Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin


Ein integriertes Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft


Wir erforschen die Erde und das Leben im Dialog mit den Menschen. Unsere Mission, Vision, Strategie und Struktur machen das Museum für Naturkunde Berlin zu einem exzellenten Forschungsmuseum mit Forschungspartnern in Berlin, Deutschland und rund 60 Staaten. Mehr als 600.000 Besucher pro Jahr und eine stetig steigende Teilnahme an Bildungs- und Veranstaltungsprogrammen zeigen, dass wir als innovatives Kommunikationszentrum den wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Dialog um die Zukunft unserer Erde mitprägen – weltweit. Forschung und Sammlungen sind neben der Wissensvermittlung zentrale Säulen des Museums. Unsere Sammlungen sind ein einzigartiges Kulturgut und mit unserer Forschung unmittelbar verbunden. Sie umfassen mehr als 30 Millionen Objekte aus Zoologie, Paläontologie, Geologie und Mineralogie und sind von höchster wissenschaftlicher und wissenschaftshistorischer Bedeutung. Das Museum für Naturkunde Berlin ist ein moderner Arbeitgeber, der Beschäftigungen in sehr unterschiedlichen Bereichen anbietet. Als integriertes Forschungsmuseum mit internationaler Ausstrahlung und global vernetzter Forschungsinfrastruktur gibt es laufend zahlreiche Job- und Karriereangebote im wissenschaftlichen Bereich auf allen Karrierestufen: vom Doktoranden bis zur Professur. Doch auch die technischen- und Verwaltungsberufe sind vielfältig.

201–500 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Museum für Naturkunde Berlin


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    What do you associate with birds? 🦤 That’s what we asked more than 350 people to develop "ZUGvögel – A Collection in Motion". We have taken up their questions, ideas and stories and will be showing the result in a new special exhibition starting tomorrow. Because knowledge is not only found in science, but is spread throughout society. It is in all of us. And it takes all of us to master the challenges of the present and the future! 🪶 Learn more: ⬅️ Credits: Thomas Rosenthal (2-4) 📸

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  • Unternehmensseite von Museum für Naturkunde Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    Citizen Science for biodiversity: We need your support! 🤝 We are investigating your understanding of #CitizenScience in nature and species conservation as well as its suitability and possible further development for nationwide #biodiversity monitoring. 🌍 Your opinions, thoughts and experiences are of great importance to us. The results of the survey will be incorporated into the development of new concepts and measures for improved biodiversity monitoring! 📊 The survey in cooperation with Nationales Monitoringzentrum zur Biodiversität takes about 15 minutes. Please take the time to take part by 15 July and feel free to share the link with your network: ⬅ Credits: Thomas Rosenthal 📸

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    #PublicViewing can also be sustainable! 🌱 For the final of the UEFA Euro 2024 on 14 July, we invite you together with Weltacker Berlin e.V. to a sustainable cooking workshop and a guided tour on the topic of sustainable nutrition. Afterwards we will watch the final game together! Register now for free: ⚽️ #FUTURELEAGUEBERLIN #EURO2024 Why that? The event originates from a cooperation project with DBU Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, dealing with #PlanetaryHealth and #PublicEngagement. 🌎 Our earth does not need us. But we need it all the more as it supplies us with water, fertile soil and oxygen! Through our often thoughtless actions, we ensure that the earth's ecosystem becomes unbalanced, biodiversity is lost and habitats disappear. This is also why we at #mfnberlin strengthen the exchange between science and society, in this case with a focus on Planetary Health and #nutrition. 🌾

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    Supporting open, free and fair access to scientific data! 🌍 As we approach the next Convention on Biological Conservation #COP16, we as the members and coordinators of the Alliance of University and Non-University Biodiversity Research in Germany, urge negotiators to ensure that open, free and fair access to Digital Sequence Information (DSI) is upheld. #DSI refers to digital data derived from the genetic material of living organisms, including information from DNA, RNA, and other molecular sequences that are crucial for #research and #innovation. 🧬 🚨 Why is unrestricted access to DSI essential? 🔬 Environmental monitoring and invasive species: DSI is vital for monitoring complex ecosystems, detecting invasive species, tracking wildlife trade, and preserving genetic diversity, essential for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the UN #SDGs. 🩺 #OneHealth: Rapid DSI exchange across animal, human, and environmental sectors is crucial for early pathogen detection and effective #health measures. 💊 Future therapies: DSI comparisons enable the discovery of new biological compounds, forming the basis for novel medications and vaccines. 🌱 #ClimateChange and #nutrition: DSI aids in breeding #climate-resilient plants and developing long-term soil fertility and food security measures. It also supports the creation of nutritionally optimized foods. ♻️ #Bioeconomy: DSI drives bio-based and circular economies by developing biocatalysts and new functional biomaterials. Let's champion #OpenScience and ensure that DSI remains accessible to all, fostering innovation and collaboration to tackle global challenges. Read the full declaration here: ⬅ There is no question that DSI users should share benefits. However, the mechanism to share benefits must be obligatory, enable open science principles and be legally and technically practical. 🤝 Credits: Antje Dittmann 📸

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    Profil von Magali Dufau anzeigen, Grafik

    PhD Researcher ll TheMuseumsLab Fellow 2024 ll Founder of the COLL-AB program

    🌍 Last week, I had the great pleasure to share my insights about the topic "Communities, Collaboration and Co-production" with my Co-Fellows of #TheMuseumsLab 2024. This program, organized by the DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst in partnership with the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board, gathers 50 #museum professionals from Africa and Europe and enables us all to share our concerns and practices in a very inspiring way. 🇧🇯 As usual, I gave a presentation of the #collaborative #research #project about #collections from #Benin held in #Toulouse, focusing on the need to include and share a plurality of knowledges and narratives in museum displays. 🤝 I would like to use this post to express my deepest thanks to Francis Duranthon, director of the Muséum de Toulouse, and Nottaris Isabel, director of the Ocim, for their ongoing support in my application, which allowed me to discuss this project with an international professional community. 🏛 I am eager to discover the next steps in this incredible programme, which will take me to Berlin and Accra and, in particular, give me the chance to complete a residency at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. 📸 Credits : Franck Alix and Muséum de Toulouse.

