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Top Astrophotography Cameras for 2024

Backed by years of experience and customer insight, our team of gear experts have done the hard work for you; curating this list of the most popular dedicated astrophotography cameras for 2024! With their internal cooling system, extensive software compatibility, and high performance sensors, all of these cameras produce outstanding images of the night sky. Be sure to check out our Top Astrophotography Cameras of 2024 article for a more in-depth look.

  • Fitted with a full frame sensor, this ZWO ASI6200 Pro is a 61.2MP powerhouse! Enjoy zero amp glow, an onboard anti-dew heater, 14 stops of dynamic range, and plenty more.
  • The ZWO ASI183 Pro is a tried and true classic within the astrophotography community thanks to its backlit sensor, small 2.4um pixels, and 1” digital sensor. The impressive low light performance this camera delivers is perfect for those looking for a budget-friendly dedicated astroimaging camera.
  • With similar specs as the ASI183, the ZWO ASI294 Pro is also a popular choice amongst astroimagers. The main difference is the ASI294 has a larger 4/3” sensor, allowing you to capture more of the night sky!
  • Next on our list is the widely renowned ZWO ASI2600 Pro. With its zero amp glow, 26 megapixels, high QE value, and plenty more, this camera is sure to take your astrophotography to the next level.
  • As the most recommended astrophotography camera by our gear experts, this ZWO ASI533 Pro has it all! It’s 1” square sensor fits seamlessly within the majority of imaging trains, features zero amp glow, delivers superb quality, and is perfect for those on a budget.

How to Choose a Dedicated Astrophotography Camera

So, you have an idea of the telescope and the mount you plan to use, but now it’s time to select the piece of equipment that will actually be snapping the images — your camera! Today’s most popular manufactures have been busy developing cameras that provide images with stunning clarity, contrast, and resolution of detail. With this plethora of cameras available, choosing the right one can prove to be overwhelming at first, but no need to fret! Our team of gear experts are here to help you through it.

Taking a deep dive into what makes a camera ideal for you based on pixel size, focal length, and your local average seeing conditions, check out our Choosing the Best Deep Sky Camera and Choosing the Best Planetary Camera articles. These guides come complete with loads of useful information, helpful charts, as well as camera recommendations to help get you started!

Color Cameras

Color cameras are popular choices for astrophotographers thanks to their affordability, ease of use, and time saving capabilities! There is no need to purchase additional filters to create an in-color image, as color cameras register red, green, and blue photons all in one go. Imaging through multiple filters and juggling multiple sets of data is a non-issue with these types of cameras, making image acquisition and post-processing a breeze. Projects can be completely in a more timely manner, and as a result, color cameras are favored by those who have limited amount of time to image or those who live in regions where clear skies are few and far between. This ASI2600MC Pro, for instance, is one of the most sought-after color cameras around thanks to the rich color data it produces and vibrant detail it delivers!

ASI2600MC Pro

So, how exactly do color cameras work? The sensors within color cameras are fitted with an internal color filter array, typically in a 2x2 grid, that's overlayed on top of the camera sensor. Referred to as a Bayer pattern, this grid features one red, one blue, and two green filters. When an incoming red photon hits a red filtered pixel well, it will be recorded into signal, and so forth with the other two colors with their respective filters.

Since the pixel wells are color coded and only capture specific colors, one downside to color cameras is that their internal color filter array reduces the amount of light the sensor can collect overall. This means color cameras produce frames with a lower signal to noise ratio in comparison to frames taken with a monochrome camera. Though overall less sensitive than their monochrome counterparts, the benefits of convenience and user-friendliness counterbalance this drawback of signal conversion.

Advantages of Color Cameras

  • No need to buy external filters
  • Produces a full color image in one exposure
  • Completion of a project in less amount of time
  • More affordable than monochrome cameras

Disadvantages of Color Cameras

  • Less sensitive than monochrome cameras
  • More noisy than monochrome cameras

Ready to find the best color camera for you? We have you covered! Take a look at our extensive selection of available color cameras by clicking the image below!

color camera variety

Monochrome Cameras

For those who want to capture the most detail and get the most out of their gear, monochrome cameras are the way to go! These cameras are the most sensitive cameras around, maximizing the light gathering power of your telescope. This is achieved through the absence of an internal color filter array, allowing every pixel well to capture incoming photons regardless of color. By having more pixels available that can capture more photons, the signal to noise ratio is significantly increased! This heightened sensitivity can be witnessed with the popular ZWO ASI2600MM Pro, fitted with a 91% peak QE compared to the 80% peak QE of its color counterpart, the ZWO ASI2600MC Pro.

An AstroZap solar film filter

As monochrome cameras image in black and white, external filters are needed to produce a full color image. These filters can be simple LRGB filters or extreme light blocking narrowband filters; with at least two sets of data through two different filters necessary. After the data from each filter is collected, it is then brought into post-processing software to combine into a full color image. Due to the fact that all pixels are being utilized as opposed to a Bayer pattern’s ratio of one red, to one blue, to two green pixels, monochrome cameras can collect up to 4x the red photons, 4x the blue photons, and 2x the green photons than color cameras are able to.

While more time and equipment is needed to complete an image, the data collected by monochrome cameras is far more detailed than that of color cameras. This makes monochrome cameras essential for cosmic discoveries, scientific applications, or for those who want to take their astrophotography to the next level!

Monochrome Camera Benefits

  • The most sensitive type of camera
  • Exceptional detail resolution
  • High signal to noise ratio
  • Low noise

Disadvantages of Monochrome Cameras

  • Must shoot through multiple filters to create an in-color image
  • More time required to complete an image

Now that you have a better understanding of monochrome cameras, it’s time find the right one for you! Check out our huge selection of monochrome cameras we carry here at High Point Scientific by clicking the image below.

Monochrome camera variety

Guide Cameras

Guide cameras are small, lightweight cameras that fix to a guide scope or an off-axis guider. With the primary function of assisting your mount with its tracking capabilities, these little cameras take constant short exposures, almost video-like, of the night sky (usually 0.5-3 seconds each) that are then analyzed by autoguiding software. The addition of a guiding setup to your imaging rig drastically improves the quality of your images, as it allows much longer exposures without star trails. This means more light can be captured, and more detail can be resolved!

