Portal Gun mod for example. Spawn Spawn a specific item in a specific container. Spawn a specific item from a right c...
'85 Oldsmobile Delta 88
Created by KI5
Time to finish the GM b-body series strong with Oldsmobile Delta 88! If i had to choose only one, i would go for this one, so i left it for the end of this series. It comes with multiple tire options, roof vinyls, metal and wooden armor and a set of parts ...
'85 Buick LeSabre
Created by KI5
Even more GM b-bodies you say? Let's continue this epic series with Buick LeSabre, another classic full size sedan. It comes with multiple tire options, roof vinyls, metal and wooden armor and a set of parts that will be shared with other b-body cars. More...
Spongie's Character Customisation
Created by spongie
Adds a new menu to character creation with more customisation options This is a framework for mods that is intended to feel as vanilla as possible. Supported by Spongie's Character Retexture - Adds 12 new face options Supports B41 and B42. Works in multipl...
'85 Pontiac Parisienne
Created by KI5
More GM b-bodies you say? How about the Pontiac Parisienne, another full size sedan with that hidden rear tire look and some fun parts to customize it. It comes with multiple tire options, roof vinyls, metal and wooden armor and a set of parts that will be...
'85 Chevrolet Caprice
Created by KI5
Time for the GM B-body crew and what better car to open the season than Chevy Caprice! True full size sedan with an iconic boxy look and some fun parts to customize it. It comes with multiple tire options, roof vinyls, metal and wooden armor and a set of p...
Improved fire axe
Created by BongoRaccoon32
Description Lets face it, the vanilla fire axe model sucks. That's why I never really like using it. All the other mod that add a new fire axe model all just don't feel right for me, like they are out of place. So I made my own version. Made by taking the ...
Alarm Syndrome
Created by PePePePePeil
Overview : Adds a feature to easily unset alarm settings on Digital Watches and Alarm Clocks. Confirmed to work with Build 41/42. Features : These features are all enabled by default. You can toggle them enable or disable individually through the options. ...
'84 Jeep XJ Cherokee
Created by KI5
Time for my first B41/B42 release and it is another classic Jeep. My neighbor used to have one, it was muddy and rusted but he was happy with it trust me. So look around your pz neighborhood, maybe your neighbor used to have one too and he sure doesn't nee...
Female Model Fix
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42 Replaces the female model to fix some minor issues that have been driving me insane for years. Shoulder UVs changed to be closer to the male model Makes the tank tops look less broken. Chest UVs changed to reduce distortion with shirts...
Serving Plates: Make your plates useful
Created by ISuckYourSoul <3
For Build 42 : Allow the player to put content from Stir fry Pan/Roasting Pan/Gridle Pan on plates just like stew, soup, rice and pasta in bowls Make sure you have 2 or more plates in your i...
Vanilla Gear Expanded
Created by Tango
Vanilla Gear Expanded New outfits and gear to expand the various law enforcement agencies & special police forces that would likely be in the area. Some vanilla textures have also been altered to improve quality and fix poor font choices. Items can be foun...
[B41] Show Wall Health
Created by Kamer
Part 1 of Sandbox Settings Update is up! Check comments for more info. Have you ever wondered how long your gate/wall/anything lasts? Well, now you know and you can prepare for the next horde. Just right click on whatever you've built, then hover on the "C...
[B41] Repair Wall
Created by Kamer
Now works with 'More Builds' and 'Improved building menu' too! To be honest, this should be in vanilla long time ago... Just right click on whatever you've built, and hover on "Repair" menu and repair your WALLS! Features Wo...
Nepenthe's Colored Battery Status (Now a vanilla feature in B42)
Created by Nepenthe
Changes the battery indicator on car dashboards to indicate how much charge is left. Green = 75%+, Yellow = 50%+, Orange = 25%+, Red = 1%+, Dark Red = dead. Updated to support B41 and B42. Note: this mod is no longer required in B42, as the functionality i...
Map Symbol Size Slider
Created by capsgry
This mod adds a symbol size slider to map symbols menu. With it you can change the size of symbols and notes on the map. Features Resize symbols and notes on global map and map items FAQ Can I make the symbols even bigger? The main purpose of the mod is to...
Helmets Rebalanced
Created by Rez
Helmets Rebalanced This mod modifies various helmets and face accessories (gas mask and hockey mask) to provide different protection against scratches and bites Mod Compatibility This mod has compatibility with: Undead Survivor Plague Doctor Set and More I...
[B41] Gun Sound Overhaul
Created by exit1423
Notice : This mod is for B41. I will work for B42 After Brita weapon mod is updated for B42. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace gun sound for Vanilla, Brita weapons, VFE(Vinalla Firearm...
'82 Porsche 911
Created by KI5
The classic 911 turbo with a RWB variant! Time to have some fun in a very small, light and fun car. It is a perfect car for anyone that likes to travel light and fast, downside is limited storage, but you can always get a roofrack and even a trailer maybe....
Half-Life crowbar skin (optional sound)
Created by TeaStain
Reskin of the standard blue crowbar. Who designs a crowbar that isn't red? Changes texture and icon with optional sound effect changes. Includes: Half-Life crowbar: Only re-skins the existing crowbar. Half-Life crowbar with HL1 sound effect: Re-skins the e...
ZuperCart - Carts & Trolleys
Created by iBrRus Realistic Carts & Trolleys for best life. Mod adds trolley and shopping cart. Shopping cart capacity - 49. Trolley capacity - 49. There can be only one...
More Bleach
Created by anonimowy 2503
Makes bleach spawn more often in vanilla containers while adding bleach to other distributions. Workshop ID: 3341909675 Mod ID: moarbleach...
[B41] TTRP True Action Addon
Created by Kekskruemelkittey
Totally Tubular Roleplay - True Action Addon Tired of custom maps with awesome scenery that you can't interact with using True Actions Act 2? This mod bridges that gap, allowing you to fully utilize True Action on custom maps tiles. Now you can lay down on...
Breaking Bad Walter White Death music
Created by e-racer
Replaces death music with Badfinger - Baby Blue from Breaking Bad Workshop ID: 2901729699 Mod ID: BBWWDeath...
Gas mask breathing sound
Created by FG
"Wearing the gas mask is so comfortable! Why? Now there's a rough breathing sound!" -------------------------------------------------- What is Dynamic sound? Let me explain! Depending on your stamina and the level of panic, your breathing also becomes fast...
'91 Ford LTD Crown Victoria / Country Squire
Created by KI5
It's time to complete the fleet of Vics and what could be better than a late 80s refresh of one of the most icons police cars ever! It comes in many police variants with classic lightbars, Civilian LTD and the Country Squire station wagon too. They all sha...
Simple Vitamins Change
Created by hea
The mod simply makes using Vitamins less annoying without affecting the overall balance. Vanilla: 10 pills in bottle -2 fatigue each = -20 fatigue in result. Mod: 2 pills in bottle -10 fatigue each = -20 fatigue in result. Can be added mid game and removed...
[B41/B42] Doorway Curtains
Created by El1oN
Doorway Curtains This mod allows you to place walk-through curtains on doorways, making it easy to pass through without needing to open them. Adds a practical, immersive detail to your base. To craft curtains, you'll need the Building Menu mod, which enabl...
Tidy Up Meister
Created by PePePePePeil
Overview : Automatically returns to the original equipment when the operation is completed. Confirmed to work with Build 41/42 and also work on MP. Features : When an action that switches equipment when performed, such as dismantle, is completed, the equip...
Video Meister
Created by PePePePePeil
Overview : Add the skill information in the "Training Materials" list, and Item's Tooltip. Confirmed to work with Build 41/42. Features : Some VHS allow you to gain EXP and learn recipes by watching them. For those VHS, skill information will be displayed ...
Axe Overhaul
Created by Stellar Harbour
Ever wondered why we only get strength XP by chopping trees? Now we don't need to think about it, we are lumberjacks. Fixes BUG that you don't get Axe XP when chopping trees. If this is not a bug, then it is not respect for the coalition of lumberjacks. Wo...
Created by ShadowCop
You want to get rid of your huge corpse pile? You love those nights on a romantic campfire? You wanna stay warm in winter? - Then this is for you! This mod implements the functionality to burn corpse in a campfire and even other fireplaces like an antique ...
Crematorium (Weather Version)
Created by ShadowCop
You want to get rid of your huge corpse pile? You love those nights on a romantic campfire? You wanna stay warm in winter? - Then this is for you! This mod implements the functionality to burn corpse in a campfire and even other fireplaces like an antique ...
