Top Astrophotography Accessories of 2024

Selecting the right core components of an astrophotography rig—telescope, camera, mount—is undeniably important, and we’re lucky enough to have a wide selection of excellent supporting gear to support those core components! If you’re looking to squeeze the absolute most performance possible out of your astrophotography setup, then you need the right accessories. To make selecting complementary accessories easier, we have put together a curated list of accessories that give you the most ‘bang for your buck’ as of 2024! This short list is based on some of the best gear our team of experts and I have used and recommended this year. So, if you’re looking for easy, solid, and reliable options that can upgrade your imaging system, read on!

Electronic Focusers

ZWO Electronic Automatic Focuser (EAF) -

ZWO Electronic Automatic Focuser (EAF) Advanced Package -

All the accessories covered today can be classified as ‘game changers,’ but adding an electronic focuser was truly one of the best upgrades to my imaging system; hence its place at the top of the list. While using a focusing mask like the Apertura Bright Focus Mask line and a fine focus knob works incredibly well, electronic focus makes nailing focus easy. You can still use an electronic fociser with a focus mask, but you can also use it with modern astrophotography programs' autofocus tools to make finding your first focus simple as well as allowing you to setup autofocus throughout the night to ensure changes in temperature don’t ruin your data. If you’ve done research into these handy accessories already, it probably will come as no surprise that the ZWO Standard Electronic Automatic Focuser is the top pick for electronic focusers of 2024. This is for good reason though: the EAF is easy to attach, easy to integrate into most imaging systems, and works incredibly well. Having established itself as hands down the most popular electronic focuser on the market, it is easy to find a scope that has been designed to work with the EAF and its included couplers/bracket out of the box or find community resources about making it work with your telescope. The ZWO EAF works with just about all the popular PC imaging suites like SharpCap or N.I.N.A, as well as being the only electronic focuser to work with the ASIAIR system. ZWO also offers this in an Advanced Package, which includes a hand controller and temperature probe, allowing you to either have a more manual focusing experience or track temperature changes for thermal focus shift refocusing.

Filter Drawers

ZWO Gen2 M42 x 0.75 Filter Drawer for 2” filters -

ZWO Gen 2 M54 x 0.75 Filter Drawer for 2" Filters -

ZWO Gen2 2" Filter Holder for ZWO, Nikon, EOS, and Gen 2 M54 and M42 Filter Drawers -

Imaging filters are one of the most powerful accessories you can add to your astrophotography system, as they have a direct impact on the frames your camera captures. While we’re beginning to see filter solutions become a more and more common feature on telescopes and corrective elements like field flatteners and coma correctors, these all require you to decide in advance what filter is best suited for your target and conditions or otherwise be faced with disassembling your imaging train in the field. Filter wheels provide a solution; however, they do increase the space, weight, and, let’s face it, cost of your imaging train. Filter drawers offer the perfect middle ground, giving you the ability to quickly and easily swap filters on the fly without adding extra bulk and weight to your setup. These accessories are best suited to one-shot color imaging, though if you have a monochrome camera and don’t mind getting up for filter changes, this can be a svelte and economical way to break into LRGB or SHO pallet images! When it comes to filter drawers, my recommendation is going to be theZWO Gen 2 M42 x 0.75 Filter Drawer for 2” filters. This filter drawer easily integrates with the prevalent 16.5mm-21mm spacer combo for today’s astrophotography cameras and the standard 55mm of backfocus and has a simple, yet incredibly effective, design. Spare filter drawers are available, with the ZWO 2" Gen2 Filter Holder for ZWO, Nikon, EOS, and Gen 2 M54 and M42 Filter Drawers. This makes putting the perfect filter in front of your color sensor or starting the next leg of your multi-filter image process a simple hot-swap! While the M42 model is what I would recommend for most users, if you have a ZWO full-frame cameras like the ZWO ASI6200MC Pro or the innovative ZWO ASI2600MC Duo that requires a larger “window” through the drawer, then ZWO has you covered with the ZWO Gen 2 M54 x 0.75 Filter Drawer for 2" Filters!