So, how does autoguiding work? After selecting the best stars to guide upon, these constant exposures produced by the guide camera are compared to the determined center of mass of these stars. The autoguiding software further communicates with the mount, gently adjusting the mount’s pointing position to fix any perceived tracking errors. As tracking accuracy is extremely important in long exposure astrophotography, it’s vital to have a guide camera that delivers excellent resolution of detail to expose any tracking discrepancies. This is why many guide cameras are of the monochrome variety, taking advantage of the heightened sensitivity for increased performance. Guide cameras also utilize small sensors to reduce image transfer speeds and to provide a deep look into the night sky, allowing the guide stars to fill the frame. This ZWO ASI120MM Mini, for instance, has a small 4.8mm x 3.6mm monochrome sensor, and is fitted with qualities such as low readout noise and a high dynamic range, making it one of the most popular guide cameras on the market today.

Ready to choose your guide camera? Browse our selection of guide cameras we carry here at High Point Scientific! Need more background information on guiding? Our team has put together autoguiding and off-axis guiding articles to help get you started.

Sensor Sizes

The size of the sensor within a camera is an important aspect to take into account when selecting the best camera for you. Sensor size can affect the field of view, signal conversion, and the overall quality of the image. In general, the larger the sensor, the wider the field of view will become, making large sensors ideal for vast, sweeping nebulae. Also, with the increased surface area, there is room for either additional pixels, or larger pixels! If more pixels are incorporated, your captured images will have increased resolution and more detail, while larger pixels will result in better photon collection and a higher signal to noise ratio.

In order to maximize the light gathering abilities of your telescope, it’s best practice to find a compatible sensor size and image circle. Too small of sensor will let too much light go unregistered, while too big of sensor will result in vignetting around the edges of the frame. So, how do you determine ideal compatibility? The sensor’s diagonal must be similar to, but not exceeding, that of the diameter of the image circle for optimal performance. To find the diagonal of your chosen sensor, simply add your sensor's width squared plus the height squared, then take the square root of this sum. The sensor diagonal is also important to consider when choosing filters, as the diameter of the filter must be larger than the sensor diagonal for the best possible performance. Wanting a well-rounded camera that pairs well with the large majority of telescopes and filter sizes? Our gear experts here at High Point Scientific recommend the ZWO ASI533MC Pro time and time again. Thanks to its 1” sized square sensor, this camera is seen as the jack of all trades within the world of dedicated astroimaging cameras!

Crop sensor comparisonClick to Enlarge Image

Another key aspect to take into consideration is what’s known as the crop factor of the sensor you plan to image with. This gives insight into how “zoomed in” the image will appear to be. In general, the smaller the sensor, the more focal length you will seem to have. By taking the crop factor and multiplying it by your focal length, this number will give you an idea of the apparent focal length you will be imaging with. For instance, imaging with an APS-C sized sensor with a typical crop factor of 1.5x (1.6x for Canon cameras) and a 500mm focal length telescope will yield an apparent focal length of 750mm. Full frame sensors have a crop factor of 1x, and Micro Four Thirds of 2x. This is due to the fact that only the light that hits the sensor is registered, where the light that passes by the sensor remains unregistered. This means only the center of the field of view is captured, producing a “cropped in” effect. As the planets are quite small in our night sky, planetary cameras capitalize on this aspect with their small sensor sizes.

Crop sensor comparisonClick to Enlarge Image

Quantum Efficiency

When selecting a camera, it’s important to take note of the sensor’s rated quantum efficiency (QE). This key aspect is a measure of how effective the sensor is at converting the photons it’s been exposed to into signal. For instance, if a sensor was exposed to 100 photons, and it converted those 75 photons into signal, then the quantum efficiency of that sensor would be 75%. The larger the QE rating, the more data is collected and the brighter the image will become. This results in a higher signal to noise ratio for improved image quality. Technology has come a long way, and instead of imaging with outdated DSLRs featuring mere 50% QE values, today’s dedicated astroimaging cameras can now produce QE values of up to 90%+ at some wavelengths! This ZWO ASI6200MM Pro for example, has a peak QE measurement of 91%, delivering photos brimming with clarity.

QE diagramClick to Enlarge Image

One key factor to this revolution is the introduction of back illuminated sensors within modern cameras. By using careful internal architecture, back illuminated sensors have their wires, transistors, and other electrical elements behind the pixel wells as opposed to in front of it. This lack of obstructions allows the sensor to collect more light, and therefore registers more photons into signal.

It’s important to note that quantum efficiency is entirely wavelength dependent, as some wavelengths are better absorbed than others. The rated quantum efficiency is denoted by the peak efficiency the sensor is capable of, typically within the green range. When trying to find the right camera to purchase, you may come across either relative or peak QE graphs. Since quantum efficiency is wavelength dependent, relative QE graphs are mainly used to display the difference in efficiency over the visible spectrum (think of it like "grading on the curve"), whereas peak QE graphs simply display the actual rated QE value(s). When comparing camera options, it’s important to ensure that the QE graphs in question are of the same type.

Front vs Back IlluminatedClick to Enlarge Image

As monochrome cameras do not have a color filter array fitted atop their sensors, these cameras typically come equipped with a higher quantum efficiency than their color counterparts. This can be seen when comparing the ZWO ASI533MC Pro which has a QE value of 80%, with the ZWO ASI533MM Pro featuring a QE of 91%!


The resolution of your chosen camera plays a huge role in the quality of the images you capture. This refers to the number of pixels the sensor contains, with the more pixels for a given sensor size, the higher the detail. Resolution can be displayed multiple ways. You can either find it as a representation of the pixel array, or as the total number of pixels denoted by the megapixel count. For instance, a sensor with a 6248x4176 pixel array contains 6248 pixels in length and 4176 pixels in height, with a total of 26 megapixels. Not only does the number of pixels available affect image quality, but the size of these pixels matter as well. In general, sensors with smaller pixels discern more details than those with larger pixels. While finding a camera with small pixels may seem like the obvious choice, it’s also important to note that small pixels have less of a chance at collecting photons due to their smaller surface areas.

