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If you want to experience a view of the beautiful Veil nebula that will knock your socks off, you need to check out this 2” Celestron Oxygen III filter. Combined with a low power 2” eyepiece that will yield a 5 to 7mm exit pupil with your scope, this filter is the ‘cat’s meow’ when it comes to observing faint planetary and emission nebulae.

If you love the moon but hate the overwhelming brightness that it can attain when near full phase, then you need to check out Celestron’s 1.25" Variable Polarizing Filter! As you may already know, the moon is much brighter when at or near full phase vs when at 1st or 3rd quarter. If you would rather not purchase several filters of varying blockage to examine the moon at these different phases, then this is the ideal accessory for you! Adjustable from 1% (99% blockage) to 40% (60% blockage), this filter will be your go-to choice when observing our closest neighbor!