Map Symbol Size Slider Plus
Created by Alex
This mod is a modification of the original Map Symbol Size Slider The original mod resets map symbol sizes in between game restarts, this mod fixes that so the symbol sizes get saved and loa...
Extra Map Symbols
Created by Wipe
Extra Map Symbols - adds additional map symbols following base game style - adds symbols variants to base game symbols (requires Extra Map Symbols UI) - replaces angled arrows with own version, aligned to roads - replaces "KnifeFork" with own version - rep...
Craft Metal Barrels & Rain Collectors
Enables you to craft Metal barrels which can contain items and convert them to a Metal Drum that collects rain and produces charcoal - subject to having the requisite materials and skill level. All vanilla barrels that have a lid on them are convertible. Y...
Better Fire Damage
Created by maceleet
Now burning zombies makes sense: Significantly reduces zombie burn time. The mod has 3 options fast/medium/slow burn rate, from which you need to choose one to your taste Answers to frequently asked questions: Question: Is the mod still working? Answer: Ye...
[B41/B42] Faster Hood Opening
Created by TehaGP
Faster Hood Opening Makes the Hood Opening be almost instant instead of taking some a few seconds. Build 42 Compatible! Build 41 Compatibility Remains!
'77 Pontiac Firebird
Created by KI5
Only right way to finish the firebird collection is with the '77, so here we go! all four flavours with some unique details and all parts shared. Base version, Esprit, Formula and Trans Am with the Smokey and the Bandit livery of course. Good luck finding ...
Books Optimize
Created by 酒心小可
Why do books with different pages have the same weight? Let the weight and page of books be change reasonable! (/≧▽≦)/~┴┴ Now it's up to you to decide the weight and number of pages of the books! For example: lv1 weight=0.1, number of pages=100 For example...
Tear Underwear
Created by Johnny Dollar
Makes you able to tear apart any underwear you want, and also throw them into your fires as fuel! Build 41 is finally complete, and with it we have a wide assortment of lovely undergarments to bedazzle and seduce the undead of Kentucky. But wait... what's ...
Add Fuel Faster!
Created by minami26
Build 41 For the love of god ADD FUEL FASTER!! Faster adding of fuel items on BBQ, Campfire, Antique Oven & Fireplace (Add Fuel Action) depending on material used. Adding Twigs, Clothes, Papers, Books, Magazines as fuel is now significantly faster. The hea...
Metal Scrap From Jewelry(to Nails)
Created by AceCat
适用于原始生存 实在找不到代替品 自己折腾了个( 需要持有有锤子(石锤/圆头锤) 或者 石头 会降低锤子耐久度 1/3 的概率 破坏石头 (14 + 短棍技能 + 金工技能 ) / (30 - 维护技能) 的概率 不会降低耐久 任意首饰制作 一个金属废料 (30% + (3% x 金工技能)+ (3% x 短棍技能) 金属废料 制作 0/5/10个 钉子 (取决于金工和短棍技能) 短棍和金工技能会有概率额外提供钉子和回形针 作为铁匠和金工的前期替代品 原谅我简陋的代码 只学了一天的简陋编程:D 不需要废金属...
Knives Cut Clothes And Hair
Created by Johnny Dollar
Now you can use knives to cut denim and leather clothes, and also give yourself a bad and uncomfortable haircut! Are you sick and tired of carrying around a pair of scissors wherever you go? Have you ever wondered why your super sharp hunting knife couldn'...
Faster Map Opening
Created by bananahira
Makes maps open instantly. Workshop ID: 3239684616 Mod ID: FasterMapOpening GitHub:
Gray Hunting Vest Spawn Fix
Created by Glass Cake
This mod fixes an issue with the vanilla game where the Gray Hunting Vest has no allocated loot tables, meaning it never spawns. It now spawns in the same locations as other hunting vests (camping stores, junk crates, hunting lockers, survival gear staches...
Radial Medicine Menu
Created by shrbyte
This mods adds radial medicine menu. Each category of the menu, and the menu as a whole, becomes available if the character has a corresponding wound, pills in the inventory, or a bandage applied. Update: 4 October Added functionality to replace the bandag...
Improved Model Sewing Kit
Created by Dante271
It did not seem very logical to me to put a box as the icon and have the model be scissors and thread, so I recreated the box in the icon to fix it. This mod gives an aesthetically better model that is the same as the icon, increases the capacity from 5 to...
Red Screwdriver Texture
Created by Madgamer98
Multiplayer compatible Changes the Screwdriver Texture to be red to match the UI Icon It's bugged me for a while that the screwdriver's Icon in the inventory was red when it's new 3d model is blue. I went and made this to change the model's texture to matc...
Better Batteries
Created by pwrcosmic
Better Batteries is a mod that overhauls the built-in battery management system in Project Zomboid. This mod is no longer supported, as it is rather old and buggy. I have moved onto other projects, apologies! Features: Ability to remove dead batteries out ...
Created by Tchernobill
Adds a bag that keeps your food so fresh and so cool. Hey ya! Hey ya! You've seen the Cooler bag and felt a deep treason in your fragile heart, realising you were not able to store fresh food in it.. You've come to the right place. How to keep your food co...
Created by co`
Ladders You Said!? Yes! Ever wished you could climb those ladders to escape from a horde? Ever dreamt of crafting your own ladders? Well this mod is for you then! Features Climb ladders Climb fire poles Craft wooden and steel ladders Possible Upcoming Feat...
TTRP Poses
Created by CorrugatedChris
FOR THE B42 VERSION GO HERE: Totally Tubular Roleplay Poses An RP pose mod, intended for use on heavy roleplay servers, and intended to work in tandem with Fuu's and Silly's RP pose mods. Al...
Dig Worms
Created by toomanynights
Say goodbye to worm furrows. Worms in Project Zomboid are versatile little fellows. You can use them as bait in fishing, in trapping, you can even eat them if you're desperate; they never perish, and they don't require crawling around "foraging" with cripp...
Water Trailer
Created by Lexx
New water trailers and mechanics. File: rWaterTrailer Adds two new water trailers to the game, fitting to KI5's '86 Oshkosh P19A + Military Trailers. Both have been designed specifically to fit visually and mechanically as good as possible. Features: Custo...
'85 Club Car Golf Cart
Created by KI5
Here is something for all you golf enjoyers out there or just small nimble vehicle fans. Either way, you get a fun small vehicle with some expandable storage, almost no armor and a new way to die! It has unique parts so you can customize and show off your ...
'83 AM General M923
Created by KI5
M923 is using the absolutely massive M939 chassis, so it's big, very big. Hillbilly got its name for the oxidised steel plates that were used to up armor it into a fortress on wheels. 3 seats in the front, 3 in the back. Back seat passengers can open their...
'86 Oshkosh P19A + Military Trailers
Created by KI5
It's the end of the world, food, fuel and beer are running low, zombies are ruining every base you make, it's time to go full nomad. Move from place to place, loot all the places and move on. P19A is the perfect vehicle for that. Built to last for decades ...
Created by KI5
Here we go finally! I had plans for this one since the day i released the containers but a lot of things had to align for this to happen finally. We are starting with 6 trailers and the pack will be expanded over time, with my own ideas and commissions als...
REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE A BUTTON THAT CHANGES THE SIZE OF THE DIAL IN THE LOWER RIGHT CORNER OF THE DIAL FIND WRIST WATCH, EQUIP IT Dynamic clock face for non-electronic watches (Mod FlatUI Revamp Recommended!) (Includes More Watches mod). + 6 new watches u...
Flat UI Revamp
Created by Drissh99
Overview 개요 / Change some UI elements. UI요소를 일부 변경합니다 / This mod referencing and using Apple resources and guides. 애플 리소스 및 가이드를 기반으로 참조하고 사용하여 제작하였습니다 / It's recommended that place this mode under any other UI mode that subscribed. 무들 모드나 Big progress bar...
Flamingo Fix
Created by Orc
By default Flamingo's are incorrectly defined as a floor tile. Anytime you place something behind them, or snow accumulates the flamingo goes invisible. This fixes that by properly setting setting the flamingo definition as an object so that it appears in ...
Simple Playable Pianos
Created by PseudonymousEd
Play the Western Piano! Gain levels in the new Piano skill! (Builds 41.50 or 41.53+) The Knox Country Conservatory of Music (KCCM) was founded in Muldraugh in June 1993. It is the premier institution for piano instruction in the greater Muldraugh area. The...