Honorable Mentions

ZWO Filter Drawer for EOS Lens -

ZWO Filter Drawer for Nikon Lens -

The ZWO filter drawer line-up has two more unique offerings: the ZWO Filter Drawer for EOS Lens and ZWO Filter Drawer for Nikon Lens. These allow you to connect a camera lens to your dedicated astronomy camera for an ultra-wide/ultra-portable setup, while also integrating imaging filters, something you usually just can’t achieve with these adapters. If you’re looking to go a different direction such as connecting a photography camera to telescope, and you have a Celestron SCT, then I would recommend giving the Apertura Ultimate SCT T-Adapter a look. While not a filter drawer, it is the only known way to add a filter to a SCT/photography camera imaging setup!

WiFi Camera Controllers

ZWO ASIAIR Plus WiFi Camera Controller - 256GB Version -

While there are a lot of excellent accessories and add-ons on this list, my personal favorite accessory is the WiFi camera controller. Specifically, I recommend the ZWO ASIAIR Plus WiFi Camera Controller - 256GB Version. For those unfamiliar, a WiFi camera control system is a “command center” for all your gear, connecting not just cameras but also mounts, electronic focusers, filter wheels, and other supporting electronics. All you need to do is connect to the wireless signal these systems broadcast and take control! Coming from using first a laptop and then a mini PC, these systems surprised me. While in concept they are just computers that have been specialized for astrophotography to varying degrees, in practice they are so much more. The ASIAIR especially proved this idea to me. Right out of the box, the ASIAIR can be attached to most modern scopes as it comes with a findershoe bracket. From there, you have four USB ports and four industry standard 5.5x2.1mm 12V DC outputs (which can be turned into dew heater connections with the ZWO DC Y Splitter Cable and turning on PWM control), which are enough to run most setups. These outputs mean you are only required to run cables for the ASIAIR’s power and the mount connection from a distance. This compact power and connectivity setup is great, but the ASIAIR truly begins to shine once you power it on. Imaging, guiding, polar alignment, GoTo functionality, digital planetarium, EAF autofocus tool, planning tools, and post processing are all included in this small WiFi control hub. This isn’t strictly unique for a WiFi camera control system, as some other systems include pre-installed software as well, but ZWO makes learning and using all these features a pretty easy experience. This is probably in part due to the ASIAIR line-up being restricted to ZWO equipment compatibility, excluding the power supply and mount. However, it is difficult to argue with the results!

Guide Scopes

Apertura 32mm Blue Accented Guide Scope -

Apertura 32mm Black Guide Scope -

Apertura 32mm Red Guide Scope -

While modern polar alignment tools and mount periodic error correction have made unassisted longer exposures more attainable, autoguiding is the key to unlocking truly long exposures. There are a few approaches to upgrading your imaging systems with autoguiding, but the simplest, in my opinion, is with a guidescope. The pick for the top guidescope is the Apertura 32mm Guide Scope! This Apertura accessory has given me great guiding performance in a compact package, which is a plus regardless of whether you’re trying to reduce weight, space, or connect multiple accessories. You can connect puck-style or mini guide cameras and the detailed digital manual shows you exactly how to connect a camera and pre-set the focuser for rough focus. Outside of the great performance and ease of setup, the Apertura 32mm guide scope comes in three colors, which I like because it makes keeping a cohesive ‘style’ with your setup possible. The three colors are a white with blue accents matching the great Apertura refractor line-up, a red with black accents to match their awesome new CarbonStar scopes as well as ZWO/iOptron/RedCat gear, and a simple black design if you’re looking for something more color neutral!

