Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Government Administration

Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot 9,308 followers

Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot

About us

Neath Port Talbot County Borough is in central South Wales on the M4 corridor. Located between Swansea in the West, Brecon Beacons National Park in the North and the Glamorgan Heritage Coast in the East, the borough has a very central location with a mix of rural and industrial wards. The Council delivers a range of public services to a population of around 141,000 people and our priorities for improvement include: • Improving housing; • Improving services for older people and vulnerable adults; • Improving services for vulnerable children and their families; • Improving the way the Council does its business; • Improving the environment; • Improving education; and • Improving local prosperity. Follow us on

Government Administration
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5,001-10,000 employees
Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot
Government Agency


Employees at Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council


  • Are you or your business affected by Tata Steel UK’s transition plans? On behalf of the Tata Steel / Port Talbot Transition Board we have developed a new online resource to help workers, families, and businesses who may be affected by the proposed changes. The Tata Steel Transition Information Hub brings together support and advice on a range of topics, including: ✅ Retraining opportunities ✅ Careers advice ✅ Help with Household bills ✅ Advice & support for starting a business ✅ How existing businesses can offer or receive support The online hub is part of a range of support coordinated by the Tata Steel / Port Talbot Transition Board and delivered by partner organisations across the region. This includes in-person events and drop-in sessions for businesses and people affected. NPT Employability NPT Business Grŵp Colegau NPTC Group of Colleges Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Working Wales UK Government Wales/Llywodraeth DU Cymru Busnes Cymru / Business Wales Careers Wales 🔗 👇

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  • 🏰 Mae Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol wedi cyhoeddi grant gwerth £900,030 i adeilad hanesyddol Castell Margam fel rhan o gyfanswm o £30m sy'n cael ei roi i 15 o brosiectau yn y DU er mwyn nodi 30 mlynedd ers i'r elusen gael ei sefydlu. Mae Ailddychmygu Castell Margam, Port Talbot yn cael yr arian fel arian cyfatebol ar gyfer gwaith cyfalaf y mae ei fawr angen er mwyn adfer yr adeilad, gan flaenoriaethu cynaliadwyedd a hygyrchedd, a hwyluso gwell ymgysylltu â'r gymuned drwy adeiladu mannau cyhoeddus defnydd cymysg. Nod y prosiect cyffrous ac uchelgeisiol yw sicrhau dyfodol adeilad eiconig y castell ei hun gan gyflwyno ffyrdd newydd o'i ddefnyddio er mwyn denu cynulleidfaoedd newydd a mwy o incwm ar yr un pryd. Bydd ystafelloedd nad ydynt wedi cael eu defnyddio ers dros 50 mlynedd yn cael eu gwneud yn hygyrch i'r cyhoedd. Caiff adeiledd ffisegol y castell ei achub drwy raglen atgyweirio a chadwraeth fawr, yna bydd y ffyrdd newydd o ddefnyddio'r castell nid yn unig yn gwasanaethu ein cymuned leol ond hefyd yn denu ymwelwyr o'r tu hwnt i'r ardal, a bydd caffi newydd yn agor hefyd. Bydd gweithgareddau, arddangosfeydd, dehongliadau a rhaglen wirfoddoli helaeth i gyd yn cael eu dylunio ar y cyd â phartneriaid cyflawni addysgol Cyngor CnPT ei hun. Dywedodd y Cyngh. Cen Phillips, sef Aelod Cabinet Cyngor CnPT dros Natur, Twristiaeth a Llesiant: “Bydd y cyllid hwn gan Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol yn chwyldroadol i'n treftadaeth a'n heconomi leol. Nid yn unig y bydd yn diogelu un o dirnodau mwyaf eiconig Cymru, ond bydd hefyd yn creu cyfleoedd newydd i'n cymunedau lleol fwynhau ein hanes cyfoethog, dysgu amdano ac ymfalchïo ynddo. “Er bod Parc Gwledig Margam eisoes yn gyrchfan werthfawr ar gyfer twristiaeth, bydd adfer a gwella Castell Margam yn ei ddyrchafu'n dirnod a fydd yn denu mwy fyth o ymwelwyr o bob cwr o Dde Cymru a thu hwnt. “Megis dechrau pennod newydd gyffrous i Gastell-nedd Port Talbot yw hyn wrth i ni greu swyddi, hybu twristiaeth a diogelu ein treftadaeth leol ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, ac rydyn ni'n ddiolchgar dros ben bod Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol yn rhannu'r weledigaeth honno.” Dywedodd Eilish McGuinness, sef Prif Weithredwr Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol: “Mae'r prosiectau bendigedig hyn yn dangos ehangder syfrdanol y dreftadaeth y mae pobl yn ei thrysori ac am ei throsglwyddo i genedlaethau'r dyfodol. “Diolch i arian a godwyd gan chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol dros y 30 mlynedd diwethaf, rydyn ni wedi gweithio gyda'r rhai sy'n gofalu am dreftadaeth ac wedi helpu i drawsnewid tirwedd dreftadaeth y DU, gan gyfrannu at gymunedau a'r economi. “Mae ein cyllid o fudd i bob rhan o'r ecosystem dreftadaeth, gan gynnwys ymwelwyr, gwirfoddolwyr a'r cymunedau o'i chwmpas, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at weld beth a ddaw yn y dyfodol wrth i ni weithio i wireddu ein gweledigaeth i dreftadaeth gael ei gwerthfawrogi, eu gwarchod a'i chynnal ar gyfer pawb, nawr ac yn y dyfodol.”

