Check out what our Jianxu Chen (#AMBIOM research group) & colleagues from Helmholtz Munich & the Huisken Lab in Göttingen have done regarding light sheet fluorescence microscopy image analysis. Because in inhomogeneous samples, sample-induced aberrations (including light absorption, scattering, and refraction) can degrade the image, they present Leonardo. It is the first toolbox capable of resolving all sample-induced aberrations by using two modules (open source!). 👇 #imaging #lsfm
For our LSFM enthusiasts in the bioimaging community! Check out our latest pre-print: (with open source Python packages and Napari plugins). We would appreciate your feedbacks. Huge thanks for the Peng Lab in Helmholtz Munich and the Huisken Lab in Göttingen for having us along the journey in this great collaboration. #Bioimaging #LSFM #AI