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Telescope Mounts, Tripods & Piers

There are two main telescope mount types: Equatorial mounts and Alt-Azimuth mounts. Equatorial mounts, including German Equatorial mounts, are great platforms for astro-imaging and visual observing. Alt-Azimuth mounts, like the popular iOptron Cube Pro, are great for easy point and view visual observations. You can even find dual equatorial and alt-azimuth mounts that allow you to get the best of both styles! Each mount type comes in computerized and non-computerized configurations. Computerized mounts can easily find celestial objects for you, taking the guesswork out of observing. However, they can also be an added expense, which is something to consider when purchasing a mount.

A great mount can truly boost the celestial observing experience of any amateur astronomer. Be sure to reach out to one of our telescope experts if you would like further assistance in selecting the telescope mount parts and mount that best fits your observing needs.