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  • 🏰 The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) has announced a £900,030 grant for historic Margam Castle as part of £30m given to 15 UK projects marking 30 years since the charity’s inception. Reimagining Margam Castle, Port Talbot receives the money to fund much-needed capital works to restore the building, ensuring sustainability and accessibility are at the fore, and facilitating enhanced community engagement through the construction of mixed-use public spaces. The exciting and ambitious project is aimed at ensuring the future of the iconic castle building itself while also bringing in new uses to attract new audiences and greater income. Rooms that have not been used for more than 50 years will be made accessible to the public. The castle’s physical structure will be saved by a major repair and conservation programme followed by the new uses to serve not just our local community but also to attract visitors from further afield, along with a new cafe. Activities, exhibitions, interpretation and an extensive volunteering programme will all be co-designed with Neath Port Talbot Council’s own education delivery partners. Cllr Cen Phillips, Cabinet Member for Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing at #NeathPortTalbot Council said: “This funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund is a game-changer for our local heritage and economy. Not only will it preserve one of Wales’s most iconic landmarks, it will also create new opportunities for our local communities to enjoy, learn, and take pride in our rich history. “While Margam Country Park is already a valued tourism destination, restoring and enhancing Margam Castle will elevate it into a landmark that draws even more visitors from across South Wales and beyond. “This is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Neath Port Talbot as we create jobs, boost tourism and preserve our local heritage for future generations, and we are extremely grateful that the National Lottery Heritage Fund shares that vision.” Eilish McGuinness, Chief Executive, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, said: “These wonderful projects demonstrate the astonishing breadth of heritage that people value and want to pass onto future generations. “Thanks to money raised by National Lottery players over the last 30 years, we have worked with those who care for heritage and helped transformed the UK’s heritage landscape, contributing to communities and the economy. “Our funding benefits all parts of the heritage ecosystem, including visitors, volunteers and the communities which surround it, and I cannot wait to see what the future brings as we work to deliver our vision for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future.”

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  • Mae pensiynwyr ledled Castell-nedd Port Talbot wedi cael bron i £250,000 mewn budd-daliadau ychwanegol ar ôl cael gwybod eu bod yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn. Mae'r llwyddiant yn rhan o ymgyrch budd-daliadau wedi'i thargedu sy'n cael ei chynnal gan Gyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot ar y cyd â'r cwmni meddalwedd a dadansoddeg polisi cymdeithasol Policy in Practice. Daw cymorth ariannol ar gyfer y cynllun o Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin Llywodraeth y DU. #CFfGDU Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yw'r unig gyngor yng Nghymru sy'n defnyddio ymgyrch budd-daliadau wedi'i thargedu ar hyn o bryd. Mae'r ymgyrch wedi bod ar waith ers dechrau'r flwyddyn. Mae Canghellor y Trysorlys, Rachel Reeves, wedi cyhoeddi mai dim ond pensiynwyr sy'n cael credyd pensiwn neu fudd-daliad arall sy'n dibynnu ar brawf modd a fydd yn cael y Taliadau Tanwydd Gaeaf, a oedd ar gael i bob pensiynwr o'r blaen. Dywedodd y Cyngh. Simon Knoyle, sef Aelod Cabinet Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot dros Gyllid, Perfformiad a #ChyfiawnderCymdeithasol: “Rydyn ni a'n partneriaid Policy in Practice yn credu bod y dull wedi'i dargedu hwn yn cynyddu'r nifer sy'n cael budd-daliadau yn llawer mwy effeithiol nag ymgyrchoedd sy'n annog pobl i edrych i weld a ydynt yn gymwys eu hunain. “Mae wedi bod yn ddechrau da i ni, ond megis dechrau yw hyn – rydyn ni'n bwriadu chwilio am lawer mwy o bobl sy'n byw yn y fwrdeistref sirol ac sy'n gymwys i gael budd-daliadau.” Mae ffigurau Llywodraeth y DU yn awgrymu bod gwerth tua £117m o Gredyd Pensiwn yn cael ei adael heb ei hawlio bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru yn unig. Ond, yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot rhwng mis Ionawr a mis Awst eleni, mae dwsinau o aelwydydd wedi cael cyfanswm o £232,326 mewn incwm #CredydPensiwn blynyddol, yn ogystal â bod yn gymwys i gael Taliadau Tanwydd Gaeaf gwerth cyfanswm o fwy na £14,000. Mae ymgyrch #CastellneddPortTalbot wedi bod yn defnyddio Traciwr Teuluoedd Incwm Isel (‘Low Income Family Tracker’ – LIFT) Policy in Practice. Caiff adnodd LIFT ei weinyddu gan Policy in Practice ac mae'n defnyddio data mewn rhywbeth y mae'r cwmni'n ei alw'n ‘beiriant modelu polisi’. Mae rhai hawlwyr yn cael eu hadnabod fel gofalwyr ac mae'n bosibl y bydd yr incwm blynyddol ychwanegol hwn nawr yn eu helpu i barhau i ofalu am fwy o amser.

