Here at The Highfield Hospital we have always supported the NHS, seeing and treating many patients to help ease waiting times within our NHS Hospitals.
We welcome the Government’s announcement and have long championed the right for patients to choose where and when they have their treatment delivered. As the UK’s largest private hospital operator, we know first-hand how important utilising all available diagnostic and operating theatre capacity, is for slashing waiting times. We support putting choice at the heart of the Government’s strategy. NHS patients need to know they can access NHS care free at our hospitals, with the hospital simply receiving the same fee as any NHS organisation. We are proud to work in partnership with the NHS and have a long-track record of delivering outstanding care at scale. We look forward to working with the Government to bring down waiting lists across the NHS. Commenting on the announcement, Paolo Pieri, CEO of Circle Health Group, said: “It's so important that patients are fully informed about their right to choose NHS care at any hospital - whether independent or NHS. The Government’s drive to enhance patient choice is something we welcome, and we encourage all patients when they visit their GP to ask what choice of hospital is available to them.” Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN) The below description is for viewers with a visual impairment. Image: White text on blue background reading the opening line of the announcement. Circle Health Group white logo appears underneath the text.