Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank


Frankfurt am Main, Hessen 2.691.991 Follower:innen

We are your first point of contact in all financial matters - at home and abroad. Your Global Hausbank.


Deutsche Bank is the leading German bank with strong European roots and a global network. The bank focuses on its strengths in a Corporate Bank newly created in 2019, a leading Private Bank, a focused investment bank and in asset management. We provide financial services to companies, governments, institutional investors, small and medium-sized businesses and private individuals. Deutsche Bank was founded in 1870 to accompany German businesses into the world, and has worked across borders ever since. Useful links: Jobs Netiquette at Data protection policy Imprint

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Investment Banking, Asset Management, Retail Banking, Private Wealth Management, Private Banking und Transaction Banking


Beschäftigte von Deutsche Bank


  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    📣 Out now: our financial results for 2024. We reported a profit before tax of € 5.3 billion for 2024 and announced plans to distribute € 2.1 billion to shareholders in 2025, including proposed dividends and share buybacks. Key highlights: ◾ Revenues of € 30.1 billion, up 4% year on year. ◾ Profit before tax of € 7.9 billion before nonoperating costs, up 16% year on year. Our nonoperating costs included €1.7bn relating to specific litigation items. ◾ Capital distributions plan to shareholders in 2025 so far include ~€ 1.3 billion in dividends (€ 0.68 per share) and € 750 million in share repurchases. ◾ Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio of 13.8%. A clear path to our target of return on tangible equity of above 10% in 2025. 🎯 Net revenue performance in our businesses in 2024 was as follows: ◽ Corporate Bank: € 7.5 billion, down 3% year on year. ◽ Investment Bank: € 10.6 billion, up 15% year on year. ◽ Private Bank: € 9.4 billion, down 2% year on year. ◽ Asset Management: € 2.6 billion, up 11% year on year. 🗨️ Our CEO Christian Sewing expressed confidence in the bank's turnaround in recent years and in our ability to achieve our financial targets. CFO James von Moltke emphasised the bank's focus on operational efficiency, normalising credit provisions, and further increasing returns for shareholders in 2025 and beyond. Swipe through the slides to read what they said. 👇 💡 Click the link in the comments for more on our financial results. #DeutscheBank #DBResults #AnnualMediaConference Deutsche Bank Corporate Bank Deutsche Bank Investment Bank Deutsche Bank Private Bank

  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    🇧🇪 Gisteren organiseerden we onze laatste inspirerende Outlook 2025-sessie in Vlaanderen. We zijn er trots op dat we onze cliënten op verschillende bijzondere locaties mochten verwelkomen om inzichten uit te wisselen en vooruit te blikken op het komende jaar. Een speciale dank aan onze cliënten voor hun vertrouwen en betrokkenheid. De expertise van onze Chief Investment Officer—gepresenteerd door Wim D'Haese — zorgde voor boeiende gesprekken en versterkte onze connecties. Dit is precies waar deze bijeenkomsten om draaien. We zetten de dialoog binnenkort verder in Wallonië en Brussel en kijken ernaar uit om onze vooruitzichten voor 2025 verder te delen in de komende weken. #WealthManagement #PrivateBanking #DBmeetsclients

    • Outlook 2025 sessie NL
    • Outlook 2025 sessie NL
    • Outlook 2025 sessie NL
    • Outlook 2025 sessie NL
    • Outlook 2025 sessie NL
  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    Für Schüler:innen, die einen Blick hinter die Kulissen unserer Bank werfen wollen, haben wir am „Discover Day“ im Rahmen des bundesweiten „Girls' Day & Boys' Day“ genau das Richtige! Am 3. April 2025 öffnen wir bundesweit, an verschieden Standorten und in unterschiedlichen Geschäftsbereichen, unsere Türen für Schüler:innen der 5. bis 10. Klasse. Was wir bieten: 🔍 Praxis erleben in kreativen Workshops 🎲 Spielerische exklusive Einblicke in die Bank 📝 Lerneinheiten mit erfahrenen Mitarbeitenden 📧 Interesse? Meldet euch bis zum 14. März 2025 per Mail an

    • Ein Tag als Banker:in beim Deutsche Bank Discover Day! 🏦
  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    ¿Acelerará el coche eléctrico en Europa? 🚘 Las nuevas normativas sobre las emisiones de CO2 podrían marcar un punto de inflexión en el sector del automóvil europeo este 2025. Pero ¿por qué? A pesar de los avances, es probable que muchos fabricantes no alcancen estos objetivos. 🌍 Y el resto del mundo, ¿qué está haciendo? Parece que los fabricantes procedentes del mercado de China están redefiniendo las reglas del juego, con precios competitivos, gracias al desarrollo tecnológico, y beneficiados por el acceso a las materias primas, a menores costes de producción y las ayudas públicas. 👉 Visita nuestro blog ‘Espacio de Finanzas’, te contamos las prioridades estratégicas que deberá adoptar la industria automovilística en Europa para dar la vuelta a la situación. ¡Lee hasta el final!: #Europa #China #Sostenibilidad #Automovil