Small Pixels

  • More details under ideal conditions
  • Less surface area to capture detail

Large Pixels

  • Ability to capture more photons for higher signal to noise ratio
  • Less detail resolved

With pixel size in mind, this brings us to what’s referred to as the image scale — the area of the sky recorded per pixel, measured in arc seconds (also known as the calculated resolution). Image scale heavily determines the overall quality of the image, and is dependent on both the chosen pixel size and the focal length of your telescope, with the given formula:

Calculated resolutionClick to Enlarge Image

Ideally, you will want your image scale to be around 1-2” per pixel to maximize the amount of detail your imaging train can capture. Having too low of image scale is referred to as oversampling, while having too high of image scale is referred to as undersampling. Oversampling occurs when the pixels are too small for the given focal length and the incoming light is spread amongst surrounding pixels. This results in soft, blurry-looking images. On the flip side of things, undersampling happens when the pixels are too big to capitalize on the available detail for the given focal length, resulting in blocky-looking images. So what’s better, to be slightly oversampled or slightly undersampled? In wide field nebulae imaging, you can get away with being slightly undersampled, whereas during planetary imaging, being somewhat oversampled is actually ideal. Wanting a more in-depth look into sampling? Check out our Undersampling and Oversampling article on out Astronomy Hub!

undersampled vs oversampledClick to Enlarge Image

Dynamic range: Full well depth, read noise, & ADC

Once photons hit the substrate of the pixel wells, they are converted into electrons, with this collection of electrons being referred to as the analog electrical charge. Full well depth, also known as full well capacity, is the amount of electrons the pixel can hold before it becomes fully saturated. By having a deeper full well depth, the more light you can collect without worry of overexposing the image. If the full well depth is too small for the amount of pixels it’s exposed to, the extra charge will “spill over” into the surrounding pixels, making the stars look large and bloated. Having a large full well depth is very useful when imaging dim targets that require long exposure times, as it helps you capture details on the subject while simultaneously preventing the stars from becoming overexposed.

Calculated resolutionClick to Enlarge Image

Read noise and the full well capacity of a sensor have a special relationship in determining the level of dynamic range that’s able to be captured. As cameras have internal electronics, they randomly generate electrons that can be read by the sensor — even if the camera is in complete darkness and isn't collecting any light. This is what's known as read noise, which is measured in electrons. As read noise is the base charge of the pixel wells without any collected signal, and the full well capacity is the maximum amount of charge that the pixel wells can store, the ratio between the two yields the dynamic range of the sensor.

Once photons have been collected, converted into electrons, they then must be translated into an image. How does this work? The analog electrical charge is brought through an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which maps analog signal into digital signal. The digital signal is a predetermined range of grays from pure black (no signal) to pure white (full signal), known as the camera’s bit depth. The electrical charge corresponds to a shade of grey, and an image is produced. The more shades of gray available, i.e. the larger the bit depth, the smoother the transition from black to white is within the images. Now, you may be thinking, well, if the bit depth is only in shades of black and white, what about color cameras? As all color cameras contain monochrome sensors underneath their color filter array, these shades of grey are translated into color data, providing a wide range of color information within the image!

Calculated resolutionClick to Enlarge Image

Components of an Astro-Image

So, what exactly goes into creating an astrophoto? Because astrophotography involves capturing light from dim objects in space, careful image acquisition must ensue! The low light nature of this type of photography makes it easy for noise and artifacts to run rampant throughout your images, therefore multiple exposures and calibration frames are a must. These frames are then stacked within special software, and further processed to enhance detail.

To give you insight into the components of an astroimage, here we have example frames of what you can expect when taking your lights, darks, flats, bias/dark flat frames, and what to do with them. It's important to note that these are the basic components to every astroimage, though some types of astrophotography, such as planetary, may not need as many calibration frames. In this section we take a look at the components of a deep space image.

Provided by our very own High Point Scientific gear expert, Teagan, these example frames were captured with the high performance Apertura CarbonStar 150 Imaging Newtonian and the popular monochrome ZWO ASI533MM Pro! If you want a more in-depth look into the importance of calibration frames, check out out our detailed Understanding Calibration Frames article found on our Astrophotography Astronomy Hub.

Light Frames

In astrophotography, your light frames are the frames that hold the actual data of the celestial object being imaged. These are the images that pop up on the back of your DSLR or within your image capture software. In most cases, multiple light frames are collected, then stacked, to amplify the captured detail. Determining how many frames to take will vary from object to object, though in general, the more light frames you take, the less noise the final image will have! When capturing your light frames, it’s important to pick the correct exposure time for the specific target you’re imaging. This will ensure enough light is being collected while also preventing over-exposure. It’s best to capture your light frames in RAW mode if using a DSLR or mirrorless camera, or as FITS files when utilizing dedicated astroimaging cameras. As they are uncompressed and unprocessed files, these two file formats help preserve every bit of collected detail possible.

Image Caption: Single 10 minute SII light frame of the Rosette Nebula taken with the CarbonStar 150 and ASI533MM Pro

Darks Frames

Dark frames are a type of calibration frame that aims to reduce thermal sensor noise and hot pixels within your captured light frames. The result is a higher signal to noise ratio, and a cleaner final image! Not only this, but dark frames also eliminate the presence of amp glow, an issue typical of many CMOS cameras. Similar to light frames, the more dark frames you can capture, the better. Stacking software will take your dark frames, stack them together into a master dark frame, then subtract this master from your light frames. These calibration frames are to be taken with the same exposure time, gain/ISO setting, and surrounding temperature as your light frames, though, as their name suggests, are taken in the dark. It’s important to completely shroud the sensor from any light when taking your dark frames as to avoid unwanted artifacts during image stacking. If utilizing a temperature-controlled cooled camera, the captured darks can be used over and over again; though for those using uncooled cameras such as DSLRs, a new set of dark frames must be taken during every imaging session due to the fluctuation in temperature from night to night.

Image Caption: 10 minute dark frame of the ASI533MM Pro

Flat Frames

While not reducing any noise, flat frames have the important job of eliminating any artifacts caused by dust or dirt on your camera sensor, gradients, or vignetting. The incorporation of flat frames help uphold image quality by producing a flat, even field within your final image. So, how does one capture flat frames? Unlike dark frames, these calibration frames aren’t temperature or exposure-time dependent. They must, however, have the same ISO/gain settings, focus, and camera rotation as your light frames. Flats are typically taken the morning after image acquisition to ensure these three requirements are in-sync with the light frames. To take flats, you will want to produce an evenly illuminated field of view. This can be achieved with a white t-shirt fitted over your telescope and pointed at the illuminated sky, or with a dedicated flat panel! It may be necessary to play around with various exposure lengths to find the proper exposure of your flat frames. Flats must be taken for every imaging session, and if using multiple filters, each filter used must have its own set of flat frames as well.

