U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Government Administration

Washington, DC 302,981 followers

About us

Committed to Restoring America’s Energy Dominance.

Government Administration
Company size
10,001+ employees
Washington, DC
Government Agency
Energy policy, research and development, science, nuclear energy, energy efficiency, clean energy, renewable energy, discovery, and fusion


Employees at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)


  • Madam Secretary, thank you for your service to the U.S. Department of Energy and our Nation. Your vision and leadership have sparked a historic industrial revolution, paving the way for a future powered by American-made clean energy. 🇺🇸

    View profile for Jennifer Granholm, graphic

    U.S. Secretary of Energy

    Sometimes when you're in the middle of history, it's hard to tell—but thanks to President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the tireless work of individuals and communities across the country, this remarkable chapter in climate and energy history will continue to write itself. Thank you for the privilege of being your Energy Secretary, America. It has been the honor of a lifetime.

  • Today, we're celebrating 22 projects across 17 states that voluntarily shared with DOE that they received a total of nearly $1 billion in allocations from the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C). Of these projects, nine indicated they are located in 48C energy communities—communities with closed coal mines or coal plants—showcasing the Biden Administration’s commitment to investing in America’s energy communities. The projects disclosed today illustrate key step to improve the nation’s energy security and economic and industrial competitiveness, while creating high-quality jobs across the country, and build on historic levels of private sector investments in the United States, bringing manufacturing back to America after decades of offshoring, and creating good-paying clean energy jobs—including union jobs—across the nation. Read the release: https://lnkd.in/gjnqmTnk.

    • A graphic that outlines how DOE investments are catalyzing manufacturing and strengthening energy security.
  • What in the world are exascale computers? Well, they’re THE FASTEST computers in the world that have unrivaled capabilities to push groundbreaking research in cancer, biofuels, space exploration, and more. And the Department of Energy’s national laboratories possess the top 3 fastest exascale computers in existence. 🤯 🎧LISTEN NOW to our newest Direct Current episode which dives headfirst into these computers, and how scientists are using them to better respond to pandemics in real-time, develop alternatives to fossil fuels, and to simulate the complexities around a Mars landing. New episode → https://lnkd.in/e8GDZGw7

  • Hoy, estamos orgullosos de compartir que el Departamento de Energía ha expandido la elegibilidad para el Programa Acceso Solar. Si usted es un propietario de vivienda en #PuertoRico y recibe el Plan Vital, ahora podría calificar para un sistema solar con baterías con CERO costos iniciales. Los hogares con un residente mayor de 65 años o menor de 4 años también pueden calificar para una instalación. ¡Proteja a su familia de los apagones y baje su factura de luz! Visite https://energy.gov/solarPR o llame al (833) 822-8628 para solicitar.

    • ¿Depende de un dispositivo médico que requiere electricidad o batería? Si recibe Plan Vital, PAN, TANF, o LIHEAP, puede ser elegible para placas solares con baterías a través del Programa Acceso Solar sin costos iniciales. Obtenga más información energy.gov/solarPR
    • Los dispositivos médicos que reúnen los requisitos según el Programa Acceso Solar incluyen:
Aire acondiciondado para control de temperatura (para personas con menos de 4 años o más de 65 años)
Cama, scooter o silla de ruedas eléctrica
Corazón artificial total
Dispositivo de asistencia ventricular
Equipo concentrador de oxigeno
Máquina de diálisis para uso en casa
Medicamentos que requieren refrigeración
¡Y mucho más!

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