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  • Pensioners across Neath Port Talbot have received almost £250,000 in extra benefits after being told they were eligible for pension credit. The success is part of a targeted benefits campaign being run by Neath Port Talbot Council in conjunction with social policy software and analytics company, Policy in Practice. Financial support for the scheme is coming from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund. #UKSPF Neath Port Talbot Council is the only council in #Wales currently taking the targeted benefits approach. Its campaign has been running since the beginning of this year. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, has announced that only pensioners in receipt of pension credit or another means-tested benefit will receive the formerly universal Winter Fuel Payments. Cllr Simon Knoyle, Neath Port Talbot Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and #SocialJustice, said: “We and our partners Policy in Practice believe this targeted approach is much more effective at increasing benefit take up than campaigns which urge people to check whether they are eligible themselves. “This has been a good start for us but it is only the start – we plan to look for many more people living in the county borough who are eligible for benefits.” UK Government figures suggest that in Wales alone around £117m worth of #PensionCredit money is left unclaimed each year. But in #NeathPortTalbot between January and August this year, dozens of households have gained a total of £232,326 in annual Pension Credit income as well as being eligible for Winter Fuel Payments totalling more than £14,000. The Neath Port Talbot campaign has been making use of Policy in Practice’s Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) The Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) is a tool administered by Policy in Practice and uses data in what the company calls ‘a policy modelling engine’. Some claimants are being identified as carers and this extra annual income may now support them to continue to care for longer.

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  • Bydd busnesau sy’n perthyn i gadwyn gyflenwi Tata Steel UK ac y bydd y newid i ddefnyddio trydan i gynhyrchu dur ym Mhort Talbot yn effeithio arnyn nhw yn cael ceisio am arian o heddiw ymlaen i’w helpu â heriau tymor byr y cyfnod pontio, yn ogystal ag am help i baratoi ar gyfer cyfleoedd newydd i dyfu.    Heddiw, mae Busnes Cymru / Business Wales yn gwahodd busnesau sy’n rhan o gadwyn gyflenwi Tata Steel UK i asesu a ydyn nhw’n gymwys am gymorth Cronfa Pontio Hyblyg y Gadwyn Gyflenwi sy’n rhan o gronfa gymorth gwerth £80m a ddarparwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU trwy’r Bwrdd Pontio traws-lywodraethol. Yr un diwrnod, mae Tata Steel UK yn rhoi’r gorau i weithio Ffwrnais Chwith 4 a’r asedau haearn a dur cysylltiedig, gan ddod â gweithgareddau gwneud haearn ar safle Port Talbot i ben. Bydd y cwmni’n ailddechrau cynhyrchu dur ar y safle yn 2027 diolch i fuddsoddiad o £1.25 biliwn mewn Ffwrnais Arc Drydan gan ddefnyddio dur gwastraff o Brydain. Caiff arian y gronfa ei rhannu trwy bartneriaeth rhwng Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Busnes Cymru Llywodraeth Cymru. Bydd yn cynnig cyngor busnes a chymorth ariannol i fusnesau ledled Cymru sy’n rhan o gadwyn gyflenwi Tata Steel UK. Bydd y gronfa yn sicrhau bod busnesau y bydd y newid yn Tata Steel UK ym Mhort Talbot yn effeithio arnynt yn gallu dygymod â’r heriau tymor byr fydd yn eu hwynebu yn ystod y cyfnod pontio, ac yn helpu busnesau i baratoi ar gyfer cyfleoedd newydd i dyfu. Bydd busnesau’n gallu datgan eu diddordeb i drafod eu hanghenion gyda Busnes Cymru, trwy wiriwr cymhwysedd. Bydd busnesau cymwys wedyn yn mynd trwy broses ddiagnostig drylwyr cyn cael gwahoddiad i wneud cais am gymorth ariannol.  NPT Business Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy #CadwynGyflenwi