Image Caption: Flat frame of CarbonStar 150 and ASI533MM Pro

Bias Frames & Dark Flats

Every camera sensor suffers from what’s called readout noise. This is the base noise level of the sensor due to the internal electrical currents producing signal noise. Thankfully, isolating readout noise is quick and easy! Very similar to darks, bias frames are taken with the telescope or lens covered, though with a very fast exposure time instead. They will also need to have the same ISO setting as your light frames. As some dedicated astroimaging cameras struggle with capturing short exposures, dark flats are used in the place of bias frames. Dark flat frames are to be taken with the same gain and exposure time as your flat frames, though in the dark. They also calibrate your flat frames — eliminating any amp glow that may be present within them. Dark flats can often be skipped with minimal impact, though it’s important to note that some stacking applications may require the addition of dark flats in order to apply your flat frames to your final image.

Image Caption: Dark flat of the ASI533MM Pro

Image Stacking

Now that you have your light frames and calibration frames, it’s now time to stack everything together! By combining the captured light frames, the signal will be maximized, the dynamic range will increase, and noise will be greatly reduced. The application of your calibration frames will further reduce noise as well as diminish any artifacts that may be present. There are plenty of different stacking applications available for download today, giving you a wide range of options. One of the most popular stacking software for beginners is DeepSkyStacker — a free, Windows based application with an intuitive interface. If using a MacOS, Siril is a comparable option. Prior to image integration, it’s best practice to arrange your captured frames within clearly labeled folders, as this will help keep you organized when uploading your frames into your chosen stacking application.

Image Caption: Rosette Nebula SII data within DeepSkyStacker


Once everything is integrated into a final stacked image, it’s time to bring it to life within a photo editing software! This is where you get the creative freedom to adjust the colors, the levels, improve contrast, and enhance specific details to make the image pop. As photography is a wide sweeping hobby, there are a plethora of image editing applications to choose from. With this in mind, what’s the best photo editing software for astrophotography? Many experienced astroimagers will declare PixInsight as the best based on the abundance of features it provides, though for beginners just getting started, this may not be the case. As astrophotography is centered around imaging dim, faraway objects, editing an astroimage can easily become very complicated very quickly. Getting familiar with layer masks, star reduction techniques, and image stretching, just to name a few, are all significant parts of post-processing. As such, the best image editing software for astrophotography is the one you’re most comfortable with and willing to learn to navigate. To help get you started, we recommend both the award-winning Affinity Photo software as well as the free, cross-platform GIMP image editor based on their user-friendly interfaces. Astrophotography is an art, and as such, putting your own personal touch on the captured cosmos is one of the most exciting aspects of this hobby! If you feel like you're ready to take the dive into PixInsight, be sure to check out our detailed Basic Post-Processing in PixInsight tutorial.

Image Caption: Final SHO image of the Rosette Nebula

Camera FAQ: What You Need to Know

The camera you choose to utilize has a huge impact on the overall quality of the astroimages you produce. As such, you may have a lot of questions regarding these essential astrophotography tools. With this in mind, our team of gear experts have collected the most frequently asked questions and provided answers to help you gain a better understanding of cameras!

What type of camera is used for Astrophotography?

The type of camera used for astrophotography is heavily dependent on the type of astrophotography being conducting. If performing deep space imaging, the best type of camera would be a cooled, monochrome camera that was designed to handle the long exposures needed for imaging faint, dim objects. Planetary photography is also best performed with a monochrome camera, though instead of long exposures, these types of cameras were made to capture short exposures, almost video-like, of our celestial neighbors. DSLR and mirrorless cameras can also be used for astrophotography, and are excellent for Milky Way imaging. With the wide range of celestial objects in our night sky, so come various types of cameras for astrophotography.

What is a good astrophotography camera to start with?

If just getting started in astrophotography, the best type of camera to use is one you probably already have — a DSLR or mirrorless camera! These types of cameras were not designed for astrophotography specifically, though are all-around great for a wide variety of celestial objects. Also, their familiar interface will make it easy to transition into this hobby. If you’re wanting to start with a dedicated astroimaging cameras, it’s important to understand which type of astrophotography you plan to conduct. For deep space astrophotography, our gear experts repeatedly recommend the ZWO ASI533MC Pro / ZWO ASI533MM Pro based on its high performance, zero amp glow, and square sensor that fits well within most image circles. For planetary imaging, the ASI662MC or ASI462MM are great choices based on the high frame rates they provide!

Can I use a DSLR for astrophotography?

DSLRs can absolutely be used for astrophotography! They don’t provide as great of performance for deep space imaging nor planetary photography as dedicated astrophotography cameras do, though they still capture ample signal for stunning images. If using a DSLR for deep space, it’s important to take as long of exposures as possible without the addition of too much heat noise. It’s also best practice to capture as many exposures as possible to boost the signal to noise ratio. For planetary imaging, careful settings can be adjusted to help maximize your camera’s planetary performance — such as enabling crop mode and taking a video of the planet as opposed to single frames. Milky Way photography is where DSLRs excel, as they can be paired with wide angle lenses and easily ride atop star trackers!

How Do I Connect A Camera To A Telescope For Astrophotography?

This depends on the camera you’re looking to connect, whether you’ll be using a field flattener or coma corrector, what other accessories you want to use, and the design of all those components. The most basic way this is achieved is by using what is known as a nosepiece (or Barlow if you have a Newtonian) with a dedicated astronomy camera or with a DSLR/mirrorless camera and T-ring. There is a lot to consider even in these simple setups however, so for more information and diagrams we recommend giving our article How to Connect a Camera to a Telescope a read!

What Shutter Speed Or Exposure Time Should I Use For Astrophotography?

As you may know, astrophotos are combinations of multiple images stacked on top of eachother — a “3 hour image” is not one super long exposure but rather a combination of many shorter images. There is no hard-and-fast rule for how long these individual images exposure times should be. Longer exposure times are better for faint objects like nebulae and galaxies, but just how long depends on the equipment, the tracking capabilities of a system, how much information the camera’s pixels can “hold”, and how much risk one is willing take that a cloud or plane won’t photobomb and ruin a very long exposure. A DSLR on a star tracker may work best with 15-30 second exposures for example, while more involved setups utilizing advanced tracking software and dedicated astronomy cameras image anywhere from a few minutes up to 10-15 minutes per image!

What Is The Best DSLR Or Mirrorless Camera For Astrophotography?

This is a tricky question. There are cameras that are designed either for astrophotography or are popular hosts for "astrophotography modification," and when pairing a camera with a telescope, you can go down the rabbit-hole of how well the physical pixels match your camera (which we do in this article)—so you very well could narrow things down to a few “best” models for your telescope of choice. We would contend, however, that using the camera you already have or purchasing a fairly recent model from Canon, Nikon, or Sony, would be the “best” camera for most people’s astrophotography journey. With how good modern DSLRs and mirrorless cameras have become, most of these will produce great results and allow you to gain experience while saving money, and with the popularity of the Canon, Nikon, and Sony platforms, astrophotography adapters are easy to find!

