ARK: Survival Evolved
353 คะแนน
Revamped version of the previous PExtinction pack! ;)
รายการ (38)
Extinction Core
สร้างโดย Psycho
ID: 817096835 IMPORTANT NEWS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPORTANT : Due to personal and financial circumstances, I'm unable to continue de...
Builder's Helmet
สร้างโดย Grebog
Builder's Helmet ModID=756389708 This Builder's Helmet gives a buff, which helps you to build structures. The target structure has a colored overlay. You can pick up the structure. Autopick next item from inventory for last placed structure. Press to choos...
ACM V2.7.1294 [UNSTABLE]
สร้างโดย Woeful Macabre
=========================================================================== ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ May 4th, 2019 READ MY TWITTER! More information on: PATREON DISCORD June 6th, 2019 EMS Beta Launched! ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲...
Bore Water Kit
สร้างโดย Whiplash
Tap underground water anywhere with this Bore Water Kit. It adds new stone and metal irrigation intakes designed to draw water from deep underground. These are additional structures with their own engrams. This is a clean mod with no changes to core game f...
Death Recovery Mod (v1.13)
สร้างโดย Manalo Version 1.13 Last updated on: April 8th, 2022 Mod ID: 751991809 Last Cooked with DevKit: 344.1 This mod is rated: Clean and Stackable Brought to you by Manalo and DragonClaw Studios! This mod provides a personal Gravestone t...
Egg N Poop Collector / Incubator
สร้างโดย YMD
Collector auto collects eggs, fertilized eggs, and poop from ground / behind walls within a large radius across your base. ★ Incubator will incubate faster and keep all nearby fert eggs healthy. ★ Silo will send collected poop into friendly compost bins in...
Original Wired Solar Panels v2.2a
สร้างโดย Bolisaris
Original Wired Solar Panels Mod ID# = 671591278 Free clean endless energy from the ever present sun, this has an attached battery pack so the panels work at night. It is clean and stack-able as far as I know. all items in this mod can be picked up, renamed...
Kibble Vending Machine
สร้างโดย Gnasty
FULLY CLEAN AND STACKABLE WITH ANYTHING! Mod ID: 592595740 This is an expansion of the Building Xtras Mod. It was once part of the mod but the mod size started to get pretty big so it was broken up into multiple parts. This mod DOES NOT require you to have...
Platforms Plus (Open Source)
สร้างโดย orionsun
IMPROVED VERSIONS OF THESE STRUCTURES ARE NOW INCLUDED IN STRUCTURES PLUS Source Code (No license, use as wanted, with or without attribution) Tree platforms with snap points for perimeter walls, extending ceilings, ladders, ramps and catwalks. Also adds p...
Resource Stacks
สร้างโดย YMD
Increases max stack size of Primal Ark Resources much bigger. All Weights halved. Balanced for servers with high rates. Safer stackings, no bugs. Slingshot, Jerky, Fish works. Fixes several ark glitches with resources too. Raw Meat, Cooked Meat, Spoiled Me...
Structures Plus (S+)
สร้างโดย orionsun
Building Features: - Stackable foundations - Ceilings snap flush with foundations - Crop plots snap to foundations & ceilings - Sloped walls can snap to the bottom of walls & ceilings - Foundations can snap to ceilings if there is ground support (ie other ...
Tame XL
สร้างโดย The Vyx
Mod ID# 751650026 10-5-2016 UPDATED AGAIN...Apparently I had forgotten to change the material requirements back after I was messing with them. So, all the Materials are back to what they were previously. Sorry about that..My bad. :) 10-4-2016 UPDATED!. Due...
Teleport Pad v1.4
สร้างโดย Icebreccer
*** All items and features in this mod are additional. The mod should work with every new version of Ark and stack with other mods. Doesn't require a clean save file. *** This is a simple mod that adds a Teleport Pad into the game. You can learn the engram...
Super Spyglass (Open Source)
สร้างโดย orionsun
Source Code (No license, use as wanted, with or without attribution) Features - Shows all relevant stats of dinos - Shows how all of the dino's points(wild & tamed) have been spent - Increased range - Variable zoom using mousewheel - No overlay when zoomed...
Dino Aid
สร้างโดย BastyNitch
MOD ID: 750483861 Please rate if you like so that others can find this mod as well. The current version adds the new Dino Aid X. Mod to help heal high level dinos for people playing with difficulty mods. Gone are days of waiting real life days for your pri...
Bulk Crafters
สร้างโดย YMD
Craft everything in bulk and speed. Has Jerky crafting, Dry cooking, smart storage, Auto feeding Babies, Bed stacking, Auto Torches and other special great features! ★ Compatible with Scorched Earth. Bulk Trough auto feeds baby wyverns with milk. Stores mi...
Upgrade Station v1.8i
สร้างโดย Ghazlawl
Mod ID: 821530042 Allows you to upgrade the quality of weapons, armor, tools, and saddles from primitive all the way to ascendant. Even works with items from other mods! Can also salvage items for resources. This mod doesn't change any core files and is st...
eco's Tek Decor
สร้างโดย eco
MOD ID: 816908578 Craft scientific decor for your technological base! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it will return the exact amount of materials used to create it. Engram cos...
Hover Platforms (v1.2)
สร้างโดย Chuffnugget
Adds Hover/Floating Platforms into the game! You can finally start that air base you've always wanted, and in three different sizes. Mod ID: 762778283 v1.2 Update - Modifications to thruster and particle systems. Removed the "point" in the centre of the pl...