Imaging Filters

Optolong L-Pro 2" Filter -

Optolong L-Quad 2" Filter -

Optolong L-Ultimate 2" Filter -

As mentioned before, adding an imaging filter to your imaging system is one of the best ways to directly impact your images! They do this by blocking certain wavelengths from reaching your sensor, only allowing light from astronomical objects to shine through. There are a lot of different approaches to this, with different amounts of filtering “aggression” and different wavelengths isolated or blocked. This filtering does everything from just trying to cut down on light pollution to isolating single wavelengths of emission nebulae. Our How to Read a Transmission Graph article has some great information on how to sort through all the options on the market depending on your goals or needs, but to simplify things, we’ve picked three filters that our experts and customers swear by for easily and greatly improving your imaging experience!

Time-Tested, Solid Upgrade for Every Astronomer: The Optolong L-Pro 2” Mounted Filter is an excellent way to improve your imaging experience. The L-Pro is the least aggressive of the filters recommended here, but that does not mean it is not effective, as demonstrated by this filter’s track record of glowing reviews! It cuts out light pollution and skyglow while still allowing the light from nebulae and broadband targets through. This permits you to get higher detail and contrast on a multitude of targets. I recommend this filter because, while it doesn’t give you the most "pop", it still provides a noticeable improvement in your images without impacting post processing.

The Next Step: If you’re looking for something a bit more aggressive, then the Optolong 2" L-Quad Enhance Filter is a great pick. This filter is designed to capture four of the main wavelengths emitted by nebulae. This is not as ideal if you want to capture broadband targets; however, this is not as aggressive as other quad-band offerings. As a result, this will give nebula images more contrast and detail than the L-Pro but with a similarly friendly post processing experience!

High Contrast Nebula Option: If squeezing the maximum amount of contrast and detail out of your imaging setup is your goal, then you need narrowband! The Optolong’s L-Ultimate 2" Light Pollution Dual Band Filter is an incredibly narrow bandpass filter, with tiny 3 nm “windows” for OIII and Ha light to pass through. This will give you excellent signal-to-noise performance with emission nebulae, so if producing images with the ultimate amount of "pop" is your goal, and you are prepared for a bit more involved post-processing experience, then this is the filter we recommend!

While there are a lot of great options on the market, we’ve gone with all Optolong due to their great performance, quality, and track record for stellar prices!

Focal Reducers

Celestron f/6.3 Focal Reducer Corrector -

Focal reducers are a great way to gain a "new perspective" from a scope or turn great visual scopes into astrophotography rigs! As the name suggests, these reduce a telescope’s focal ratio, turning it into a “faster” scope with a wider field-of-view. These also will almost always add correction, which is how they can turn telescopes designed for visual use into imaging powerhouses. There’s perhaps no better example of this than the Celestron f/6.3 Focal Reducer Corrector for SCT Telescopes! This is my top pick for a focal reducer because it is a great tool for pivoting an incredibly popular telescope type to astrophotography for a great price. Some corrective elements can be model specific, but what I like about this reducer is that it works with all non-EdgeHD Celestron SCTs. From 5” to 14”, this reducer has you covered. It brings these f/10 designs to f/6.3 (or in the C14’s case, from f/11 to f/7), and shortens the focal length by about 37%. This makes for a much easier time exposing (and in my opinion, framing) deep sky objects like galaxies and nebulae. This reducer has been around for a while so finding information on how to incorporate it is readily available. Check out our comprehensive How to Connect a Camera to a Telescope guide for more information. Another reason to really like this option is that no matter where you are on your astrophotography journey, this reducer will work for you!

Apertura 75Q 0.75x Reducer -

For the focal reducer for refractors, I recommend the Apertura 75Q 0.75x Reducer. Though this is limited to just one telescope, which is the reality of most refractor reducers/field flatteners on the market today, and so I’ve selected one of the most exciting new options of this year! The Apertura 75Q is an excellent scope already, with stellar performance and price point, and this reducer amplifies the 75Q experience. The 0.75x reduction factor bringing the 75Q to a field-of-view equal to the RedCat 51 but with more signal! It directly threads on to the 75Q and your camera, so you have a rock solid connection. While you do lose the backspacing feature by installing this, it is designed for the industry standard 55mm, so setting your camera up properly is super simple.

