Our first Arbitration & ADR Masterclass of 2025 focused on energy disputes—a pressing issue as businesses navigate the complexities of the energy transition. Legal and industry experts shared real-world case studies, key insights, and best practices in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. Here are a few key takeaways that emerged from the sessions: 📌 Energy disputes are escalating The drive for renewable energy in a world of volatile markets and prices, heightened geopolitical and supply chain risks, and regulatory uncertainty are creating a “perfect storm” for disputes. As the energy transition accelerates, companies must prepare for an uptick in “disputes on steroids”. 📌 Business needs faster dispute resolution Delays in resolving disputes can stall project financing and execution. With disputes on the rise, some question whether the current arbitration framework remains fit for purpose or in need of reform. Businesses may push arbitral institutions to adapt as service providers, while early engagement with legal counsel remains a prudent strategy. 📌 Rise of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) With disputes on the rise, ADR mechanisms—particularly mediation—are gaining traction. The Singapore Convention is reinforcing mediation as a viable path, and businesses may wish to adopt a pragmatic, case-by-case approach to dispute resolution. 📌 Volatility and contract resilience Volatility isn’t always easily predictable, and it is difficult to factor all risks and variables into a contract. Some disputes entering arbitration now stem from events that occurred 4-5 years ago. Experience shows that contracts may require more precise language than standard “force majeure” clauses, with careful consideration given to both Common Law and Civil Law implications. 📌 AI and technology in dispute resolution Technology and AI are reshaping arbitration and mediation. ICC has launched a Task Force on AI in Arbitration, while ICC United Kingdom’s Working Group will also explore AI’s role in resolving disputes. A big thank you to everyone who attended, and to our sponsor J.S. Held LLC, our host Herbert Smith Freehills and to our speakers for their invaluable contributions! Kai-Uwe Karl, Raeesa Rawal, Emma Johnson, Samantha Lord Hill, Ceyda Knoebel, Jonathon Redwood SC, Gary Kitt, Suber Akther, Andrew Philip, Marie Berard, Nicholas Gould, Craig Tevendale, Guy Pendell, Brendan Vickers International Chamber of Commerce ICC Arbitration To learn more about our 2025 Arbitration & ADR programme or to enquire about our call for papers for our upcoming masterclasses and conference, please contact us at: arbitration@iccwbo.uk. #EnergyDisputes #Arbitration #Mediation #ADR #EnergyTransition #DisputeResolution #Renewables #OilAndGas