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Design Services

Quick Challenge-driven, Human-centered Co-Creation mechanism for INDUStry-Academia Collaborations

About us

INDUSAC The Quick Challenge-Driven, Human-Centred Co-Creation Mechanism for INDUStry-Academia Collaborations (INDUSAC) is a HORIZON EUROPE project. The aim of the project is to develop and validate a state-of-the-art Industry-Academia Collaboration mechanism for quick, challenge-driven, human-centred co-creation. The INDUSAC project designs a state-of-the-art mechanism for industry-academia collaboration based on human-centred design principles that enable quick project co-creation. At least 300 international co-creation projects are selected for implementation to ensure the validation of the mechanism. These micro-projects led by teams consisting of students, researchers, and company staff cover various activities to target numerous industrial sectors. They are expected to create a bridge between business and academia. The INDUSAC project focuses on four areas: • Circularity • General Sustainability • Digitalisation • Industry 4.0 The INDUSAC project creates a dynamic community of industry-academia stakeholders, including at least 1000 companies, 3000 students, and 300 researchers by project end. The INDUSAC platform is to build on pre-existing Industry-Academia Collaboration mechanisms to facilitate a user-friendly co-creation process. It provides the foundation for developing solutions that clearly process the needs and interests of companies, students, and researchers in the EU. The INDUSAC methodology aims to facilitate the creation of company, student, and researcher teams by matching industry needs with students’ and researchers’ interests and skills. The methodology is built on a baseline of pre-existing co-creation approaches and offers guidance packages, as well as processes and tools for its smooth functioning. It provides detailed user journey maps.

Design Services
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at INDUSAC-HE


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