Playable Arcade Machines for 41
Created by PseudonymousEd
Also works in Multiplayer Builds 41.60+ When the weather outside is frightful... Stay inside and play on your scavenged arcade machines! Enjoy decreased boredom, unhappiness, and stress by playing one of the three existing arcade machines, now available fo...
Extra Gun Slot
Created by Braven Handguns! Are awesome! But I hate carrying them around while I look for a holster. What if we could just carry them on our lower backs? Oh wait! This mod lets you do that! Just like those generic action movies! ...
Every Missing Vanilla Food Static Model
Created by Aatheom
Tired of eating invisible food? This mod adds all missing meshes for every edible item. Adds: Over 250 static model meshes 1 world model (Roast) 3 textures (Roast, Lime, GriddlePanFriedVegetables) This is not overwriting anything, any mod should be fine. I...
'82 Pontiac Firebird
Created by KI5
Time for another classic, many grew up watching it on tv and now you can die in it in Kentucky! This Firebird comes in 3 variants: base model, SE with more power, T Top and The Trans Am, with even more power, T Top of course and some unique paint jobs. But...
True Music Addon: Rock & Roll Truck
Created by Kion
AC/DC - Back in Black AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap AC/DC - Highway to Hell AC/DC - If You Want Blood AC/DC - Jailbreak AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill AC/DC - T.N.T. AC/DC - Thunderstruck AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long Beastie Boys - No Sleep Till Broo...
Lore Baseball Caps
Created by Sigma Cowboy
Another variation of my previous mod with more saturated colors, like vanilla clothes and with more suitable (in my opinion) options Workshop ID: 3316193095 Mod ID: LoreBaseballCaps...
Grab and Drop
Created by Bion
This mod adds hotkeys to quickly grab / drop carryable items. Along with a dedicated backpack hotkey. Intermediate update: 24 Sep Added mouse functionality. Select nearby items with single click and pick them up with double click. Suggested by Jasdan. Item...
Simple Underwear Remover
Created by darkness girl
A simple mod that replaces player textures with underwear-less versions. If you would like to use this mod on your server or make your own mod using my textures as a base, I have no problem with that and credit is not required. THIS MOD MAY CONFLICT WITH O...
Auto Oven Disable
Created by Yummy
Simplify your cooking routine with this mod that automatically powers down the oven as soon as all the food is fully cooked. This feature enhances your gameplay by removing the need to constantly monitor your oven, ensuring your cooking process is more sea...
Shared Death Sound
Created by Yummy
In the vanilla game, when you finish off a zombie, nearby players can't hear the satisfying sound of the final blow, even though it sounds amazing. This mod fixes that, allowing all nearby players to hear the kill sound. I'm really glad I made this mod, as...
Varied Large Backpacks
Created by Dzouk
This mod adds variety to regular and military large backpacks. Thumbnail is only illustrational, icons do not change based on color, it's a way to make this mod simple as possible. I did this because alice packs are only backpacks that do not have more typ...
Offroad Go Brrr [B42 Compatible]
Created by somewhatfrog
This mod changes the behavior of vehicles offroad With default settings Heavy-Duty vehicles become comfortable to drive offroad, Standard vehicles feel tolerable offroad and Sport cars might struggle a bit especially when towing offroad Info Can be added/r...
Longer Stats
Created by Yummy
Are you used to eating 20 kg of food every day to feel full? This mod will increase the duration of saturation. Does the drunkenness pass too quickly? This mod will increase the duration of drunkenness. Do you want to sleep too often? Increase the wake tim...
Fuu's Roleplay Poses
Created by fuu
Fuu's Roleplay Poses Roleplay poses and animations made for Pandemonium Project Zomboid RP. Radial Menu API is required. When you open your Q menu, you should have a list of all available poses. Special pose cards are only able to be spawned in by admins a...
Condition On Dash
Created by Broadbent
Condition On Dash is a very simple QOL mod that will display the condition of the vehicles engine, battery, and headlights on the dashboard. If you're a reckless driver like me, you'll no longer need to guess the condition of your engine while driving. Rea...
Azakaela's Desert Tiles
Update: Fixed a stupid typo that was causing everything to show up wrong! X_X Sorry about that. Now it should be working fine when you use this mod to see the tiles in game ;) It's been a while but I thought I should release these. These are tiles designed...
Copper State, AZ [REMASTERED]
Created by Ktorr2
WELCOME TO ARIZONA! I mean, welcome to the Remastered version! We are back into sandy and dusty Copper State! With regular updates and new changes! And the same lovely made towns, based on a real life locations! One of the greatest example of desert maps i...
Created by STENDO_CLIP
This upload will no longer be updated (I literally can't) but a B42 branch will happen when it's ready. I will keep this mod up for both B41 users and as a memorial. - Vilespring This mod replaces the models, textures and names of nearly all vanilla firear...
Detailed Footwear
Created by Tango
Detailed Footwear A re-texture of the vanilla footwear with enhanced details such as laces and eyelets. Performance friendly - all textures are at the original vanilla resolution Replaces textures on: Army boots Desert army boots Biker boots Riding boots W...
[B41/B42] First Aid Kit Remodel
Created by Lily
Replaces the model of the First Aid Kit (which originally uses the lunchbox model) to better match its in-game icon. This is only a cosmetic tweak, so it is safe to add or remove on the fly, as well as be compatible mods tha...
Slim Suits Replacement Version - New Model
Created by Vito
This mod is an alternative version to my original Slim Suits mod that completely replaces the original model instead of just adding a new suit jacket. New model currently only avaliable for this version included. If you wish to have the new jacket as a dif...
Foraging Screen Illustrations
Created by Mazisky
This mod adds nice illustrations to the foraging screen, also known as "investigate area". Every biome get a custom illustration, also both the sun and the moon have been replaced including moon cycles. Beware of mods that replace game texture because this...
Created by monte2
Version:2.04 Workshop ID: 2688809268 Mod ID: TsarcraftCache2...
True Music Jukebox B41
Created by norby007
This version of True Music Jukebox is for Build 41. Norby has now updated it for Build 42 as well, and it can be found here. Keep in mind that Build 42 does not have multiplayer yet. Are you tired of swapping cassettes and vinyls after every track? Is the ...
True Actions. Act 3+. Dancing on VHS
Created by iBrRus Since the release of our Dance magazine, we have received many letters of appreciation from people in our state. But one day we found a videotape in ou...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Created by iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
Better Hand Wash (41.60+)
Created by Sunnyyyyholic
Currently, the amount of water for washing socks required 10 water. This is the same amount of water to wash a jacket. Besides, if very little blood splashes on your clothes, you need 10 water to wash it. I feels weird when I do wash clothes. and this is v...
[B42/41] Adrenaline - Panic Counters Tiredness
Created by Notloc
Adrenaline is a mod that adds a new mechanic to the panic and fatigue (tiredness) systems in Project Zomboid in a way that feels realistic. Now With Sandbox Options! (only in b42) Adrenaline Boost Speed - How fast panic wakes you up. Adrenaline Crash Speed...
[B41/B42]Smoking Sounds Overhaul
Created by Frits191
Now updated for B42! Let me know if you run into any problems. The normal smoking sound effect for cigarettes and cigars is kinda underwhelming. This mod adds 6 new smoking sound effects for both genders which includes: a zippo lighter opening/closing, mat...
Police Uniforms Overhaul (PUO)
Created by Antonius
Hello everyone! Here's a quick heads-up regarding the future of PUO. As you may already know, the next version of PZ will significantly enhance the diversity of police uniforms (we'll have sheriff deputies' uniforms, SWAT uniforms, etc). For that reason, I...
Better Smashed Head sounds
Created by AuD Tired of the same repetitive sounds when you trample your zombie friends, this mod will add a little renewal during your smashing head activity ! Replaces the original head smash and stomp action sounds with b...
More Dragdown Screams
Created by torin
Adds a variety of dying screams for future male and female zombies. Late mod for Halloween 2023. Workshop ID: 3069232192 Mod ID: MoreDragdownScreams...
SportXAI's Ambient Color [B41]
Created by SportXAI
This mod has changed dawn, dusk and night color, and added sunshine effect, you can see the sunshine between 6 am and 9 am or 6 pm and 8 pm Workshop ID: 3072719389 Mod ID: SportXAI's Ambient Color...
Stairs Alert
Created by Braven Stairs! They can be the bane of our existence. Why can't we see how many zombies are there upstairs?! Well this mod is here to change that! Now you are able to know how many hungry neighbors are waiting for you!...
