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CLS Filters


Light pollution is a growing environmental issue that significantly challenges astronomers and stargazers, radically changing the previously unspoiled night sky. Defined as the excessive, misdirected, or intrusive artificial light caused by human activity, it permeates urban, suburban, and even rural areas, making celestial objects less visible and weakening our connection to the cosmos.

Recognizing the need for a solution to enhance astronomical observations from light-polluted locations, Astronomik developed a filter that selectively transmits celestial light while blocking out unwanted artificial light sources. Are you ready to learn more about how to combat light pollution? Dive in on the amazing features of CLS (City Light Suppression) filters and enjoy the night sky without worrying about the glaring lights.

Knowing how light pollution could ruin stargazing fun, High Point brought you one of the top-notch CLS filters, the Astronomik filters.

Canon EOS Clip Filter

If you're looking for a filter that works with most Canon EOS Cameras, the Astronomik CLS Canon EOS Clip Filter is the right choice. This filter enables the best performance for relevant wavelengths and is designed to block out as much artificial light as possible.

Nikon XL Full Frame Clip Filter

Nikon users will adore the Astronomik CLS Nikon XL Full Frame Clip Filter. This product is compatible with Nikon DSLR cameras. It reduces orange glare from urban light pollution by allowing visible light and H-alpha emissions to pass while blocking mercury and sodium-vapor spectral lines.



Sony Alpha 7 Clip

The first two filters are impressive, right? Wait until you know about the Astronomik CLS Filter—Sony Alpha 7 Clip. This Sony Alpha 7 filter effectively blocks unwanted artificial light, ensuring optimal performance for specific wavelengths. It is compatible with various Sony models.


Astronomik CLS filters stand out for their technical prowess, durability, and reliability in the competitive field of astronomical filters. Constructed with robust materials and subjected to rigorous quality control measures, these filters are built to withstand the rigors of frequent use in various environmental conditions. Astronomers and astrophotographers can trust in the longevity of Astronomik CLS filters, ensuring a lasting investment in their pursuit of celestial wonders.

Astronomik CLS filter installation is an essential procedure that significantly improves astrophotography or astronomical viewing. Installing these filters appropriately will ensure optimal performance in decreasing the impact of light pollution and presenting the celestial wonders with greater clarity. The secret is to handle the filters carefully and pay attention to detail, whether threading one onto a telescope eyepiece or putting a clip-in filter into a camera. When fitted correctly, the filters turn into indispensable weapons against light pollution.

Find more options on our website that suit your needs for the Astronomik CLS filters and many other accessories. We have a wide range of options, from cheap to expensive tools. Buy the best add-on for your equipment and explore the night sky worry-free.