Portable Power Supplies

Apertura All Night Imaging Power Supply -

One thing I found out pretty quickly when starting my personal journey into astrophotography is that getting power to all your gear is a challenge all in itself! The best spots are usually out of reach of an AC outlet, and even if you’re lucky enough to have one close, you can run the risk of a momentary power blink abruptly cutting your imaging session short. Adding a self-contained power solution to my setup has really helped open up my imaging possibilities. In the world of portable power supplies, it doesn’t get better than the Apertura All Night Imaging Power Supply. With 518 Wh of capacity, this power supply really can drive most imaging rigs all night and have power to spare. Apertura designed with power supply with astrophotography in mind: Right out of the box you have 5.5x2.1mm outputs and cables, a 100W USB-C port and 100W PD cable for powering laptops or mini PCs alongside a host of other quick charge USB ports, and two 120V AC outputs for just about anything else you need to use. This battery can also recharge in a snap, going from 0% to 100% in eight hours. This means you can plug in the Apertura All Night Imaging Power Supply in the morning after an imaging session and be ready for the night, no problem! These specializations make the Apertura All Night Imaging Power Supply lightyears ahead of any other battery in this energy capacity class. These features are why I highly recommend this for your portable power needs!

Power Distribution

Pegasus Astro Gen2 Pocket Powerbox Advance -

Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox Micro -

Continuing with the power theme, I want to end this Top Astrophotography Accessories of 2024 list with an accessory I think flies under the radar: The power distribution hub. These devices take one power input and split it out into multiple outputs, typically both the standard 5.5x2.1mm and the dew heater standard RCA while also adding some voltage/current protections. When it comes to power distribution solutions, the reigning champion has been, and continues to be, the Pegasus Astro line of PowerBoxes. My personal picks from this line for someone looking for a power distribution hub in 2024 would be the Pegasus Astro Gen2 Pocket Powerbox Advance and the Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox Micro. Both give you four 12V standard DC outputs, two RCA dew heater outputs, one adjustable DC output for use with a DSLR or mirrorless camera and their dummy batteries, and a separate connection for use with their environmental sensor or external focusers. All of these come in a compact, sleek, and easily telescope attachable body! These both can also be connected to your PC, allowing you to monitor power output, adjust dew heater power, toggle ports on and off, and more. The Advanced model also provides a connection to devices hooked up to its integrated USB hub. While these don’t include a power supply or telescope mounting solution out of the box, they are still incredibly handy devices and well worth adding to your setup if you don’t already have a distribution solution through a tool like the ASIAIR or StellarMate Pro!

At High Point Scientific, we don't just sell great astronomy equipment, we use it too! With many years of experience working with the astronomy community and our own personal astronomy journeys, our team understands how tough choosing the right mount can be with so many excellent options. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us; we’re here to help! For further information on all things astrophotography, be sure to check out other articles on our Astrophotography Astronomy Hub, such as our ASIAIR Ultimate Guide, and Measuing Your Telescope for an Electronic Focuser!

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Interested in learning more about astrophotography and the gear you'll need? Not sure where to begin? Check out our Astronomy Hub!



Astronomy is the scientific study of space and the celestial objects within it. It also deals with the physical universe as a whole. Astronomy can be broken up into four subcategories: astrophysics, astrometry, astrogeology, and astrobiology. The study of astronomy has helped measure time, seasons, and navigation on Earth.


This refers to photography of astronomical bodies and phenomena. Astrophotography is not new, for example the popular T threading still used today harkens from Tamron’s T-mount developed for their 35 mm cameras - however it has seen a notable increase in popularity with improvements in cameras, mounts, filters, and software making astrophotography much more accessible. This is not limited to celestial bodies such as nebulae, planets, or galaxies either, as solar imaging is now more within the reach of the average consumer than ever before.