True Crouching
Created by BOBcat
I'll update when B42 stable version is released. While sneaking, crouching animations will be played instead of sneaking animations. In other words, replaces sneaking animations with crouching animations. Includes crouched idle, walking, running, turning a...
Dive Through Windows
Created by Myself
You've jumped through windows, but now you can dive through windows like a badass! Uses the sprinting fence-hop animations instead of the window climb animation. Unofficial successor to the Jump Through Windows mod Thank you for 100k subs! Approved by Nurs...
Advanced trajectory
Created by 喵了个球
Advanced trajectory This Mod modifies the ranged weapons and throwed weapons. Ranged weapon: 1.You can see the trajectory of bullets. 2.You can shoot the head, body and feet of zombies through the crosshair. (It is not perfect yet) 3.Your aiming skill leve...
'90 Zanella 50cc Delivery Scooter
Created by KI5
Small, agile and with some extra storage! It will keep you alive in situations where faster bikes will probably kill you. Ideal for small deliveries in urban areas and not so good for long road trips. Main features: Detachable storage in the front and the ...
'28 Brough Superior SS100
Created by KI5
Big and powerful! One of the most iconic classics of all time, Brough Superior SS100 looks fantastic even 100 years after it was designed! It has 2 variants with interchangeable parts. Main features: Detachable storage bags on the back Slot for tent storag...
'13 Yamaha Vino 125 + PizzaBoy
Created by KI5
Small, light and silent! Vino may have a newer year of production but the classic look will help it fit in with the older models. It has 3 variants, stock one, rare one with back storage bags already on it and a PizzaBoy tribute variant, everyone that play...
'80 Kawasaki Kz1000 Police
Created by KI5
Famous Kz1000 Police bike from 80s TV show CHiPs! It's animated, packed with features and has a lightbar, what else would you need? It's not the fastest bike but that will help you survive for longer, it has 3 storage boxes for some necessities. Runflats w...
Autotsar Motorclub
Created by iBrRus
This day has come! Autotsar Inc. together with KI5-Production, are pleased to present the new vehicles: ______________ 1984 BWM R80/7 Monolever - Class...
Aquatsar Yacht Club [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Created by iBrRus
WARNING To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. "AntiCheatProtectionType12=false" F.A.Q. Does this mod work without the Tsar's Common Library mod? No. Does this mod work without the Cherbourg mod?...
'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer
Created by KI5
And now... for something completely different, fully animated M998 HMMWV! I've been asked many many times to make this thing and I refused for many reasons but the time was right and it seemed like a great candidate for a test. A concept to see what PZ can...
Functional Clothesline
Created by gunslinger
Build 42 Update -Many clothing sprites have been added, the system is a work in progress but it will match a lot of clothes or pick a random one otherwise. -Clothing Lines are craftable. The poles can be made in the build menu, they must face eachother in ...
'89 Volvo 200 Series
Created by KI5
Introducing the jack of all trades! Volvo 200 Series with everything you could ever need in one place. 3 chassis variants, one fast, one that can carry a lot and one in the middle. Two tiers of armor, wooden and metal sets that will help you get the basic ...
Smarter Storage
Created by Broadbent
Smarter Storage is the best vanilla+ loot organization mod you never knew you needed. Make sorting simple and hassle free by changing the name, icon, and color of container buttons. Find your items faster with Smarter Storage. New Features: Build 42 Suppor...
Vanilla Vehicle Scenes Replacer (KI5) - Fire Department
Created by SaltGin
An add-on for mod Vanilla Vehicle Scenes Replacer (KI5) - Continued & Fixed. This mod replaces vanilla fire pickup and van in burnt house scenes with KI5's '93 Chevrolet Suburban fire chief variant and '90 Pierce Arrow Pumper. While not mandatory, the No V...
Zombie Professions Loot Mod
Created by ZooM
Zombie Professions Loot Mod Description: Are you bored with the monotony of zombie loot? Our mod adds a new loot generation system that makes zombies even more realistic and interesting! Each zombie can now carry items corresponding to their previous profe...
Safawn's Flag Hats
Created by мамунт
Hi! I made a simple cosmetic mod that adds five US flag baseball caps to the game. They can be found in stores, trailer parks and men's wardrobes. (So far only in containers, because I haven’t been able to figure out the spawning of custom zombies). Hope y...
Vest Pockets!
Created by Serellan
Vests have pockets! Hunting and work Vests now function as containers, with a limited capacity but high weight reduction. *UPDATE: Pocketed Vests now use a custom slot, allowing wear with Bulletproof Vests and Aprons.* -The Hunting Vests and the Foreman Ve...
'82 Jeep J10 Lore-Friendly Skin
Created by PZ
Thank you 'KI5' for allowing this mod. Original Required : This mod adds fire, mccoy and fossoil variants to the 'Jeep J10' vehicle. If you are using the 'VVSR(KI5) - Continued & Fixed' mod ...
(OBSOLETE) Vanilla Vehicle Scenes Replacer (KI5) - Continued & Fixed
Created by SaltGin
This mod is marked as obsolete and will not be updated until B42 release or later. Feel free to use the progress made so far to continue it. * Important Notice When using with Standardized Vehicle Upgrades, disable Standardized Vehicle Upgrades - Vanilla (...
True Music - The Beatles
Created by Huellas
Adds at least one song from each Beatles album in the form of cassettes and vinyl. I'm a fan so I made this because I wanted to collect the album covers in game. Song list I Want You (She's So Heavy) I've Got A Feeling Let It Be Nowhere Man Penny Lane Stra...
True Music Addon: 80s Greatest
Created by Gyde
Mainly top songs from the 80s, a few outside of this time range. All songs are released before July 1993 (for lore reasons). 24 new songs WITH their vinyl covers: - Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls Of Fire (1957) - Nina Simone - Feeling Good (1965) - B.B. Kin...
True Music Addon:Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues Johnny Cash - I've Been Everywhere Johnny Cash - One Johnny Cash - Personal Jesus Johnny Cash - Sixteen Tons Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around Johnny Cash - Wanted Man Johnny Cash - We'll Meet Again Workshop ID: 273310657...
'92 Jeep YJ Wrangler
Created by KI5
This guy doesn't really need any fancy introductions, it's a classic we all know and love, it was featured in many movies, tv shows and it's impossible you don't know about it. So let's get down to business, it has a few variants but they all share all par...
No Vanilla Vehicles (B42)
Created by Kraz
The submod No vanilla Vehicles works with both Build 41 & 42 The no profession Vans, No Duplicates & Stories submods only work with Build 42 You still need to subscribe to KI5's or filibusters mods. 5 submods in this mod so you can customize your vehicle s...
Vanilla Tiles Enhanced
Created by Laast
Vanilla Tiles Enhanced for Project Zomboid improves visuals for Vanilla grounds (grass, roads,etc) and vegetation. Some pics above are outdated and don't show the latest features (new 2D grass, better grounds,...). Latest update: see Changelog If you see s...
Warm Up
Created by Bion
Simple action that you can perform when you are cold. Features Easy to use. Simply click Warm Up in the context menu (this option is only available when the Hypothermia moodle appears). Can be performed while walking, sneaking, sitting, in the vehicle, etc...
Wallpapers and More Paint Options
Created by Birget
B42 changes: plastering requires new item called plaster trowel applying wallpapers now uses wallpaper paste instead of glue. Have you ever thought why you can't make your walls look like walls of vanilla houses? With this mod you will have a wide variety ...
sounds effect is added to dismantle action + more action time
Created by AuD Dismantle sound and action time Sounds/noises effect and action time is added when you dismantle Object action. - Small object = 5s - Big object = 10s This added sounds is my creation from audio samples like a...
Obvious Collecting
Created by Braven
Collecting! From the creator of common sense, comes obvious collecting! The mod that lets you pick up stones, twigs, garbage bags and other stuff that is literally right in front of you! How does it work? Have you ever been in need of a stone or garbage ba...
More Zombie Death Sounds
Created by Stomno
Smash! This mod adds a few variations of zombie death sounds. Different stab and smash effects for those tired of the same old ones when going on a killing spree or defending your base from hordes. Works in multiplayer (co-op ...