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  • Supply chain businesses impacted by Tata Steel UK’s transition to electric arc steelmaking at Port Talbot will from today be able to seek funding to overcome short term challenges during the transition phase, as well as helping businesses refocus in preparation for new growth opportunities. Busnes Cymru / Business Wales is today inviting businesses in the Tata Steel UK supply chain to assess their eligibility for support through the Supply Chain Transition Flexible Fund as part of an overall £80m support fund provided by UK Government through the cross-government Transition Board. It comes on the day that Tata Steel UK is ceasing operations at Blast Furnace 4 along with other associated iron and steelmaking assets, bringing an end to ironmaking at the Port Talbot site. Steelmaking at the site will resume in 2027 through the investment of £1.25 billion in Electric Arc Furnace based steelmaking, using UK-sourced scrap steel. The fund will be delivered through a partnership between Neath Port Talbot Council and Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government’s Business Wales. It will provide business advice and financial support to affected #supplychain businesses across Wales who are working in the Tata Steel UK supply chain. The intervention will ensure that businesses impacted by Tata Steel UK’s transition at Port Talbot are able to overcome short term challenges during the transition phase, as well as helping businesses re-orientate in preparation for new growth opportunities. Businesses will be able to register their interest to discuss their needs with Business Wales, through an eligibility checker. Eligible businesses will then receive a comprehensive diagnostic ahead of being invited to apply for financial assistance. NPT Business Llywodraeth Cymru Economi | Welsh Government Economy #SteelTransition #BusinessSupport

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  • 🏡 Mae Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot, mewn partneriaeth â Tai Tarian ac Ysgol Bensaernïaeth Cymru Prifysgol Caerdydd, wedi sicrhau £250,000 o Gronfa Ffyniant Bro Llywodraeth y DU (#UKSPF) i greu tai arddangos cyntaf Cartrefi fel Pwerdai (HAPS) Bae Abertawe, a fydd yn addysgu ac yn ysbrydoli’r diwydiant ehangach a phreswylwyr lleol i gefnogi cyflymu’r defnydd o dechnoleg i greu cartrefi glanach, gwyrddach a mwy ynni-effeithlon.   Mae prosiect #CartrefiFelPwerdai (HAPS), dan arweiniad Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot, yn un o fentrau Bargen Ddinesig Bae Abertawe i gyflymu #datgarboneiddio cartrefi yn ardal Bae Abertawe. Bydd y tai arddangos yn darparu lle ble gall pobl ymweld, ymgysylltu, a dysgu am sut mae’r technolegau blaengar hyn yn gweithio, gan gynnwys myfyrwyr colegau, ysgolion lleol, a busnesau. Bydd hefyd yn ffordd wych o ymgysylltu â gosodwyr a chontractwyr sy’n gweithio yn y maes hwn, neu sy’n ystyried arallgyfeirio i’r dechnoleg newydd hon.   Bydd y cartrefi’n galluogi i wybodaeth hanfodol gael ei rhannu o ran lleihau dibyniaeth cartref ar danwydd ffosil a rhwydweithiau ynni. Bydd y gwelliannau hyn yn peri fod cartref yn gynhesach a llai drud i’w gadw, gan fynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd yn ogystal â rhoi manteision amgylcheddol ac iechyd.   Mae Tai Tarian wedi dethol dau gartref yn ardal Margam a fydd yn arddangos yr atebion diweddaraf hyn, a fydd yn elwa o fesurau deunydd crai gwell, fel insiwleiddio a ffenestri PVC, yn ogystal â thechnoleg sy’n cynnwys paneli solar, batri a phympiau gwres ffynhonnell awyr.    Gan weithio gydag Ysgol Bensaernïaeth Cymru Prifysgol Caerdydd (WSA) fel Ymgynghorwyr Prosiect, bydd y tŷ’n cael ei gynllunio i arddangos pob cam o’r broses o wella, gan dynnu sylw at y sgiliau a’r dechnoleg fydd angen i gyflawni’r manteision mwyaf. Bydd tîm WSA yn dod â 12 mlynedd o brofiad o gynllunio, gosod a monitro atebion carbon isel mewn stoc tai amrywiol yng Nghymru, ble maen nhw wedi datblygu ystod o ddeunyddiau taenu y gellir eu rhannu. #CastellneddPortTalbot #BargenDdinesigBaeAbertawe Swansea Bay City Deal - Bargen Ddinesig Bae Abertawe Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University

