🇪🇺 We are leaders and managers. We make sure your voice is heard. We are one of the six cross-industry social partners of the European Commission and an official communication partner of the European Parliament. www.cec-managers.org We represent 1 million managers from 15 European countries, bringing their voices to the European social dialogue and defending their interests and vision. Together with Eurocadres, CES - ETUC, and the rest of the social partners SMEunited, BusinessEurope, and SGI Europe, we play a crucial role in ensuring that leadership issues are brought to the forefront of the political agenda. We also participate in and coordinate strategic European projects, such as Beyunbi - Beyond Unconscious Bias, and promote inclusive platforms like SustainableLeaders to foster gender equality, climate leadership, and fair transitions in the workplace. We are engaged members of the International Labour Organization and the European Movement International. Use your leadership and join us; together, we make a world of difference. 🔵 Meet our Executive Board: 🇫🇷 President Maxime Legrand 🇩🇰 Secretary General Torkild Justesen 🇮🇹 Deputy Secretary General Silvia Pugi 🇸🇪 Treasurer ebba öhlund 🌍 And our member organisations: CIDA Manager Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation Lederne CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries Association of Montenegrin Managers #UseYourLeadership #SocialDialogue #Leaders #Managers #Leadership #Jobs #Management #EUParliament #EUCommission #TradeUnion Council of the European Union European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Eurofound
About us
CEC European Managers represents around one million managers in Europe through its national and sectoral federations. Managers play a vital role in Europe, both in the companies they work for and as facilitators of dialogue in society: it is about taking the right decisions to prepare a more sustainable and inclusive future. La Confédération Européenne des Cadres (CEC European Managers) représente environ un million de cadres en Europe par ses fédérations nationales et sectorielles. Les cadres jouent un rôle essentiel, tant dans les entreprises dans lesquelles ils travaillent que comme facilitateurs de dialogue en société : il s'agit de prendre les bonnes décisions pour préparer un futur plus durable et inclusif. www.twitter.com/CEC_Managers
- Website
External link for CEC European Managers
- Industry
- Non-profit Organizations
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Brussels
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 1951
- Specialties
- Management, Gender Equality, Social Mobility, Work life balance, and Sustainable Leadership
Rue de la Loi 81
Brussels, 1040, BE
Employees at CEC European Managers
Silvia Pugi
ESG sustainability C-level | Non Executive Director | Venture Capital Managing Partner | Startup Business Angel
Pierre Pirson
Torkild Justesen
Director, Executive Officer, International Affairs, CEC
Gianluca Maestrello
Project Team Coordinator at Sustainability & Circular Economy Lab . Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna - Manageritalia Emilia Romagna
🇸🇮 Yes, Združenje Manager! As Confucious said, “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” #UseYourLeadership 👇
💎 [ZAJTRK ZAME] V življenju je izjemno pomembno prepoznati in odkriti svojo največjo strast in poskrbeti, da ta postane tvoj poklic, v katerem ne gledaš na uro, kdaj boš delo opravil, ampak ti ob njem igra srce. Sporočilo priznane in uveljavljene zasebne detektivke Bernarde Škrabar Damnjanović, ki jo je v otroštvu navduševala televizijska serija Miami Vice in jo pospremila na pot detektivskega raziskovanja, v katerem je s predanostjo, natančnostjo in odločnostjo dosegla pomembne uspehe. Vse to v pogovoru z Markom Kalinom, članom UO sekcije mladih, na že tradicionalnem Zajtrku ZaMe, ki ga je tokrat z zgodbo o tem, da se dober dan začne z dobrim zajtrkom in ustrezno varnostjo, za katero moramo poskrbeti sami, omogočila Vita, življenjska zavarovalnica. Bernarda Škrabar Damnjanović Mark Kalin, M. Sc. Zavarovalnica Vita Barbara Smolnikar, PhD Tine Pust, CFA Blaz Klinar Nina Plantan Angela Sekuloska Ani Klemenčič Lucija Sajevec, Msc. Nastja Mulej Tina Fröhlich Klaudija Javornik Mojca Sergo 🦋 Petra Wagner
🟣 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Has No Place in Society: Eradicating it Starts with Leadership https://lnkd.in/dsbNEhF8 Today is International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and the European Commission and the High Representative/Vice-President Kaja Kallas have reaffirmed the EU’s unwavering commitment to eradicating this cruel and deeply harmful practice, both in Europe and globally. We remind all leaders and managers in Europe (and elsewhere) that FGM is never acceptable or justifiable and that it is our duty to prevent it and to report it if we are aware of it. UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation End Female Genital Mutilation-European Network End FGM EU CIDA Manager Federmanager Manageritalia Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Lederne Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales Association of Montenegrin Managers CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Council of the European Union European Commission #UseYourLeadership #EndFGM #FemaleGenitalMutilation #WomensRights #HumanRights #Managers #Leaders