Automatic focusing utilizes software to shift the focus of a telescope in and out to determine the precise focal point of the optics. It does this by reading the star size at each focus point, creating a graph of this data, then finds the minimum star size; bringing the optics into sharp focus.


Autoguiding is a process which utilizes a smaller telescope, referred to as a guide scope, and an additional camera sensor, known as a guide camera, to assist your mount in its tracking precision. Alternatively, this can be achieved using an Off-Axis Guider (OAG), which is fitted within your primary imaging train. An OAG uses the light captured by your telescope and sends it to your guide camera via an internal prism. So, how does autoguiding actually work? Your guide camera will take a constant series of short exposures (typically 1-3 seconds each) that will then be analyzed by software. After the software selects the best guide star(s) to guide upon, the goal is to keep these stars as steady as possible from frame to frame. If there is a discrepancy in the positioning of the stars, the guiding software will communicate with the mount to make small adjustments to fix these tracking errors. While it may not be necessary for short exposure astrophotography such as planetary, lunar, or solar, autoguiding is highly beneficial for long exposure astrophotography.

Backfocus / Backfocal Distance / Backspacing

All optical systems have a point at which an in-focus image is formed, and for astrophotography it is at this location that the camera sensor should be placed. When the telescope is used without corrective elements, this is done easily with the focuser mechanism; and so long as an image can be brought into focus, optimal optical performance will be achieved. However with corrective elements, oftentimes there is a certain distance that the camera sensor needs to be placed away from the rear of the corrector for optimal performance. This will be listed as the backspacing or backfocal distance for the corrective element.

Bahtinov Mask

A Bahtinov mask is a tool that aids the user in finding optimal focus and was created by Russian astrophotographer Pavel Bahtinov in 2005. This type of focusing aid creates 3 diffraction spikes over a bright star within the field of view. While adjusting the focus knob, the point in which the three lines intersect perfectly over the star result in perfect focus. This tool is widely used by astrophotographers worldwide and creates an effortless focusing routine.

Color Camera / One-Shot-Color Cameras (OSC)

Often referred to as One-Shot-Color (OSC) cameras, these cameras are able to produce an image in full color without the use of additional filters. This greatly simplifies the imaging process, and allows astrophotographers to complete a project in far less amount of time. They are especially useful for those who have limited clear nights, where they can go weeks to months without having an imaging opportunity due to their climate. These cameras are excellent choices to image the planets, the Sun, the Moon, and deep space.

Corrective Element

This refers to an optical accessory such as a field flattener, coma corrector, or reducer. These improve some facet of a telescope’s performance, such as optical distortions that might otherwise appear on the edge of the frame; or augments it, for example by providing a wider field of view.

Dedicated Astronomy Camera

These cameras don’t look like what one traditionally thinks of when imaging a camera; instead taking the form of cylinders or pucks, with no physical controls, displays, or viewfinders to speak of. These require a computer or WiFi control device to take images, with more advanced models additionally requiring external power. What they give in return for all of these concessions is granular control over the sensor settings, increased sensitivity to wavelengths that more traditional cameras filter out, options for deBayered sensors (true monochrome), designs that easily connect with astronomy equipment, and in some cases cooling for increased performance.

DSLR / Mirrorless Camera

What one may consider a “regular” camera; used for everyday photography and feature an interchangeable (removable) lens system. Popular brands from this category that also enjoy wide support in the astrophotography hobby are Sony, Canon, and Nikon.

Finder Scope

A finder scope fits on top of the main telescope and is used to help you find and center objects in your eyepiece. A finder can be as simple as a red dot finder or it can be a high quality small telescope in its own right.

Focal Reducer

A focal reducer is an optical modifier that reduces the focal length of your telescope. These accessories come in a wide variety of reducing powers, and are typically dedicated for use with one specific telescope model. They are great options for those looking to widen their field of view without having to create complicated mosaics. Also, the use of a focal reducer increases the overall speed of the telescope, allowing more light to be collected in less time.