More Zombie Death Animations
Created by WhiteSushiEater
Have you ever felt like cutting down a horde of zombies felt a little underwhelming? Perhaps seeing the same death animation repeat over and over again took away some of the fun and enjoyment that you would have otherwise gotten. Thanks to this mod, cuttin...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Created by co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Grim Light
Created by or_su
Have you often wondered why you can't tape a flashlight to your helmet? This mod solves this problem! It adds the ability to glue or sew a flashlight to some original headgear. Mod adds: - The ability to glue or sew the lantern to some vanilla headgear. - ...
Ghillie Suits Work!
Created by Serellan
Adds functionality to the vanilla Gillie Suit, so it does more than just slow you down and make you hot. Wearing BOTH the Gillie Suit Torso and the Gillie Suite Pants will activate the inconspicuous trait for the character (and deactivate the Conspicuous t...
Corpses stay Visible while Throwing Out The Window
Created by fc
hotfix: the dependencies have been updated! it says it shouldn't need a specific mod, but it does! please use your own copy of the needed mod! — makes the visible corpses from Visible Generators and Corpses stay visible while you Just Throw Them Out The Wi...
Clean dirt
Created by God's Will
WILL NOT BE UPDATED, SHOULD BE PART OF VANILLA GAME IN B42 Clean up your room before fighting zombie invasion! This mod allows you to clean dirt and graffiti from walls and floors with bleach and mop/towel. Should be savegame and MP compatible. Google tran...
added Corpse Sounds effects for Pickup/Drop
Created by AuD Pickup/drop corpses sounds Random sounds is added on pickup/drop corpse action. Work in: MP/SP/OldSave/SafeToRemove/NoRewriteCode This added sounds is my creation from audio samples like all my others audio mo...
add Sounds effects to Item Action [and more]
Created by AuD Audio for Transfer Items and Actions With this mod, you will have better immersion, each transfer of items and several actions will have a sound, in MP the other players will hear them to 15m arround, the zomb...
add Mechanic Sounds - Lite Version
Created by AuD add Mechanic Sounds Sounds effect is added during action to the mechanic activity and vehicle arround . (heater/buttons/actions etc...) Work in MP/SP/ExistingSave/SafeToRemove/NoRewriteCode This added sounds i...
'89 Dodge Caravan
Created by KI5
Wood panelling and that 80s minivan look, what else could you need in the apocalypse? It comes in 3 flavours: Stock with 4 seats and ok trunk space, LE variant with more power and 6 seats but low trunk space and the Nomad with raised ride height, optional ...
'91 Geo Metro
Created by KI5
A perfect starter car! Small, easy to maintain and armor up with some common materials. Grab some planks, nails and screws and build your little crappy wooden fortress on wheels. The wood will not be able to take much punishment but it will be enough to ke...
'63 Volkswagen 1300 Beetle
Created by KI5
The Beetle! It comes in 3 flavours: the classic one we all know, small light and fun to drive, dune buggy variant for the adventurers and the high performance one for the racing enthusiasts. They all have their unique features but share most of the parts f...
'93 Ford Mustang SSP
Created by KI5
A very special Mustang, Special Service Package Mustang. It is smaller and lighter than the CVPI series, it comes in 4 variants: Regular Police, KY State Police, Unmarked, Decommissioned aka civilian variant and a brand new Colonel's Special with some seri...
'93 Ford CF8000 Elgin Street Sweeper
Created by KI5
Tired of a messy, dirty and bloody neighbourhood? Too many corpses in front of that new base? Flies are making your post apocalyptic life unbearable? Time to steal a top of the line, all new, 93 Ford Elgin Street Sweeper! It can pick up items, corpses, ash...
'69 Mini Mk2
Created by KI5
The smallest 4 seater you will find in Kentucky! It's small, agile, light, small, silent, fun and small. It comes in many optional pop culture variants. It has a full set of armor and many parts to customize it. Also small. Main features: Right hand drive ...
'89 Isuzu Trooper
Created by KI5
Have plans for a long drive, maybe want to try out that nomad life? A trooper with a full set of armor, generator, some extra gas and a lot of space to store stuff will be your best friend! It comes in 3 variants: Short RS 2 door, normal 4 door and the 4 d...
'93 Lincoln Town Car + Limo
Created by KI5
It may be the end of the world and you are on your 17th day of potato diet but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy some luxury here and there. Town car comes in two variants, normal chassis for you luxury needs or the stretched one in limousine variant with ...
'70 Plymouth Barracuda
Created by KI5
Up for some more muscle car action in Kentucky? One and only Plymouth Barracuda! 3 chassis variants with their own distinctive features, try to find them all! Barracuda has a full set of armor and a some parts to customize it. It's fast and loud, it lacks ...
'89 Ford Bronco
Created by KI5
It's a Bronco! That is all! This bad boy comes with many features to expand it, some will require you to choose, some will be available at the same time. It's part of my 80s Pickups set that has compatible tires, armor, seats, roofracks and some other part...
'82 Oshkosh M911 + Military Semi-Trailers
Created by KI5
So you want to move your whole base to another location, or you want to hoard all the gas in Knox County, maybe you just want to steal all the fridges and get them to your super secret base, you do you, I'm just here to help. M911 was the workhorse of US A...
'88 Volkswagen Jetta Mk2 [Working/Outdated]
Created by KI5
Sedan version of the most iconic hatchback ever, it was a huge hit in the Americas, now right here in Project Zomboid, now with even more load capacity! Well balanced handling, load capacity and performance with gear ratios from a rl mk2. It comes in 4-doo...
'88 Volkswagen Golf Mk2 [Working/Outdated]
Created by KI5
It's a Golf! Mk2! The most iconic hatchback ever, right here in Project Zomboid. Take it for a joyride and keep it forever. Well balanced handling, load capacity and performance with gear ratios from a rl mk2. It comes in 4-door and 2-door versions with no...
'49 Ford 8N Tractor
Created by KI5
And now for something completely different, a small Ford! This little guy will not win any speed records or conquer the rough off-road terrain, it's a fun little tractor that will help you around the farm. it can tow smaller trailers and it is not fast so ...
'76 Chevrolet K Series
Created by KI5
Let's continue the Chevy streak with an absolute classic K Series. It comes in 3 variants, K10 with short bed, K20 with long bed and a special Big Red variant with some extra power and special trim. They share most of the parts and most of the features but...
'93 Ford Taurus
Created by KI5
Taurus was never a big star, but it was all over the US, common car that millions used every day. There are 3 variants with their own unique features and characteristics. Sedan is the balanced one, Station wagon has more storage but it is slower and SHO is...
'87 Chevrolet Suburban
Created by KI5
Let the Chevy streak live on! This time with a fantastic 7th generation Suburban in 3 flavours: Stock, Lifted and CUCV variants. They share all the parts but have some unique small differences. All parts are craftable, only some plastic parts are not but t...
'75 Pontiac Grand Prix
Created by KI5
How about some Pontiac action in Kentucky? Fantastic 70s design with some interesting features and good amount of storage for a car of this type. It comes in 3 variants, basic SJ, luxury LJ with more power and more wheel options and powerful Hurst with eve...
'87 Buick Regal
Created by KI5
GNX is here, together with Turbo T and a very stealthy variant! They are fast, roomy and good looking, just make sure you have your affairs in order before you go testing the top speed. They have some unique features and stats but share all the parts, ever...
'81 DeLorean DMC-12
Created by KI5
I've promised you a tribute month to Mr. John DeLorean, so let's start with one of his most iconic cars, DMC-12 doesn't really need an introduction so let's move on to all quirky features, gull-wing doors, fighter jet cockpit interior, weird placement of e...
'68 Pontiac Firebird
Created by KI5
It's the end of May and it's time to finish strong this month of tribute to Mr. DeLorean and his epic cars. This time I present you The Firebird! One the most beautiful machines of it's time, it comes in 4 variants, they are all unique in their performance...
'82 Jeep J10
Created by KI5
Time to chase some tornados or not! J10 is considered a fantastic workhorse and it can take a punch, or 79, depends on how much armor you slap on it. It comes with many features to expand it, some will require you to choose, some will be available at the s...
'92 NISSAN Skyline GT-R (R32)
Created by KI5
Godzilla is here! Find it and tune it with a huge number of parts, mix and match them to get your unique look. Many spoilers, bumpers, rear bumpers, sideskirt sets, exhausts and so on...and now with left side steering wheel variant also! Main features: 1 c...
Totally's Additonal Military Textures
Created by Totally_Innocent
Totally's Additonal Military Textures Additional Reskins of the Woodland Camo Vest and Helmet in the additonal camo patterns offered by the vanilla game. Adds a Desert Camo Bulletproof Vest and Helmet, as well as a Urban Camo Bulletproof vest and Helmet. W...