What Are Calibration Frames and why do I need them?

Calibration frames are additional frames to be taken that isolate certain issues seen within your light frames. By subtracting the calibration frames from your light frames, noise is further reduced, and any artifacts present are diminished as well! Calibration frames include dark frames, flat frames, dark flat frames, and bias frames. Taking the time to capture calibration frames will greatly help maximize your image quality.

Can I connect my camera lens to my dedicated astrophotography camera?

Yes, this is absolutely possible! Take advantage of the low noise, high IR sensitivity, and the cooling mechanisms provided by dedicated astroimaging cameras for all of your wide field imaging adventures. Shop our selection of Canon lens adapters and Nikon lens adapters for your ZWO or QHY cooled cameras here at High Point Scientific. With these adapters, it’s important to have a good understanding of your lens’s specific backspacing requirement, and to add any spacers/adapters necessary to reach ideal focus.

How do I set up my DSLR camera for astrophotography?

This depends on the type of astrophotography you plan to conduct. If wanting to take images of deep space, the longer the exposure time, the better. Also, the more images you take, the less noise and the brighter the image will become during image stacking! If planning to take images longer than 30 seconds, this will require an external intervalometer if your camera does not have one built into it. Also, it’s best to see which ISO setting is optimal for your specific camera as to avoid accentuating any noise that may be present. Typically, an ISO of around 800-1600 is ideal for a wide range of cameras. For planetary imaging, single frames of the planets can be taken, though shooting a video will yield greater results. This technique is what’s known as “lucky imaging,” helping capture the best frames between bouts of bad seeing. Please note that this is only possible if your camera has an electronic shutter, as mechanical shutters cannot image fast enough for videos. Similar to deep space imaging, an ISO of 800-1600 is ideal. If your camera includes it, enabling “Movie Crop Mode” is the way to go, as it will capture frames at 60fps, and focus only on the central part of the sensor where the planet is to be lined up.

How do you take a picture of the Moon?

Taking a photo of Earth’s natural satellite is quite easy! If using a DSLR, you will want to start with your ISO around 100-200 as to avoid too bright of an image. The shutter speed should be quite fast, somewhere around 1/100, as the Moon moves quickly across the night sky. Stopping down the aperture of your camera lens (if you’re using one) to around f/10-f/16 is best practice as well. If your image is too bright or too dim, adjust these settings as needed. While this will yield an impressive image of the Moon, if you’re wanting to go the extra mile and bring your lunar photography to the next level, utilizing a dedicated astroimaging camera is the way to go! For lunar photography with a planetary camera, it’s best to expose the Moon with a histogram of around 75-85%, as to avoid any data clipping in the bright portions. Gain settings and exposure time will vary from camera to camera, though it’s best to find an exposure time fast enough that helps “freeze” the seeing conditions. The more exposures you take to stack, the better the final image will become. As far as the ideal time to image the Moon, avoid imaging the Moon during its fully illuminated phase, as intricate details will not be as apparent due to the head-on sunlight it’s exposed to.

What is SHO imaging?

SHO imaging, oftentimes referred to as the Hubble Palette, involves utilizing a monochrome camera to capture data on a target in the SII, H-alpha, and OIII wavelengths. This is done by imaging three sets of data through these three types of narrowband filters. After the frames have been captured, the SII data is mapped to red, H-alpha mapped to green, and OIII mapped to blue. The result is a full color image that helps differentiate the different gases present within the captured nebula.

What is a Bayer filter?

A Bayer filter is a type of color filter array that is arranged over the camera sensor of a color camera. As all camera sensors are inherently monochrome, this filter array “sorts” the incoming light to provide color data to the camera. Forming a square 2x2 grid, the Bayer filter features one red, one blue, and two green filters, which then repeats across the entire sensor. Once photons have been collected on the sensor, a process called demosaicing must take place. This is the process of estimating the missing color values based on the collected light, then generating the final full color image.

How many photos do I need to stack for astrophotography?

This will entirely depend on the type of astrophotography you are conducting, though in general, the more exposures you take, the better your final image will turn out to be. Not only this, but it’s important to keep in mind that some captured frames will have to be thrown out due to bouts of poor seeing, satellite trails, gusts of wind blurring the stars, and more. In addition to the number of frames needed, exposure time of the captured frames matters as well. The longer the exposures, the higher the signal to noise ratio, and the more detail you will capture. For deep space photography, it’s best to have multiple hours of total exposure time, usually comprised of 3-10 minute frames, depending on the target. For planetary imaging, multiple minute long videos are necessary (with varying exposure times per planet) for the sharpest possible images.

Do you need autofocus for astrophotography?

In reference to the auto-focus found on camera lenses, this mechanism is actually not recommended for astrophotography, as manual focus will help you achieve the best possible focus instead. To help you in focusing, utilizing a focus mask, such as the Apertura Bright Focus Masks, on a bright star is your best bet! If you’re wanting to make focus even easier, the addition of an electronic autofocuser streamlines your focusing routine, as it allows software to calculate the perfect focus for you! While absolutely not required, these accessories save you precious clear sky time, and are favored by many astrophotographers.

Do I need calibration frames for planetary imaging?

If your camera has significant amp glow, dark frames may be necessary for proper image calibration. In most cases, however, the brief exposure times used during planetary imaging yield little dark noise, and the multiple exposure captured within the videos typically average out any random noise patterns. Flats, on the other hand, are very useful for planetary imaging, as it ensures any dust motes present within the frames will be calibrated out.

Do I need a cooled camera for astrophotography?

While a cooled camera is not required for planetary, Milky Way, lunar, or solar astrophotography, having a cooled camera under your belt is a game changer in the realm of deep space imaging. By cooling your sensor down, heat noise is significantly reduced during the long exposures needed for this type of imaging. Not only this, but having a temperature-controlled camera saves you a great deal of time during calibration frame acquisition. By cooling your sensor down to the same temperature as your lights, you can reuse the captured dark frames over and over again for future light frames!

What's the difference between CMOS and CCD cameras?

CCD cameras, or “charged-coupled device” cameras, have been used for astrophotography for much longer than Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) cameras have been. CCDs provide very high quality images of the night sky based on their impressive low light performance and exceptionally low noise, though have decreased in popularity over the years. This is due to the ingenuity of today’s most popular astrophotography brands, producing CMOS cameras that deliver images of similar quality to those produced by CCD cameras at a fraction of the price! Also, CCDs are burdened with slow sensor read out rates, while the much faster sensor read out rates of CMOS cameras make them great for planetary imaging applications. Based on the improved quality and affordability of CMOS cameras, CCD cameras are typically not prominent within the astrophotography community anymore.