🇪🇺 "The message is clear for us: Artificial Intelligence may power the future, but human leadership will guide its course." https://lnkd.in/dcmpJUmn As of Sunday, February 2, 2025, the first rules under the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) have officially been enacted. This marks a significant milestone in the EU’s efforts to regulate AI technologies, ensuring they are used responsibly while fostering innovation. Key elements now in force include definitions of AI systems, AI literacy requirements, and the prohibition of specific high-risk AI applications. With these new regulations, managers and leaders across Europe find themselves at the forefront of implementation. Our role is pivotal—not just in compliance but in shaping how AI integrates into workplaces in a way that upholds human dignity and democratic values. CIDA Manager Federmanager Manageritalia Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Lederne Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales Association of Montenegrin Managers CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Council of the European Union European Commission #UseYourLeadership #ArtificialIntelligence #AIAct #AILiteracy #Managers
CEC European Managers reposted this
🎯 Commissione EU: 1,1 miliardi di euro a supporto dell’occupazione giovanile e femminile 👉 La Commissione Europea ha approvato un regime di aiuti di Stato italiano, con un bilancio stimato di 1,1 miliardi di euro, per promuovere l'#occupazione giovanile e femminile. 📌 La misura prevede per i datori di lavoro che assumono #giovani o #donne con un contratto a tempo indeterminato l’#esenzione dal pagamento dei contributi previdenziali obbligatori. 💡 Il finanziamento di 1,1 miliardi di euro rappresenta un’opportunità fondamentale per favorire un cambiamento strutturale nel #mercatodellavoro. Non solo aiuterà giovani e donne a trovare e mantenere #occupazioni stabili, ma contribuirà anche alla costruzione di una #società più equa e inclusiva. 🚀 L'incremento del #tassodioccupazione inoltre porterebbe ulteriori benefici con un miglioramento dell’#economia locale e nazionale e l'aumento delle #entratefiscali a lungo termine derivanti dai nuovi lavoratori. 💯 Fondamentale monitorare per garantire che i fondi vengano utilizzati nel miglior modo possibile e che i benefici siano distribuiti equamente tra i diversi paesi e gruppi sociali. Federmanager MANAGERITALIA ANP associazione nazionale dirigenti scolastici e alte professionalità della scuola FEDERAZIONE CIMO-FESMED FIDIA - Federazione Italiana Dirigenti Imprese Assicuratrici Itinerari Previdenziali CEC European Managers Stefano Cuzzilla Massimo Fiaschi Quici Guido Antonello Giannelli Stefano Di Leo Teresa Lavanga Alberto Castelli Marco Ballarè Valter Quercioli Massimo Bianco Silvia Pugi
🇮🇹 "L’Italia è tenuta a correggere il proprio disavanzo eccessivo entro il 2026, con un tasso di crescita nominale della spesa netta limitato all’1,3% per il 2025 e all’1,6% per il 2026." https://lnkd.in/drZUC-CW La nostra organizzazione italiana Manager e Alte Professionalità per l’Italia (CIDA Manager), ha pubblicato una nuova edizione della sua agenda EU Observer, un documento che offre una panoramica approfondita dei principali eventi europei. L’ultima edizione copre il periodo dal 20 gennaio al 3 febbraio 2025. Gli sviluppi sono stati accuratamente selezionati per rispondere alle esigenze dei nostri membri italiani e riflettono le priorità e gli interessi di CIDA Manager. L’EU Observer è più di un semplice rapporto: rappresenta una risorsa preziosa, pubblicata e diffusa regolarmente attraverso le solide reti dei nostri membri italiani. Offre aggiornamenti cruciali sugli affari dell’Unione Europea che hanno un impatto diretto sulla leadership, la gestione e il processo decisionale strategico in Italia e in tutta Europa. [𝑬𝑵𝑮𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑯] 🇪🇺 Our Italian member organisation, Manager e Alte Professionalità per l’Italia (CIDA Manager), has published a new edition of its EU Observer agenda, a document with an insightful overview of key European events. The latest issue covers January 20 to February 3, 2025. The developments have been carefully selected to meet the needs of our Italian members, and they reflect the priorities and interests of CIDA Manager. The EU Observer is more than just a report; it is a valuable resource regularly published and disseminated through the robust networks of our Italian members. It offers critical updates on European Union affairs that directly impact leadership, management, and strategic decision-making in Italy and across Europe. During this period, European institutions focused on significant economic, financial, and industrial policies, emphasizing fiscal discipline, competitiveness, and sustainable growth. Silvia Pugi Alberto Castelli Teresa Lavanga CIDA Manager Federmanager Manageritalia Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Lederne Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales Association of Montenegrin Managers CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Council of the European Union European Commission #UseYourLeadership #EUObserver #Italy #Leaders #Managers #EUAgenda