Tweak Totally's Additonal Military Textures Insulation
Created by Danzo
Update values on Desert and Urban helmets and desert bulletproof vest from Totally's Additonal Military Textures. Desert camo bulletproof vest, same stats as Civilian vest, less insulation and wind resistance. Desert helmet, no insulation. Urban helmet inc...
Created by Chad1776
Just a simple re-color of a vanilla item. Adds 5 new variants of Aviator sunglasses to find. Each variant has its own matching icon and can be found anywhere the original Aviators are found in game. Not new items, it just gives the existing Aviators a chan...
Jumpsuit with jacket [B42/41]
Created by vsnegupal
Workshop ID: 2868828908 Mod ID: JWJ Tiny mod that allows you to wear jumpsuits and coveralls with jackets. This only changes the following clothes: Boilersuit, Boilersuit_BlueRed, Boilersuit_Flying, Boilersuit_Prisoner, Boilersuit_PrisonerKhaki, Boilersuit...
Vest + Overalls [ B41 /42 ]
Created by assface
wear vests and jackets with : 夹克 + 背心 + : jumpsuits / overalls / coveralls / boilersuits / spiffosuit / hazmat suit / ghillie suit / Padded Jackets 连身裤 / 连体裤 / 连体服 / 连体服 / 防护服 / 吉利套装
Created by Alree
This mod is not a LUA mod and require a manual installation by replacing an existing Project Zomboid File This mod works on Steam or GOG version Should works on any OS This mod is Client side and is not required to be installed on server This mod works and...
Immersive Overlays Retexture
Created by ܟܟܓ
This is a retexture and integration of two mods: -Immersive Overlays -ImmersiveOverlaysExtanded The .lua scripts are NOT created by me! I just redone the overlay textures for both of them and I couldn't find a way to replace only the textures files, both o...
Yaki's BarberShop
Created by Yaki B42 Compatibility update out now YAKI'S BARBERSHOP This mod adds 7 new Vanilla friendly beards for men ! More are to come, don't hesitate to use the Suggestion channel if you want to see a specific beard style added. -------...
Yaki's Hair Salon
Created by Yaki
B42 Compatibility Update is out ! YAKI'S HAIR SALON ------- This mod adds new Vanilla friendly hairstyles for women and men ! Compatible with hats and bandanas thanks to the FluffyHair mod. ------- The ADDON version needs to be paired with the BASE version...
Yaki's Hair Retexture
Created by Yaki B42 Compatibility update out now Compatible with the FluffyHair mod. YAKI'S HAIR RETEXTURE This mod replaces the basegame hair textures for every hair with new, smoother and realistic ones. It constist in new textures for Wa...
Created by 千年纹
A pre-mod for a mod I made. Workshop ID: 2845810596 Mod ID: QNW_QNWLibrary...
Common Sense
Created by Braven It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes. This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game. I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense...
Created by star
Framework for "search fog" mods compatibility, e.g. Read While Walking How to use (for modders): SearchModeAPI.Register("my_mod_name", 0.5) -- only once! the second parameter is your priority ............. -- low priority mods will be igonred SearchModeAPI...
Generator Time Remaining
Created by Undefined
A simple mod that displays the days and hours left before a generator runs out of fuel. Features NOTE: To configure the options, Mod Config Menu is required (link)Option to convert in-game time to real time (Default is In-Game Time) Option to set minimum E...
True Music Addon: Vietnam War Music Pack
Created by Rapa_Johnson Mod adds cassettes and vinyl with Vietnam war music. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤA complete list of the songs contained: Musician Title Duration/Release year *Collection Greatest Hits of Creedence Clearwater Re...
Wesch's Opened Can Models [B41]
Created by Wesch
B42: Wesch's Animated Can Models What does this mod do? This mod adds the existing can models to when you're eating, since the default model is just a can of beans. If you want empty can models as well check out my Expanded Version
Improved Blood Effects
Created by Spuchel
Makes blood realistic. What this mod changes: Makes blood darker and less pixelated. Adds bloody spray on impact / shot. (Watch the video). Makes blood on walls and floors of the same color. Attention!!! Increase resolution of textures if they are too blur...
Improved Fire & Smoke Effects
Created by Spuchel
Changes fire and smoke sprites to more realistic and detailed ones, without changing the resolution (no lags). Attention!!! Increase resolution of textures if they are too blurry. Workshop ID: 2645975408 Mod ID: Improved_Fire_And_Smoke_Ffects ...
[OBSOLETE] ItemTweaker Extra Clothing Option Addon
Created by Delran
Spongie's Open Jackets doesn't require this mode anymore, you can remove it from your modlist. ItemTweaker Addon, Extra Clothing Options This addon add allows to easily add multiple extra clothing options, such as "Open Jacket" or "Down Hoodie" to modded i...
Build 42+ UNSUPPORTED - Item Tweaker API
Created by DarkSlayerEX
Workshop ID: 566115016 ModID: ItemTweakerAPI --EDIT 3 - End of Support -- I thank you all who have subscribed, and with these numbers am humbled. I am aware this mod no longer works for build 42. I am okay with this, and in fact am glad, as this mod was ho...
Created by Wipe
Used by: Water Trailer W900 Semi-Truck Requires PZ v41.65+ Repository Workshop ID: 2732594572 Mod ID: RotatorsLib...
that DAMN Library
Created by KI5
What is this? This is a framework that fuels all KI5 mods, one centralized place to fine tune and expand all mods and make them ready for game changes and new features. You can find more about it here: that DAMN Library - Crafting, Fixing and Recycling exp...
Trench Coat
Created by BongoRaccoon32
Describtion Welcome to my mod adds a Trench Coat to Project Zomboid. Yeah that's it, shocking I know. But there's more to it, then just a Trenchcoat. I made this Trench Coat with 3D features like: A 3D colar, 3D epaulets and 3D wrist staps. And the cream o...
Background Art for Main Menu
Created by Okhan
Beware the fog!! About This mod replaces the main menu background using a digital painting that I created with inspiration taken from Project Zomboid. Important Notes: The game must be restarted once the mod is enabled for the change to appear. This is not...
[B41] Bigger Character Avatar
Created by junpei
A simple tweak for bigger 3D character avatar panel in Info panel. Enjoy the sign of yourself! Now applied to Customise Character panel as well. Workshop ID: 3245854570 Mod ID: BiggerCharacterAvatar...
Standing Items 1.15 : Polished erection (of items)
Created by DerGeissler
ABOUT BUILD 42 Back from Christmas-Holiday I finally had time to take a look at Build 42 - and converting Standing Items to it will be a lot of work. I have to rework most of the mods files. Give me a week or two (29. of December as I write this) to get ev...
True Music
Created by iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
[B41/B42] I Don't Need A Lighter
Created by Fingbel
What is this mod ? So you're telling me that people can't light a cigarette while sitting in front of a campfire or while driving around in a 90's car ? Well this is over with this mod. You now have access to a car-lighter within every car and you can also...
Read While Walking
Created by star
You can read while walking. You can set reading speed in sandbox options. Bonus Features Also you can start/stop reading a book by pressing "R". So you can read/fight almost simultaneously using just keyboard. You can start reading even if the book is in a...
Working Treadmill
Created by F_C4RICA
Want to train your fitness? With this mod, now you can use a treadmill. You will gain fitness XP a little more than squat and gain sprinting XP as well. If you carry weight is more than a half you will gain strength XP too. -You can change fitness, strengt...
Visible Walkies
Created by Birget
Super simple mod. Walkies are now 3d in hands and in the world. I made this for my personal use long ago, but decided to share. Workshop ID: 3053141858 Mod ID: VisibleWalkies...
SchiZ's Don't Eat With Mask [41.68 MP]
Created by sch1zk
Works on 41.68 (multiplayer too) A simple mod that forbids eating/drinking/taking pills if you are wearing a mask or full hat, automatically unequipping it and equipping back after action, if it wasn't interrupted. This little feature is a part of my pack:...
zRe Better Lockpicking
Created by kERHUS
Original mod: Better lockpicking by Aiteron and YingSuHuaKai. All honors and applause to them! TIP: Recomend turn OFF "UI Offscreen Rendering" for better minigame-UI smooth! zReMod: Standalone version ('Profession framework' or original mod not required)! ...
