All set for our high-level event on the European Health Data Space - #EHDS tomorrow! Tune in tomorrow at 9:00 CET to listen to keynote speeches from Oliver Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare, and Sandra Gallina, Director-General of DG SANTE. Join us and learn how EHDS improves healthcare for European citizens through better data access, ensures trust with strong privacy measures, and drives innovation with insights from industry leaders. Follow conference live here: 👉 #HealthUnion Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union
Have you registered yet? Join our high-level event about the European Health Data Space - #EHDS. 🚀 Learn from the experts in the field about the transformative potential of the EHDS for the healthcare systems, promoting innovation across the EU for the health and wellbeing of the European citizens. 📅 18 March 📍 online Register now: 🔗 Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union #HealthUnion #EUDigitalHealth