Originally invented by the U.S. Department of Defense, this technology became fully functional in the United States in 1995. This radio navigation system utilizes satellites to provide the precise global position of GPS enabled devices. Out of the 31 GPS satellites orbiting Earth today, GPS receivers only need information from 4 GPS satellites to determine accurate location. Cell phones, computers, and endless other devices act as GPS receivers. GPS is helpful in astronomy and astrophotography by providing the imaging software with the correct time, date, and location, helping create a detailed image of what the sky should look like based on this information.

Guide Camera

A guide camera has the important job of assisting your mount with its tracking capabilities. It does this by capturing constant frames of the night sky, usually 1-3 seconds each, that are then sent to autoguiding software. The software analyzes the field of view, selects guide stars and determines their center of mass, then compares each incoming frame to this calculated center of mass. If any discrepancies are found between the captured frames, the software will then communicate with the mount to fix these errors.

Imaging Train

Your imaging train is your telescope, camera, and any other accessories that are fixed between them, such as filters, filter wheels, off-axis guiders, focal reducers, etc.

Light Pollution

Light pollution is the brightening of the atmosphere due to lights from streetlamps, other forms of artificial light, and even the Moon. As light enters the atmosphere, it washes out the night sky, making it very difficult to observe the stars, nebulae, and planets. In order to combat light pollution in astrophotography, special filters have been developed to cut through excess light and enhance images. These filters are known as City Light Suppression filters, commonly referred to as CLS filters.

Monochrome Camera

Monochrome cameras deliver the most detail and sensitivity out of all other camera options. Color cameras have an arrangement of pixel filters in a 2x2 grid, typically consisting of two green, one red, and one blue, which is then repeated across the entire sensor in what is known as a Bayer pattern. Monochrome cameras however, have photosites that do not contain an alternating pattern of those red, green, and blue light pre-filters. Instead, their photosites collect all incoming light regardless of color – allowing for up to 3x the collection of signal (red, green, and blue light). Because the camera itself is not pre-filtering each color, in order to produce a full color image, they must be paired with filters to create a full color image. These filters can range from simple RGB filters to narrowband filters, and the collected data is then combined in a photo editing software. Though light is still passed through an external filter, every pixel well is utilized, resulting in 4x more red or blue signal and 2x more green signal compared to a color camera.


A nebula is a type of celestial body that is made up of gas and/or dust. There are 3 different types of nebulae within space. Emission nebulae have a “glowing” effect, where they absorb and emit light from surrounding stars. The colors emitted are entirely dependent on the gasses present within the nebulae itself. This type of nebula also includes planetary nebula and supernova remnants, produced by stars themselves. As opposed to emitting light itself, reflection nebulae reflect starlight from neighboring stars. Reflection nebulae are typically blue in color, such as the Pleiades or the Running Man Nebula. The last type of nebulae is dark nebulae, which blocks stars and other objects from our view, creating a dark silhouette.


An adapter that allows cameras to be installed in place of visual observing equipment such as diagonals or eyepieces. These adapters feature threading for a T-Ring or camera on one side, and an 1.25” or 2” barrel on the other.

Off-axis Guider (OAG)

As opposed to using a guide scope, off-axis guiders are fitted into the main imaging train itself, and utilizes the incoming light from the primary telescope for guiding. It achieves this via an internal prism that sends light into the guide camera. When using traditional guide scopes, these scopes can alter in position slightly through the night of imaging, causing the issue of differential flexure. But utilizing the main imaging rig’s incoming light, off-axis guiders eliminate this issue.

Plate Solving

The process of plate solving involves software analyzing a captured frame and comparing the star patterns to a database to determine the exact pointing position of the telescope. This procedure is incredibly helpful in Go-To processes, allowing the user to slew directly to the desired object with the click of a button.