Wring Out Clothing
Created by Kelbs
Closed laundromats got you down? Tired of living in pools of sweat? Use that arm-power to twist and squeeze that wetness away! The amount of water than can be removed from clothing and towels is dependent on a character's strength. Strength 10: Wring to 10...
Working Masks
Created by evoc
This Mod attempts to make masks (such as gas masks) affect the sickness gain from corpses. It does not protect against engine fumes inside buildings. Condition of the mask is considered. Gas Masks offer full protection at 100% condition. Other specific mas...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Created by NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
Visible Generator Range
Created by pwrcosmic
Visible Generator Range aims to get rid of a bit of headache in your day-to-day power needs. Features: Ability to view the effective range of a generator simply by viewing it's corresponding Info menu. Also indicates current power status with color of the ...
Named skill VHS tapes
Created by Läderlappen
Renames all VHS tapes to include the skill they level up. This removes the need to consult the wiki or Steam guides when searching for relevant VHS tapes. The mod only modifies the translation for the specific VHS items for the specified languages. Because...
Unified KI5 Crafting Category
Created by Panopticon
This mod changes many of KI5's vehicle mods to use only one crafting category, "KI5", instead of separate ones. The crafting recipe window will be decluttered and neater as a result. Requires at least one of the supported mods below and their requirements ...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Created by iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
True Actions. Act 2_CH
Created by strangerroco
True Actions. Act 2_CH Workshop ID: 2719883952 Mod ID: True Actions. Act 2_CH1...
Stop, Drop 'n Roll (the "Fire Self-Extinguish" Mod)!
Created by Jaql
Stop, Drop, and Roll! "Stop, drop, and roll" is a fire-safety technique for when your clothes catch fire. If your clothes catch fire: STOP where are you are! DROP to the ground and cother your nose and mouth! ROLL over back and forth until the flames are o...
Spongie's Open Jackets
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Should work in multiplayer Open jackets, roll shirts, tie sweaters, tuck pants Adds new ways that clothing items can be worn such as: opening and rolling jackets/shirts, tying sweaters & hoodies, and tucking in pants. Supports almost ...
Spongie's Hair
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 78 new hairstyles for both body types Immersion breaking hairstyles don't spawn on zombies. Full hairstyle list is in the preview images above and the pinned discussion below Recommended Mods: Fluffy Hair - R...
Spongie's Clothing
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 28 new clothing items Most jackets added can be opened or rolled which will lower their insulation and weather protection. Also unhides sweaters under jackets. The full item list can be found pinned in the di...
Snow is water [MP Working - v1.3.1]
Created by Buhorl
Info Snow is still water, so Rain Collectors and Metal Barrels will be filled when snowing, just at a slower rate (50%). It's a small mod that I created for myself for winter storm playthroughs. It works great paired with mods such as Cryogenic winter, Ete...
Simple Overhaul: Blades and Spears (SOBS)
Created by hea
This mod will not updated since there is better version: SOMW Simple Overhaul: Blades and Spears (SOBS) How often have you found yourself thinking that knives do too little damage, are non-durable, and feel like the weakest weapons in the game? Or maybe yo...
Change Rope Climbing Direction
Created by paranoid
Now you can change direction while climbing sheet rope. Features While climbing a sheet rope: press Move Forward key (default W) to climb up; press Move Backward key (default S) to climb down. Singleplayer Safe to add or remove mid-game. Multiplayer Works ...
Repair Wall Cracks
Created by Varinus
This mod will enable the ability to repair various cracks on structures around the world. To repair a crack, you need the following items in your inventory: Bucket of Plaster, Trowel. Workshop ID: 2746736222 Mod ID: RepairWallCracks...
Reorder Containers - Backpack Orders [B42/41]
Created by Notloc
Reorder Containers is an inventory mod that allows you to customize the order in which containers and backpacks appear in the inventory. Simply drag and drop the container icons to rearrange them to your liking. They'll even remember their preferred order ...
Reorder The Hotbar [B42/41]
Created by Notloc
Reorder The Hotbar is a mod that allows you to customize the order of the items in your hotbar. Simply drag and drop the hotbar slots to rearrange them to your liking. This mod also adds the ability to click on the hotbar slots as an alternative to pressin...
Rain Wash
Created by NoctisFalco
Rain washes blood and dirt away. Including the character's body, clothing, equipped bags, equipped and attached weapons, the vehicle your character is in and vehicle attached to it or last used vehicle and vehicle attached to it. How it works Body, clothin...
Radial Menu API
Created by Browser8
This mod won't be updated to B42. I am merging it into the Community Modding Projects Simplifies and extends modding radial menus in the game. This mod is just a framework for other mods to use, by itself it doesn't change or add anything. If you are a mod...
Noir's Rifle Slings
Created by Noir
I asked Akyet if I can upload my own version of his Rifle Slings, he said yes so here's is Features Adds a Sling slot to equip 2h guns/melee weapons Sling can be wear in four positions Slings doesn't worn out Slings keeps position when wearing a backpack S...
More Description for Traits [b42 & b41]
Created by Champy
B42 Unstable Update (Former version is still there for b41 compatibility) - Added Mod options - Added Free Recipes What's new in b42 ? Some stuff. A lot of changes to the cost of traits. Like High Thirst now gives only one point Corpse Sickness : Weak Stom...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Created by star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
Mod Manager: Server
Created by NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
Mod Manager
Created by NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Military Ponchos
Created by Akyet
Adds a new Military style poncho to the game! Can be worn in two different styles both with hood up or down options. Currently the Military Ponchos come in 3 colours but more including patterns etc. are planned. Current Colours: Green Yellow/Brown Black __...
Minimal Display Bars (Build 40/41)
Created by ATPHHe
Minimal Display Bars 4.3.5 (Updates (Discontinued)) I apologize as I am not currently maintaining this project. Everyone has permission to fork or rework code under the Github MIT license. Link: Github Vorshim's B42 port: Minimal Display Bars + Nutritions ...
Melos Tiles for Miles Tilepack
Created by melos_tiles
Notice: This tilepack only works properly in B41 and is not suitable for B42! (I will eventually update it as soon as TIS releases the offical tools to do so!) 24.12.2024 Update: - Lots of new tiles, especially for the new map "Shortrest City" to work prop...
Improved Hair Menu
Created by duckduckquak
Replaces the hairstyle, skin color and clothing dropdowns with a 3D preview. Also changes the in-game haircut menu. Usage     Drag the preview to rotate the model     Click to select     Arrows switch pages Compatibility The mod uses a copy of the vanilla ...
Inspect Weapon
Created by leScepter
About Tired of scrolling to your equipped section of the inventory to check your weapon's status and attachments? This mod allows you to inspect your currently equipped weapon on your primary hand at anytime, by: - Hold down the reload button and choose "I...
Gun Stock Attack [B41]
Created by SportXAI
How to use it? Hold right mouse button and press space key As the title says, you can fight back against zombies with the butt of your gun. Replaced the gun counterattack animation in the original game and added counterattack sound effects and zombie strik...
Gunpoint Redemption [B.41/B.42]
Created by Kaofan
Works on SP and MP - Version B.41 and B.42 This mod refreshes a previously available modification that was removed. Thank you for your understanding and support. Important Notice This modification is intended for adult players only as it may include sensit...
Fixable back holes
Created by Diakon
Ever found that your pristine clothing has one hole you can't patch? Well, now you can. Turns out that all clothing had one more part it covered that wasn't included in the UI, and this fixes that! Just remember that padding on your back doesn't affect you...
Fluffy Hair [B41 & B42]
Created by Scavenger
This mod will add for almost all hats new adjusted hair models for the default hairs to keep their original shape when wearing something on the head. No more Ponytails or flat hairs! You can still turn your hair into ponytail if you wish so. (Also i improv...
Fitness & Workout Overhaul
Created by Codename280
Description Don't like how the fitness system works ? Too unrealistic ? Too slow ? Too fast ? Updates how much exp is gained based on some realistic inspired parameters. Adds 2 new workout options: a working treadmill and functioning bench-press (bring you...
Equipment UI - Paper Doll Equipment Interface [B42/41]
Created by Notloc Equipment UI Equipment UI is an addition to Project Zomboids interface that adds a paper doll (STALKER / tArKov inspired) equipment panel for managing and viewing your character's equipment. Use mod options to hide equipped ...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Created by Dylan
Will be working on bugs and fixes for B42, potential name change for the tile pack too. The mod will continue to have a B41 option as well. Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to ...