    • Creatividad de la industria del automovil con el titulo de la entrada del blog 'Espacio de Finanzas'
  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    Less than 24 hours left until our Annual Media Conference - watch live on LinkedIn from 9:00 AM CET tomorrow! 🕘 Our CEO Christian Sewing and CFO James von Moltke will present our preliminary full year financial results for 2024. They'll share insights into our financial performance and future outlook. 📅 Mark your calendar and join us here on LinkedIn! #DeutscheBank #DBResults #AnnualMediaConference #LinkedInLive

    • Annual Media Conference 2025
  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    Happy Lunar New Year - the Year of the Snake! 🐍 🧧 For millions around the world, this special time of year is about renewal, unity, and hope. It's a celebration steeped in rich tradition and cultural significance, observed across Asia and in many communities globally. The Snake, this year's zodiac animal, embodies wisdom, grace, and good fortune. To our valued clients, colleagues, partners, and friends, we wish you a joyous and prosperous Lunar New Year filled with happiness, harmony, and boundless opportunities.🥠 蛇年大吉,恭贺新禧! #LunarNewYear #YearOfTheSnake #Prosperity #DeutscheBank

    • Happy Lunar New Year!
  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    🔋 ⚡ We are thrilled to support Quinbrook’s debt financing for their Supernode battery storage project in Queensland, Australia. This project is set to become one of the largest Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects in the world! With Deutsche Bank acting as Lead Arranger, Original Lender and Hedge Counterparty, Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners has closed a 722 million Australian dollar new debt financing for Stages 1 and 2 of its ‘Supernode’ battery storage project in Queensland. This landmark transaction is one of Australia’s largest stand-alone Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project financings to date. 🇦🇺 🗨️ “We are grateful for the strong support received from both our existing and new financing partners who recognise the critical role that large scale storage investments provide in supporting Queensland and the wider National Electricity Market as the energy transition accelerates,” said Brian Restall, Managing Director and Regional Leader Australia for Quinbrook You can learn more about this here: Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners Deutsche Bank Corporate Bank Rachel Chia #RenewableEnergy #SustainableFinance #Australia

    • Rachel Chia
  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    🤔💶 Wie gehe ich mit meinem ersten Gehalt um? Welche Absicherungen brauche ich? Und wie lege ich am besten für die Zukunft zurück? Genau solche Fragen beschäftigen junge Menschen beim Start ins Berufsleben. Um sie dabei zu unterstützen, fand letzte Woche in Berlin bereits zum zweiten Mal ein Workshop im Rahmen unserer Finanzbildungsinitiative "So geht Geld" statt – organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bildungsagentur Agentur YAEZ. 🏦📚 🙋 Mike Seeger, Leiter Personal Banking in der Region Ost der Privatkundenbank Deutschland, vermittelte ca. Jugendlichen praxisnahes Wissen zu zentralen Themen wie: 💡 Einkommen richtig strukturieren 💡 Geldanlage 💡 Aktienanlage: Chancen und Risiken 💡 Altersvorsorge 💡 Aufbau einer Gehaltsabrechnung Wir wollen junge Menschen für den bewussten Umgang mit Geld und eine sichere finanzielle Zukunft fit zu machen. Seit dem Start von So geht Geld im Jahr 2021 haben unsere Mitarbeitenden bundesweit mehr als 3.700 Unterrichtsbesuche absolviert und über 88.000 junge Menschen erreicht. 🚀 Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten und Teilnehmenden für den erfolgreichen Workshop. Finanzbildung ist eine Investition, die sich auszahlt! #CSR #Finanzbildung #SozialeVerantwortung #SoGehtGeld

    • So geht Geld Workshop für Jobstarter im Palais Populaire Berlin
    • So geht Geld Workshop für Jobstarter im Palais Populaire Berlin
    • So geht Geld Workshop für Jobstarter im Palais Populaire Berlin
  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Bank anzeigen, Grafik

    2.691.991 Follower:innen

    Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This year, 27 January also marks 80 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. It is our responsibility to remember the millions of victims of this dark chapter of history and to promote a culture of remembrance in the present. Together with other German companies, we work with Freundeskreis Yad Vashem e.V. to preserve the memory of the Shoah and pass it on to future generations. At the same time, we continue to engage with our own history from that period. A project is currently underway to research and commemorate the fate of persecuted Jewish employees. Aside from that, the bank has committed 1 million euros as part of its “Never again is now” pledge to educate young people on tolerance, empathy, and the distinction between political discourse and acts and speech of hatred and prejudice. In Germany, we are collaborating with German non-profit organisations Teach First Deutschland gemeinnützige GmbH and GermanDream who have developed a project that aims to teach students about the importance of tolerance, freedom, equal opportunities and pluralism in our society, and encourage them to stand up for these values. We also support ZWEITZEUGEN e.V. This non-profit organisation encourages and empowers people to become secondary witnesses by passing on the stories of Holocaust and standing up against antisemitism and other forms of discrimination. Sharing and remembering individual stories helps to honour the memory of the victims and reminds us how important it is to come to terms with the past and stand up for the future. #WeRemember #HolocaustRemembranceDay #DeutscheBank #YadVashem

    • International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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