What is the 500 Rule for astrophotography?

Long exposures are needed for the best possible astroimages, though due to the Earth’s rotation, the stars within the field of view will appear to streak across the frame and become elongated. Typically used for Milky Way imaging, the 500 rule for astrophotography is a guideline that delineates how long your untracked exposures can be before star trails are presented within your images. By taking 500 divided by the focal length of your camera lens, the result will yield the amount of seconds you can keep your shutter open for. For example, if imaging with a 14mm lens, you would take 500 / 14, equaling ~35 seconds of maximum exposure. It’s important to note that this is not a clear-cut rule, and you may have to further adjust your exposure settings to achieve frames free from star trails.

Are full frame sensors better for astrophotography?

Full frame sensors can be better for astrophotography, depending on what you plan to image, and your telescope. Full frame sensors will provide you with a wider field of view than crop sensors, making them ideal for capturing vast, sweeping shots of large nebula or our Milky Way galaxy. If coupling with a telescope, it’s important to know what your imaging circle is, as too small of imaging circle will leave you with unused pixels and vignetting around your frames. If your telescope’s imaging circle diameter is less than 43mm, it’s best to shoot with an APS-C or Micro 4/3 camera instead. Overall, full frame sensors allow you to image more of the night sky within a single frame, making them a great tool for any astrophotographer!

Should I get a monochrome camera or a color camera for astrophotography?

In general, it’s recommended that beginners start with a color camera when just getting started in the world of astrophotography. This is due to the fact that color cameras produce a full color image with just a singular exposure, saving you a great deal of time and effort! In contrast, if you’re ready to take the dive into monochrome imaging, it’s important to keep in mind that completing an image with a monochrome camera requires more data, time, and money. Multiple filters are needed, as well as several sets of data through these filters. This can mean completing a project over a longer period of time, especially if clear skies are limited. While monochrome imaging can prove to be more challenging, many astrophotographers swear by this approach due to the exceptional quality these cameras deliver. Not only this, but if imaging with narrowband filters, worrying about light pollution is a thing of the past!

What is an astromodified DSLR?

DSLR and mirrorless cameras are produced with an internal IR-cut filter to block out infrared light. While this is great for producing natural color balances within terrestrial photos, this filter blocks out one of the most important wavelengths emitted by celestial objects — hydrogen-alpha (Ha). This gas is the primary component of emission nebulae, giving them their predominantly red color. By removing this filter, or replacing it with a more astroimaging-appropriate filter, DSLR and mirrorless cameras are much more effective for astrophotography applications! There are two main types of astromodified cameras: Ha modified, and full spectrum modified. Ha modified cameras let in the visible spectrum as well as Ha, while full spectrum modified cameras allows UV, IR, and visible light in.

What is backspacing?

Backspacing is the distance the camera sensor needs to be placed in order to reach proper focus with your chosen optics. Placing the sensor too far or too close to the telescope’s focusing mechanism will yield distortions around the frame, or you may not even be able to find focus at all. Before assembling an imaging train, it’s important to take the total width of all of the accessories you plan to utilize, as well as your camera’s native backspacing. Next, compare that measurement to the required backspacing. If the measurement is too short, you will need to add spacers to set your camera at the appropriate distance. With most optical assemblies, the required backspacing is typically 55mm, though, it’s important to check the specific backspacing necessity of your telescope. Want to learn more? Check out our How to Connect a Camera to a Telescope article for a more in-depth look!

Camera Terms To Know

500 Rule

In astrophotography, the 500 rule refers to how long of an exposure you can have when taking a non-tracking photo with a camera on a tripod. Any longer of an exposure and the stars will begind to trail. To find this exposure length, you will need to divide 500 by the focal length of your lens. For example, if you have a 35mm focal length for your wide angle lens, then you would do the following: 500/35 = 14.28 seconds of exposure.

Arc Minute

An arc minute is a unit of measurement that denotes the angular size of an object within our night sky. There are 60 arc minutes within a degree of the night sky, and 60 arc seconds within an arc minute. For instance, the Moon is 31 arc minutes in apparent size, and therefore approximately 0.5 degrees, and 1860 arc seconds.

Arc Second

An arc second is a unit of measurement that denotes the angular size of an object within our night sky. There are 60 arc seconds within an arc minute, and 60 arc minutes within a degree. For instance, the Moon has an apparent size of 1860 arc seconds, 31 arc minutes, and about 1/2 a degree.


Automatic focusing utilizes software to shift the focus of a telescope in and out to determine the precise focal point of the optics. It does this by reading the star size at each focus point, creating a graph of this data, then finds the minimum star size; bringing the optics into sharp focus.

Backfocus / Backfocal Distance / Backspacing

All optical systems have a point at which an in-focus image is formed, and for astrophotography it is at this location that the camera sensor should be placed. When the telescope is used without corrective elements, this is done easily with the focuser mechanism; and so long as an image can be brought into focus, optimal optical performance will be achieved. However with corrective elements, oftentimes there is a certain distance that the camera sensor needs to be placed away from the rear of the corrector for optimal performance. This will be listed as the backspacing or backfocal distance for the corrective element.

Bortle Scale

The Bortle scale measures how light polluted a particular area is, and classifies the level of brightness from 1 to 9, with 9 being the brightest. This scale is incredibly helpful for astronomers, as the darker the sky, the more celestial objects are able to be discerned.

Dedicated Astronomy Camera

Dedicated astronomy cameras are cameras which were specifically designed for astrophotographic applications. They are much more sensitive than DSLR or mirrorless cameras, and are perfect for imaging dim, distant objects. Their ability to capture infrared light is incredibly useful when imaging emission nebula, as these types of celestial objects give off wavelengths within this spectrum. Also, depending on the type of astrophotography they were designed for, they are either fitted with high frame rates for capturing the planets, the Moon, or the Sun, or come with an internal cooling system ideal for deep space imaging.

Calibration Frames

Calibration frames are types of images that are applied to light frames to remove unwanted artifacts caused by a number of different factors. Dark frames are images taken at the same temperature as the light frames, and are necessary to remove hot pixels or other fixed noise for a cleaner image. Bias frames are similar in this aspect, though their purpose is to reduce the sensor’s readout noise seen within the light frames. Another type of calibration frame are flat frames, which remove dust motes or unwanted gradients for a uniform, even field.


Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) camera sensors are the most predominant type of sensor available within digital cameras today. Thanks to their low light performance, these cameras produce astroimages of similar quality to the Charged Couple Device (CCD) cameras that were previously used, though at a fraction of the price. Also, CMOS cameras have a much faster readout rate, making them optimal for planetary imaging.

Color Camera

Often referred to as One-Shot-Color (OSC) cameras, these cameras are able to produce an image in full color without the use of additional filters. This greatly simplifies the imaging process, and allows astrophotographers to complete a project in far less amount of time. They are especially useful for those who have limited clear nights, where they can go weeks to months without having an imaging opportunity due to their climate. These cameras are excellent choices to image the planets, the Sun, the Moon, and deep space.

Color Filter Array

With the aim to filter incoming light into each corresponding color, a color filter array lays across the camera sensor with a specific color pattern. For instance, a pixel well with a blue filter over it will only collect blue light, a green filter will only allow green through, etc. The most popular color filter array is the Bayer filter mosaic, with one red filter, one blue, and two green within in a repeating 2x2 grid.

Dark Current

Dark current is the amount of electrons that accumulate within the pixel wells with increased exposure time. These electrons contribute to the overall noise within the images, and proves problematic for long-exposure astrophotography applications. Dark current also depends on the surrounding temperature — the warmer the sensor, the worse the dark current will be. To help combat dark current, most deep sky cameras are fitted with cooling technology to help lower noise drastically.

Dark Frame

A dark frame is a type of calibration frame that aims to subtract sensor heat noise and hot pixels from your final image. These frames are taken at the same exposure length and ISO/gain settings as your light frames, though are taken with the lens cap or telescope cover on instead. In general, the more dark frames you take to subtract from the final image, the better.

Dedicated Astronomy Camera

These cameras don’t look like what one traditionally thinks of when imaging a camera; instead taking the form of cylinders or pucks, with no physical controls, displays, or viewfinders to speak of. These require a computer or WiFi control device to take images, with more advanced models additionally requiring external power. What they give in return for all of these concessions is granular control over the sensor settings, increased sensitivity to wavelengths that more traditional cameras filter out, options for deBayered sensors (true monochrome), designs that easily connect with astronomy equipment, and in some cases cooling for increased performance.

DSLR / Mirrorless Camera

What one may consider a “regular” camera; used for everyday photography and feature an interchangeable (removable) lens system. Popular brands from this category that also enjoy wide support in the astrophotography hobby are Sony, Canon, and Nikon.

Exposure Time

Exposure time is the amount of time the camera sensor is allowed to collect light. In general, the longer the exposure time, the more light collected, and the brighter the image will become. This should be selected with caution though, as an exposure time that's too long can oversaturate the pixels and blow out the image, resulting in a loss of signal. Determining the correct exposure time is highly dependent on the aperture of the optics as well as the gain settings used. A larger aperture will produce a brighter image than that of a smaller aperture with the same exposure time. In a similar fashion, an image with a higher gain setting will be brighter than a lower gain setting image with equal exposure time. Finding the perfect balance between the aperture, gain, and exposure time will maximize image quality.

Flat Frame

Flat frames are calibration frames that aim to remove any uneven illumination, vignetting, or dust motes from your final image. They are to be taken at the same focus, camera rotation, and ISO/gain settings as your light frames. To take flat frames, the field of view is to be evenly illuminated, either by using a flat panel or with a white t-shirt laid over your telescope pointing at the daytime sky.

Full Well Capacity/ Full Well Depth

This refers to the amount of signal that a pixel can store before it becomes fully saturated. This becomes important especially with longer exposure times, as if pixels become fully saturated then the contrast between them and surrounding detail will be lost as those details continue to brighten but the saturated pixels remain the same. It is important understand that this is not a static figure, but rather one that much like other camera specifications changes depending on the gain setting.

Hydrogen-Alpha (Ha, H-a, H-alpha, Hα, H-α)

In very simplified terms, when atoms change energy levels, specific wavelengths of light can be emitted. Hydrogen has one of these wavelengths (or more specifically, spectral lines) around 656.46 nm, in the form of H-alpha. This is close to red and can be observed in nebulae - or more importantly for the subject at hand, in stars such as our Sun. When being written, H-alpha is commonly shortened to simply Ha in the astronomy community.

Image Capture Software

Astrophotography image capture software are specialized pieces of software designed to operate your astrophotography equipment. There are plenty of options available, though some of the most popular ones are N.I.N.A, Astro Photography Tool, Sequence Generator Pro, and SharpCap, just to name a few. These applications have been designed to provide seamless imaging sessions, allowing extensive opportunities such as target selection, target framing, plate solving, autoguiding, image acquisition, camera cooling, automation, and plenty more.

Image Circle

This specification refers to the area where an image is formed by the optics/ corrective element. This is useful for assessing whether a certain camera sensor size will be supported by the optics, or if vignetting/ poor performance will be seen in frame.

Imaging Train

Your imaging train is your telescope, camera, and any other accessories that are fixed between them, such as filters, filter wheels, off-axis guiders, focal reducers, etc.


A megapixel is one million pixels, and refers to the number of pixels a sensor contains. For example, if a sensor has 2,000,000 pixels, then this would be a 2-megapixel (2MP) sensor. These pixels capture light and color from the subject, and when combined, the signal collected results in an image. This measurement of the pixels available determines the resolution of a sensor and overall quality of the image produced. In general, the more pixels a sensor has, the higher resolution images that sensor will yield.

Modified DSLR / Mirrorless Camera

A type of DSLR or mirrorless camera that has had a filtering component removed. This component, a piece of glass, is put in place to block out frequencies that would otherwise make “regular” images look unnatural; as modern sensors are sensitive to a wider range of frequencies than the human eye can perceive. However there are some frequencies on the edge of this range that are important to astrophotography (mainly Ha), which these filters block to some degree. Accordingly removal of this filter will provide better astrophotography performance, but impact “regular” photo taking unless a clip-in or lens filter that filters these frequencies is used. Given the difficulty of removing this filter, this is something most users need to work with 3rd parties on.

