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Filter Wheels / Holders


What Is a Filter Wheel?

A telescope filter wheel lets you cycle through a variety of different telescope filters with ease. Commonly used for astrophotography, telescope camera filter wheels tend to work best with imaging filters. A filter wheel will keep your filters secure at the appropriate distance to create the best quality images of the night sky through a CCD or CMOS imaging camera. An electronic or motorized filter wheel will allow for more automation in the process.

What Kinds of Filter Wheels are Available?

The most significant factor in differentiating between one telescope filter wheel and another is how many positions there are for different filters. The more positions there are, the more imaging options you'll have. However, more doesn't necessarily equate to better — it all depends on what camera you have. Keep in mind that filter wheels with more than 5 positions will be limited to small filter diameter sizes, such as 1.25” or 36 mm filters, while filter wheels with less positions are often designed to hold 2”, 50 mm or larger imaging filters. At High Point Scientific, you can find the following filter wheel options:

Of these, the 5-position filter wheel is the most common and popular choice as it is designed to hold a classic LRGB (Luminance, Red, Green, Blue) filter set. However, again, the right filter wheel for you will be determined by your astronomical aspirations and your telescope camera model.

Find Your Filter Wheel at High Point Scientific

Whether you're an avid astrophotographer or you are ready to add color imaging options to your monochrome telescope camera, a filter wheel might be just what you need. Contact our experts if you want to know more about the filter wheels we offer. Our highly knowledgeable staff does not work on commission — they're here to help you get the most out of your astronomy experience because they love it as much as you do! Browse our filter wheel selection now.