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  • 🏡 Neath Port Talbot Council in partnership with Tai Tarian and Cardiff University’s Welsh School of Architecture has secured £250,000 from the UK Governments Shared Prosperity Fund (#UKSPF) to create Swansea Bay’s first Homes As Power Stations’ (HAPS) demonstration houses that will inform and inspire the wider industry and local residents to support the acceleration in the use of technology to create cleaner, greener, more energy efficient homes. The #HomesAsPowerStations project, led by Neath Port Talbot Council is one of Swansea Bay City Deal’s initiatives to accelerate the #decarbonisation of homes in the Swansea Bay area. The demo houses will provide a place for people to visit, interact, and learn about the operation of these cutting-edge technologies, including college students, local schools and businesses. It will also be a great way to connect with installers and contractors that are working within this field or considering diversifying into this new technology. The homes will enable essential knowledge to be shared regarding lessening a home's dependency on fossil fuels and energy networks. These improvements will make a home warmer and less expensive to run, therefore addressing #fuelpoverty as well as environmental and health benefits.  Tai Tarian have selected two homes in the Margam area that will showcase the latest solutions where they will benefit from enhanced fabric measures such as insulation and PVC windows, as well as technology including solar panels, battery and air source heat pumps.   Working with Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University (WSA) as Project Consultants, the house will be designed to showcase each step of the improvement process highlighting the skills and technology required to achieve maximum benefits. The WSA team will bring 12 years’ experience of designing, installing and monitoring low carbon solutions in different Welsh housing stock where they have developed a range of dissemination materials that can be shared. #NeathPortTalbot #SwanseaBayCityDeal Swansea Bay City Deal - Bargen Ddinesig Bae Abertawe

    • Photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of new house. Roof with solar panels
  • A yw eich sefydliad chi'n barod i ddatblygu ei sgiliau arloesi a'i gynlluniau twf glân? 🌍 🌱🔄 Mae rhaglen ‘Twf Glân’ Cymunedau Arloesedd yr Economi Gylchol (CEIC) yn dod â sefydliadau ynghyd o bob sector ledled De Cymru i greu rhwydweithiau arloesedd cydweithredol sydd â'r nod o sicrhau dyfodol mwy cynaliadwy! Bydd y rhaglen, a ariennir yn llawn, yn dechrau ym mis Medi ac yn cynnig yr adnoddau y bydd eu hangen arnoch i roi egwyddorion yr economi gylchol ar waith er mwyn galluogi eich sefydliad i wneud y canlynol: ✅ Gweithio tuag at sero net ✅ Datblygu cynlluniau twf glân/lleihau carbon ✅ Lleihau costau gweithredol ✅ Rhoi newid cynaliadwy ar waith ✅ Cynyddu effeithlonrwydd a rhoi hwb i gynhyrchiant ✅ Meithrin cydberthnasau cydweithredol gwerthfawr ✅ Annog ffyrdd arloesol o feddwl ✅ Dod yn arweinydd newid cydnabyddedig yn eich sector ✅ Cefnogi datblygiad proffesiynol eich tîm ✅ Cydymffurfio â Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 Dyma sydd gan gyfranogwyr CEIC i'w ddweud: ✨ “Hynod addysgiadol a llawn gwybodaeth – gan fy ngalluogi i feddwl mewn ffyrdd gwahanol gan wneud i mi weld y goleuni sawl gwaith. Mae'r hwyluswyr yn anhygoel ac yn mynd yr ail filltir i'ch helpu i ddysgu.” – Clare Stevens, Cyfarwyddwr yn SMR UK Ltd ✨ “Cipolwg diddorol. Gweithio a dysgu gyda sefydliadau gwahanol, gweld sut mae diwydiannau gwahanol yn gweithio tuag at economi gylchol.” – James Johnson, Rheolwr Cynhyrchu yn SMR UK Ltd I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i: 🌐 📺 Youtube: Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin Llywodraeth y DU (#CFfGDU #UKSPF) ac fe'i gweinyddir gan Gyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot.

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