Kibble Table
สร้างโดย DizZzy
A Unique Table Used To Exchange Metal Ore For Kibble & Taming Items Like Bug Repellant And Deathworm Horns! Fully Stackable Inspired By Clipz's Kibble Vending Machine! Credit For Help: Mezzo & eNc | ExileAcid Biggest Credit to Leutian Kane for the rebuild....
Vacuum Sorter v1.22
สร้างโดย Icebreccer
*** All items and features in this mod are additional. The mod should work with every new version of Ark and stack with other mods. Doesn't require a clean save file. *** This is a simple mod that adds a Vacuum Sorter into the game. You can learn the engra...
Awesome Teleporters!
สร้างโดย Chris
889745138 This mod adds 3 new items to the game. Teleporter - Place these around the map and Teleport between them (after a short delay) by bringing up the Teleport UI (E). - Only friendly Teleporters or ones that have been set to "Public" via the radial m...
Dino Pick Up Mod - v1.4 (Open Source)
สร้างโดย Icebreccer
*** All items and features in this mod are additional. The mod should work with every new version of Ark and stack with other mods. Doesn't require a clean save file. *** This is a simple mod that adds a *Dino Pick Up* item into the game. You can learn the...
[Discontinued] Pimp My Home
สร้างโดย Thorwal Decorate your base with new modern furniture and accessories. New lamps, curtains, carpets and more. More than 80 new items. MOD ID: 909377464 Here you can...
Spoiling Bin OLD needs Updating. Sry.
สร้างโดย Xeno™
Spoiling Bin Silent Bin Converts meats to spoiled meat instantly when adding to inventory Can be picked up Crafted in player inventory Mod ID=815306540 cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/MeatSpoiler/Structures/SpoilingBin/SpoilingBin_Chi_Standalone.Spoil...
[Discontinued] Pimp My Home Building Parts
สร้างโดย Thorwal Build a base with new modern concrete elements. New walls, windows, doors, stairs etc. More than 50 new items. MOD ID: 916205675 Here you can find the chea...
Level Up Counter
สร้างโดย Kyream
Mod id = 926952011 Remote use this item to see how many points you have put into each stat, only works when leveling up. This is the same level up counter that comes natively with my other project Pugnacia dinos except it has been modified to work with a c...
Dragonpunk: Mythical Creatures
สร้างโดย Cheese
Mod ID 848706943 Adds new creatures to ARK: Survival Evolved, All are bought and modified to work in ark Spawn codes THIS MOD WILL NOT BE UPDATED You might've noticed t...
Unlock Haircuts and Emotes
สร้างโดย RedDwarf
Mod ID: 942185438 Craftable "Unlock Hairstyles" and "Unlock Emotes" consumable items that unlock all hairstyles and emotes. Can be crafted easily at level 1 by default, allowing players to jump into character customization ea...
So Lost Crafts - Moved to So Lost Crafts 2.4
สร้างโดย Jeeves
Link to updated mod : Moved to So Lost Crafts 2.4...
Flaming Sword +Plus 4.0
สร้างโดย P0k3r
Flaming Sword, Electric Sword & Lightning Sword Changeable flame, electricity & lightning colors! Sets Animals & Humans on fire! Allows you to harvest while using! Go hand gathering at night comfortably with 1 hand while having light PLUS a formidable weap...
สร้างโดย Biggumzzz TekBench allows Tek Engrams to be learnt without killing the Bosses of the ARK! TekBench is also a crafting station for the items and includes craft-able Element! All the Tek Structures are pickup-able! ======================...
Colour Gun
สร้างโดย Kyream
Mod Id=897664600 Clean and stackable This allows Non Admin players to colour their own dinos. This Functions just like the admin command but allows Non Admins to use it. F1 and F2 To change the region F3 and F4 to change the colour id....
Dino Colourizer!
สร้างโดย Chris
902616446 Use this to customize the appearance of your dinos! - Left mouse button brings up the UI that allows for infinite custom colour options or breedable ARK colours. - Right mouse button acts as a copy/paste. - Has the ability to save and load your d...
Castles, Keeps, and Forts (Legacy) For new version go to Castles Keeps and Forts Remastered. This version still works
สร้างโดย ExileAcid
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is the original "Legacy" Version of Castles Keeps and Forts, The entire mod has now been remade and remastered from the ground up for a much better experience Future CKF content w...
eco Trees
สร้างโดย eco
MOD ID: 670764308 Craft and plant trees, rocks, bushes, and more to create your own garden paradise! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of materia...
eco's RP Decor
สร้างโดย eco
MOD ID: 741203089 Craft decorative furniture and tons of other items for your RP (Role Play) servers! 100% Stackable Mod All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it will return the exact amount of material...
eco's Garden Decor
สร้างโดย eco
MOD ID: 880871931 Craft fountains, topiary, indoor/outdoor lighting, fences, and planters for your garden! 100% Stackable mod. All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after planting, it will return the exact amount of m...
กระดานสนทนายอดนิยม ดูทั้งหมด (17)
28 ม.ค. 2018 @ 9: 41am
ถูกปักหมุด: Servers running this mod pack
22 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 12: 47pm
How to increase dinos level?
9 ก.ย. 2017 @ 9: 26am
Configs do not work