Draw On The Map - Free Hand Drawing [B42/41]
Created by Notloc
Draw On The Map adds a new free hand drawing tool to the game map! This tool allows you to freely draw lines of any shape. You can customize how thick and filled out the line is, allowing for bold full lines, thin dotted lines, and everything in-between! A...
Craft Helper Continued
Created by Lanceris
Craft Helper for build 41.65+ This is an updated version of Craft Helper (41.x) by b1n0m (not required) with additional features and improved UI. This mod will add a "Craft Helper" context menu option when right-clicking on any item with associated recipes...
Clean Ashes
Created by inject
Bring sweeping into the 21st century and (partially) free yourself from the tyranny of the context menu. You must have a broom or shovel (thanks for pointing that out Derrick da Fox) in your inventory. Right click any ashes on the ground, select Clear Ashe...
Canteens And Bottles
Created by Greb
Adds three types of Canteen, two types of drinking Flask, some Gym Bottles, some Waterskins, a Giant Water Bottle and some Jerry Cans to the game world. MILITARY CANTEEN: Olive Drab Army Green Military Canteen info: Weight when empty = 0.3 Weight when full...
Backpack Borders [b41]
Created by Notloc
THIS IS VANILLA AS OF B42 Backpack Borders is a small UI tweak that adds a background and border to the container buttons in Zomboid's inventory windows. The change makes it easier to see each individual button, particularly when the player is using dark c...
AutoHide Hotbar
Created by peteR 75hz
AutoHide Hotbar Do you get bothered when all the extra hotbar slots you have are clipping thought the Vehicle Dashboard when driving? Well, so this mod is for you! All it does is simply hide the hotbar automatically when you are driving. How it works: Firs...
Alternative Inventory Rendering
Alternative Inventory Rendering 41.71 Tested This mod replaces existing Inventory Rendering Code with Alternative Rendering Code to get more FPS. Also it comes with some new features that could be useful for your Zomboid Run. This mod does not requires new...
'93 Ford F-Series
Created by KI5
Heavy duty beast that can take some punches! It comes in multiple variants, dually variant that can haul more stuff and police and fire department variants. They all have some unique features but they share most of the parts and functionality. Just make su...
'92 Ford Crown Victoria
Created by KI5
It's the 90s Crown Vic, with some useful features, full set of armor and some flashing lights! Trunk is big, seats are huge and there is even a gun rack inside. It comes in 3 variants, normal police chassis, taxi and the unmarked car with some cosmetic dif...
'93 Chevrolet Suburban / Silverado
Created by KI5
Happy New Year everyone! I'm back with the 93 'Burban, a classic among big long machines. It comes in 5 flavors, so there is something for everyone, civilian variant has 6 seats, police one has the gun rack, fire chief has a unique look and there is also t...
'90 Pierce Arrow Pumper
Created by KI5
It's a red fire truck! Arrow comes with an optional water tank, a lot of storage compartments, some fire department items, craftable armor and many more features. Main features: 2 front Bumpers with 2 tiered protection Fully animated hood, trunk, doors and...
'91 RANGE ROVER Classic
Created by KI5
Iconic SUV from 1991, perfect fit for your post apocalyptic world of project ZOMBOID. It now comes with a full set of armor, roofrack and many extras to explore and use. Have fun! Main features: 2 chassis variants with their unique pros and cons 3 front Bu...
'90 Ford F350 Ambulance
Created by KI5
Type 1 ambulance on a Ford F350 frame! Packed with parts, features, armor and some surprises. It has a lot of storage compartments inside and out, but it's wide, long and heavy so don't expect it to break any speed records. Now with a SWAT variant! Main fe...
'90 BMW 3 Series (E30)
Created by KI5
They used to call it God's Chariot because of the great handling, E30 is a racing legend and I did my best to translate that to streets of Kentucky. M3, 2 Door and 4 Door sedans, Cabrio and Touring, they are all here, everything that had sense to be physic...
'88 Chevrolet S10
Created by KI5
Chevy S10, one of the most popular pickups of the 80s, this variants comes with many features to expand it, some will require you to choose, some will be available at the same time. It's part of my 80s Pickups set that has compatible tires, armor, seats, r...
'87 TOYOTA Land Cruiser FJ60 [Working/Outdated]
Created by KI5
It's one of the most iconic off road vehicles ever, old school SUV with a lot of load space, if you find the one with the roof rack, you are in for a treat. It features many little extras you will have to find on your own. Gear ratios come straight from th...
'87 Toyota MR2
Created by KI5
Small classic from Japan, fun 2 seater with some unique features, get a t-top with a removable roof or go for the stock one with the sunroof, you will get some of that sweet contaminated air either way. It handles great and it is small but it lacks the sto...
'87 Ford B700/F700 Trucks
Created by KI5
B700 is the best known school bus, probably of all time and the F700 trucks are used everywhere, the ford base was used in many variants and generations and Kentucky was not immune to it. 6 variants, every with some special features but most of the parts a...
'85 Mercedes Benz W123 [Working/Outdated]
Created by KI5
Handsome, reliable beast from the 1985. They say reaching 500,000 or 1,000,000 km with only minor mechanical issues was common, so you know this thing will start when you need to make that getaway from that horde across the street. You may ask, who "they" ...
'86 Ford Econoline E-150 + Pop Culture vans
Created by KI5
Lloyd and Harry took a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky! Try to find their Mutt Cutts van or just enjoy the space and adaptability of Ford Econoline with 3 different chassis types, full craftable armor set and up to 6 seats to bring the whole crew on th...
'78 AM General M35A2 + M49A2C + M50A3 + M62
Created by KI5
Deuce was a workhorse for decades, adaptable and reliable machine, good choice for the apocalypse. It can be fitted with armor plates that will help you survive longer. His front bumper will take a lot of punishment before it breaks and it will protect the...
'84 Mercedes Benz W460
Created by KI5
First generation G-Class, boxy, underpowered and not so legal in the US. But it was still possible to import one, so try to find one in Kentucky! 3 Chassis variants, 30+ skins, craftable full armor, roofrack, multiple bumpers/bullbars, bodykit and 3 sets o...
'69 Chevrolet Camaro
Created by KI5
Even more muscle car action in Kentucky! This time it's the Chevy Camaro! 2 chassis variants with their own distinctive features! Camaro has a full set of armor and many parts to customize it. It's fast and loud, it lacks in storage and tire protection jus...
'70 Dodge Challenger
Created by KI5
How about some muscle in Kentucky? A lot of power and even more noise, Dodge Challenger! Now with 5 variants, with a lot of distinctive features, something for everyone! It has a full set of armor and a bunch of parts to customize it. It's fast but it lack...
'67 Cadillac Gage Commando
Created by KI5
Time for some armored goodness! This armored Caddy will save you from the biggest horde, and everything pz can throw at you. When you are inside of it, you will only hear your heart and zombies pounding, but you are safe. Features: Fully animated hood, tru...
'67 Shelby GT500 + Eleanor
Created by KI5
Classic machine featuring an iconic modification. Both GT500 and Eleanor variants share most of the parts, only exception is the hood. Multiple armor parts, roofrack and many other parts give you the ability to customize any of the variants. They are both ...
'63 Volkswagen Type 2 Van
Created by KI5
It's The Van! No need to introduce it! It has similar stats to the beetle and they share some parts like seats and base tires. This one will give you more storage options and 3 chassis variants, regular van, military flatbed/pickup and an apocalypse beast ...
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag
Fix Inventory Tooltip lag This mod fixes a performance issue in the game that causes it to freeze up for a period of time, most commonly whenever you rip up clothing. The problem becomes exponentially worse with the more clothing item mods you have, hence ...
Skizot's Carryable Everything
Created by Skizot
Made for the KYRP server. This mod aims to make most stuff that SHOULD be carried, just that. now plays well with Fancy Handiwork! if you want to change or modify weight of things like the logs then Use this awesome mod! (Customizable Wood + Metal Weight) ...
W900 Semi-Truck
Created by Lexx
Adds a new non-military Semi-Truck and compatible Semi-Trailer in multiple variants to the game. Features: New semi-truck in 3 variants (Lite, Sleeper, Box) New semi-trailer (Van, Fuel Tanker) Animated vehicle parts. Multiple texture variants and model par...
Rebalanced Prop Moving
Created by Ludwig Van B.
Do I really need a hammer to move a couch? I wish I could move this desk, but I haven't taken any carpentry classes! This mod removes the nails holding your furniture and appliances to the floor! Details: - Furniture and appliances require no skill/tool to...