🇪🇸 "Una cultura laboral estresante, si no se gestiona adecuadamente, con cargas de trabajo razonables, puede representar un peligro para la salud." Juan Antonio González Barriocanal CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales https://lnkd.in/da74ViM6 Desde la CEC European Managers hemos tenido la oportunidad y el placer de entrevistar a Juan Antonio González Barriocanal. Con él conversamos acerca de la importancia del diálogo social europeo, la colaboración entre organizaciones sindicales y el rol de los managers en las empresas. "Los managers somos el alma de las empresas" CIDA Manager Federmanager Manageritalia Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Lederne Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales Association of Montenegrin Managers CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Council of the European Union European Commission #UseYourLeadership #SocialModel #Leaders #Managers #Jobs
Are you a manager and don't know how to explain your professional category? ⤵️ Download this CV. https://lnkd.in/dUKUWNb9 👔 The manager's role and position are very diverse and depend on the sector in which he/she works or his/her position within the company. As recognized representatives of this professional category before the institutions of the European Union, CEC European Managers proposes the following fact-based definitions. We are bridge builders between workers and the top management of companies, and we look after the general interest, protecting the social and labour rights included in the European Pillar of Social Rights, fostering inclusion and equity, and leading transitions. CIDA Manager Federmanager Manageritalia Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Lederne Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales Association of Montenegrin Managers CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Council of the European Union European Commission #UseYourLeadership #SocialModel #Leaders #Managers #Jobs
🇪🇺 Eurofound Dives into How Social Partners Shaped Europe’s Labour Policies at latest #EurofoundTalks episode. https://lnkd.in/dMG8yueG Mary McCaughey engages with Maria Jepsen and Barry Colfer (Institute of International and European Affairs) in an interesting conversation about the latest 50 years of the EU social model. The dialogue underscores two central themes that explain the last 50 years of the EU social model: the EU enlargement and the imperative to address the dynamic needs of the economy, labor market, and society. These themes are deeply intertwined with the agendas of various actors driving the EU integration process. CIDA Manager Federmanager Manageritalia Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Lederne Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales Association of Montenegrin Managers CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Council of the European Union European Commission #UseYourLeadership #SocialModel #Eurofound #Podcast #Managers
🙋♀️ Leaders Emphasize Women in Management and Structural Gender Bias in Consultation https://lnkd.in/dazNWczK 🇪🇺 Ana Carla Pereira, Director of Equality and Non-Discrimination at DG JUST, led a consultation meeting with social partners to discuss the Roadmap for Women’s Rights’s direction on 27 January 2025. CEC European Managers took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of addressing structural barriers to women’s leadership in the highly anticipated Roadmap for Women’s Rights. Speaking at the consultation, Olga Molina, Director of CEC European Managers, reaffirmed the organisation’s strong support for the Roadmap’s principles but insisted that the issue of women in leadership must be explicitly included in the framework. CIDA Manager Federmanager Manageritalia Lederne - Danmarks største lederorganisation Lederne Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation CFE-CGC CCP Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales Association of Montenegrin Managers CNC-NCK : Nationale Confederatie Kaderleden - Confédération Nationale des Cadres Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Técnicos Bancários Swiss Leaders Združenje Manager Srpska asocijacija menadžera ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband Ένωση Ανωτάτων Στελεχών Επιχειρήσεων- ΕΑΣΕ FECCIA - European Federation of Managerial Staff in the Chemical and Allied Industries European Parliament European Economic and Social Committee European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) European Labour Authority Council of the European Union European Commission #UseYourLeadership #SocialDialogue #Managers #Jobs #Leaders