Monochrome Camera

Monochrome cameras deliver the most detail and sensitivity out of all other camera options. Color cameras have an arrangement of pixel filters in a 2x2 grid, typically consisting of two green, one red, and one blue, which is then repeated across the entire sensor in what is known as a Bayer pattern. Monochrome cameras however, have photosites that do not contain an alternating pattern of those red, green, and blue light pre-filters. Instead, their photosites collect all incoming light regardless of color – allowing for up to 3x the collection of signal (red, green, and blue light). Because the camera itself is not pre-filtering each color, in order to produce a full color image, they must be paired with filters to create a full color image. These filters can range from simple RGB filters to narrowband filters, and the collected data is then combined in a photo editing software. Though light is still passed through an external filter, every pixel well is utilized, resulting in 4x more red or blue signal and 2x more green signal compared to a color camera.

Native Backfocus / Flange Distance

These terms are used to describe the distance from the camera’s connection point to its sensor.This is important for back spacing calculations, to account for spacing the camera will be “adding” on its own. Each term is used to describe the same concept with two different systems, with Native Backfoucs being used with dedicated astro cameras and flange distance used with DSLR/ mirrorless cameras; however this rarely comes into play with DSLR/ mirrorless cameras as the T-Rings produced for these systems add the requisite amount of space to for a 55 mm backfocus system.

Off-axis Guider (OAG)

As opposed to using a guide scope, off-axis guiders are fitted into the main imaging train itself, and utilizes the incoming light from the primary telescope for guiding. It achieves this via an internal prism that sends light into the guide camera. When using traditional guide scopes, these scopes can alter in position slightly through the night of imaging, causing the issue of differential flexure. But utilizing the main imaging rig’s incoming light, off-axis guiders eliminate this issue.

Peak QE

Camera sensors have differing sensitivities to different wavelengths, which are often described as a percentage of how much light of a certain wavelength is converted to actual signal. These are plotted on a graph, which often overlays the sensitivity of the green pixels, red pixels, and blue pixels for each wavelength. The peak quantum efficiency, or peak QE value, is the highest percentage measured across all of the pixels on the camera sensor.


Digital images are made up of many, many, small boxes arranged in a grid, and these boxes are called pixels. To create these digital images, camera sensors are similarly made up of thousands or millions of small light measuring components arranged in a grid. These too are referred to as pixels.

Pixel Size

When describing camera sensor pixels, the pixel size refers to the measurement across one pixel, corner to corner. This is listed in μm (micrometers, also called microns). The larger the pixel size, the more surface area available to collect light, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio. In contrast, the smaller the pixel size, the less of a chance of photon collection, though more detail will be able to be resolved when light is captured. Pixel size also plays a huge role in the sampling of the image. It's important to ensure your telescope's focal length and chosen pixel size will yield images that are not too oversampled nor too undersampled for the best possible image quality.


In order to complete an astroimage, it’s necessary to bring the captured frames into software to perform post process editing. This action varies for different types of astrophotography, though in general, it involves image stacking to reduce noise and remove artifacts, and image editing to enhance the captured detail and color.

Resolution / Resolving Power

In terms of camera sensors, the resolution is the number of pixels each image contains. It will typically be listed either in a width-by-height format, such as 1920x1080, or as the total number of pixels (given in megapixels). More resolution is generally better as it provides more detail, the ability to zoom in or crop an image more before pixelation becomes visible, or the ability to present or print the picture larger. As a frame of reference, a typical Full HD TV or monitor is 1920x1080 (2.1 MP) with 4K screens coming in at 3840x2160 (8.3 MP).


A camera sensor is the main component of a DSLR, deep sky camera, or smart telescope that turns incoming light into data that can then be displayed on digital devices like mobile phones or computers. Accordingly, these are just as important as the optics of a system for a quality image. There are a wide variety of specifications that are important for a sensor - physical size, pixel size, resolution, dynamic range, amounts of image “noise”, and other technologies such as back-side illumination. As a result there is also a wide variety of sensors available that attempt to balance these in differing ways for different applications and price points.

Sensor Size (Full Frame, APS-C, Micro 4/3, Etc)

Imaging sensors come in many different porportions, such as 4:3 or 1:1, and physical sizes. There are some common combinations that have received a name - full-frame, APS-C, micro four thirds (4/3). The most important component of sensor size for astrophotography is the measurement from corner to corner (diagonal) of the sensor, which can then be compared to a telescope/ corrective element's image circle to assess how well the two may pair.


These are fairly simple components, designed to add spacing to an imaging system. While there are some sizes that have become common due to corrective element backspacing, dedicated astronomy camera native backfocus, and popular accessory thicknesses coalescing around certain spacing distances, there are still plenty of unique sizes and thickness available for unique builds/ equipment.


A method used to bring out what would otherwise be faint or invisible detail and contrast in an astrophotography image. When imaging a target, the longer an exposure is, generally the more faint detail will become visible. However as exposure time becomes longer several complications emerge - motion blur due to compounding small deviations or errors in tracking, increased sensor noise and glow, and overexposure of the bright areas of an image. Stacking mitigates these issues by combining a number of shorter exposure images, commonly called sub exposures, sub frames, or simply “subs”, into one image that effectively has a longer exposure time. The stacking process can further improve the resulting image with the use of calibration frames that help identify and compensate for visual artifacts introduced by the optics or sensor itself.

T2/ T2 Thread

Connections listed as T2/ T2 thread/ T2 thread diameter are referencing a M42x0.75 standard. This shorthand originates from the days when astrophotography was done with film and remains popular to this day, though referring to this type of connection simply as M42 is becoming more prevalent. It is noteworthy that at this point in time that there is no consensus on what thread pitch should be used for M42 (or M48) threads, though most are close to the 0.75 mm specification. As a result, while most all T2 thread size/ M42 components will thread together, on occasion you may encounter components with these labels that do not work together.


Typically this is used to describe an accessory for SCT telescopes, which is threaded to the back of the OTA or reducer (replacing the visual back). These spacers add enough space to the imaging train such that only the industry standard 55 mm of backspacing remains. For information on the adapter that connects directly to a DSLR/ mirrorless camera, see T-Ring.


Universal Serial Bus or USB is a protocol for data transmission, and is by far and away the most common way astronomy equipment will communicate with a PC in a wired capacity. There are a number of USB connectors, such as USB-A (the rectangular port you’re likely familiar with), USB-B, USB-C, and micro USB; as well as a number of different revisions (2.0, 3.0, 3.1, etc.) that have brought more speed, power, and reliability to the protocol.


Vignetting is seen as the darkening of the corners of the frame within an image. This happens when the camera sensor is not exposed to enough light, resulting in a shadow effect along the borders of the image. This issue presents itself for a number of reasons, though most commonly occurs when using incompatible sensor sizes and image circles, and using too small of filters for the imaging assembly.
