Now Playing Tracks

Post with links to my previous screenshots of this thing

Admittedly, not a lot have change aestethically, because most of my efforts since have been put into figuring out things, researching papyrus, bugging poor Nox with brainstorming (no serious, I couldn’t have done it without him) and scripting events.

On the upside, now that the scripting (for this level) is pretty much done, I can polish the pretties a little, unsnag snagged glitchiness and then, then I CAN… continue to the next area. Which - if I go with the idea I got tonight when I was suppose to be sleeping - might end up slightly abstract and surreal.

It’s TES though so it’s fine. :U

Also. I can’t decide whether it was a good idea to make the path disappear behind the player. If I left it, you’d see a lot of hovering platforms around. On one hand, I think it might give the player a sense of satisfaction if they are still there. On the other hand, they are behind the player and you don’t usually look behind you.

Also if you’re a derpy player, like me, and fall off halfway through, having them appear through thin air again adds to the magical feel.

I’m just never sure about anything.

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