Polar Alignment

Polar alignment is the process of aligning a telescope mount’s polar axis with the Earth’s axis of rotation. By having these two axes parallel to one another, precise counteraction of the Earth’s rotation can then be achieved. While a typical process of equatorial mounts that have three inherent axes of rotation, a similar effect can also be achieved by utilizing an equatorial wedge with two-axis alt-azimuth mounts.


In order to complete an astroimage, it’s necessary to bring the captured frames into software to perform post process editing. This action varies for different types of astrophotography, though in general, it involves image stacking to reduce noise and remove artifacts, and image editing to enhance the captured detail and color.

Reflector Telescope / Reflecting Telescope

A reflector is a telescope design in which mirrors are used to gather and focus light. Reflector telescopes are commonly called Newtonian Reflectors, or simply a Newtonian in deference to their inventor, Sir Isaac Newton.

Refractor / Refracting Telescope

A refractor telescope is an optical instrument that utilizes refraction of light to create a visual image. This telescope type uses an objective lens to bend/refract light from far away objects to magnify them, as well as allowing them to appear brighter and clearer. Refractors were created in 1608, and their creation is attributed to Hans Lippershey, a Dutch lens maker.

Sky Atlas

Sky Atlas is a digital planetarium created by ZWO for their ASIAIR and Seestar platforms. Digital planetariums are representations of the night sky as it appears at a certain time and location, generally synchronized to those of the user. This allows users to look for objects to observe/ image, usually showing a visual representation and technical information about the targets. In more advanced planetariums like the Sky Atlas and those included in most other smart telescope apps, GoTo functionality will be included to slew the user's telescope to whichever section of the sky they desire.


Software consists of programs and date used by a computer to complete certain tasks.


Typically this is used to describe an accessory for SCT telescopes, which is threaded to the back of the OTA or reducer (replacing the visual back). These spacers add enough space to the imaging train such that only the industry standard 55 mm of backspacing remains. For information on the adapter that connects directly to a DSLR/ mirrorless camera, see T-Ring.


A T-Ring is an accessory that is used to connect a DSLR/ mirrorless camera to threaded connections. These have a camera lens mount on one side, and a female/ internally threaded connection on the other in either M48 or M42. Most (but not all) T-Rings will set the camera at 55 mm of backspacing, making connections easy.


As the Earth is continuously spinning and in motion, the location of a celestial object in the sky moves over the course of a night. This becomes apparent during observation as a target moves out of view, and particularly observable in images as stars and objects quickly become a blur as exposure time and focal length increases. To compensate for this, computerized mounts and smart telescopes employ tracking techniques to keep the target centered in the optics. Depending on the motion style of the mount, the resulting image can vary. Alt-Az motion, popular in smart telescopes, keeps the object centered but can not compensate for its “spin” without what is known as a wedge. Accordingly these images lose information on the edges of the frame as they rotate out of view, leading to ever smaller, circular, images as time spent imaging increases.


Universal Serial Bus or USB is a protocol for data transmission, and is by far and away the most common way astronomy equipment will communicate with a PC in a wired capacity. There are a number of USB connectors, such as USB-A (the rectangular port you’re likely familiar with), USB-B, USB-C, and micro USB; as well as a number of different revisions (2.0, 3.0, 3.1, etc.) that have brought more speed, power, and reliability to the protocol.

WiFi (Wi-Fi)

Wi-Fi, sometimes shortened to just WiFi or wifi, is a protocol for wireless communication. Primarily it is used to transmit and receive data between a device (such as a smartphone, computer, smart TV, and an ever increasing number of other household devices) and a router or wireless access point that is connected to the internet. Communication with the internet is not the only function the Wi-Fi protocol is useful for, and indeed many of the aforementioned devices can communicate with each other locally using this protocol and the router as an intermediary. Increasingly this protocol has been used for more direct communication between two devices (like a smartphone and a smart telescope), with one creating its own access point or broadcast that both devices then send and receive data on. While this does have the disadvantage of disconnecting a device’s connection to the internet, it has become necessary to transfer large amounts of data quickly that otherwise exceed what Bluetooth can accommodate.