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    #TheMuseumsLab 2024 is underway! 🌍 "This is a watershed moment for the #museums and the heritage sector to interrogate their colonial legacies and usher in a new era of north-south reconciliation and collaboration through museum diplomacy." 🗯 – Prof. Dr. Rudo Sithole, founding and current executive director of African Museums and Heritage Restitution (AFRIMUHERE) Bringing together professionals from museums and cultural institutions in Africa and Europe, TheMuseumsLab aims to reimagine and reinvent the future of museums. The Fellows are engaging with leading experts, participating in hands-on workshops and collaborative projects, also developing new strategies for visitor engagement and education. 💡 The first online module "Reimagining Museums of the Future" has been successfully completed, marking the beginning of this year's journey. During on-site modules in Berlin and Accra, there will be opportunities to deepen discussions and connections. Additionally, one-week residencies at renowned African and European institutions will provide further opportunities to share visions and approaches and build long-term constructive relationships. 🤝 We're excited to see the transformative ideas and collaborations that will emerge from this year's programme! 🌐 Credits: Muhammad Salah 📸

    • TheMuseumsLab Fellows in dialogue with MfN researchers in one of the museum's collection halls
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    This is not just a skull – this is data! 🌐 At #mfnberlin, we're developing a data competence center focused on scientific collections and object-related data called #WiNoDa Knowledge Lab. Our goal is to enhance researchers' ability to work with data from museum collections, thus allowing us to expand our knowledge of history and predict the future of the Earth and humanity. 🌏 Take this bushbuck, for example. When, how, and by whom did it become part of our collection? Data like this is contained in all objects in our collection, and our archives even include expedition diaries with additional details. Overall, our more than 30 million collection objects also represent a huge network of data. What if we could analyze this data using cutting-edge computer technologies to gain new insights in future projects? 💡 Interested in learning more? Join scientific project lead Alex Miklashevsky at 21:00 on Saturday at our Speaker's Corner during the Long Night of Science! Tickets and full programme at 🎟 Credits: Pablo Castagnola 📸

    • Bushbock skull from the museum collection including a label showing collection data
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    Promoting an open and collaborative research culture at #mfnberlin! ✨ We are very pleased to announce that we have been nominated for the Enter Award 2024 in the category "Skills Development". The award recognizes various initiatives to promote #OpenAccess and aims to strengthen the free availability of scientific publications and other materials online. 📚 Our museum library, particularly the Coordination Office for Scientific Publishing, was recognized for its innovative learning formats. These go beyond traditional presentation techniques to make complex topics like open access publishing more understandable and enriching for researchers. 💡 One outstanding initiative is the popular pen-and-paper game "Skill-It – Open your research", which takes participants on an interactive journey showcasing the diverse paths of publishing. The highly popular escape room game presents the opportunities and challenges of open access publishing and has become an integral part of our educational offerings. 🌍 #science #sciencecommunication #wisskomm #wissenschaftskommunikation

    • On an old table in one of the libraries of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin lie utensils for an escape room game
  • Museum für Naturkunde Berlin hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Dr Ana I. Faustino anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior Project Manager & Researcher | Co-creation & Institutional / Systemic Change for Impact

    🚀 Job offer! Join Our IETI: Impact-oriented Public Engagement Team 🌟 Are you enthusiastic about #SocialSciences, #ScienceCommunication, #PublicEngagement or related areas of science and society research and practice? Do you have a knack for #Managing projects and activities/events? Are you keen to apply social research methods to public engagement research and practice? Are you good at building relationships and driven by achieving impact through collaboration? 🎯 If you answered "yes" to the questions above, we need you on our team! We're looking for a full-time Impact Project Coordinator! ❓ Why Join Us? ✔ Join an internationally diverse and dynamic team dedicated to promoting the impact of research and public engagement, and contributing to the integration of public engagement into research. ✔ Deepen your experience in projects at the interface between science and society and contribute to positive change. ✔ Engage with a wide range of societal actors and build a professional network. ✔ Work at the iconic Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. 📧 Apply now! Job ad with more details can be found here 👉 📅 Deadline: 07.07.24 The IETI project (website: is part of the Public Engagement and Impact Unit of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and a sister project of the Berlin School of Public Engagement and Open Science. 🙌 Please share with your networks! #JobOffer #HiringNow #JoinOurTeam

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    Understanding the origin of heater organs in mammals! 👶 As mammals, we have basically two types of fat tissue. While "white fat" serves as an energy store, "brown fat" actively burns calories to generate heat. Brown fat even has the potential to improve diseases that affect the cardiovascular system and/or metabolic processes. Reason enough for us to research the role of brown fat in the evolution of mammals, heat balance and metabolism! 🦊 Behind this is a remarkable evolutionary change that took place around 100 million years ago and which has now been examined in more detail with the participation of #mfnberlin. It enabled higher mammals to conquer many cold regions of our planet. Learn more below! 💡 #science #sciencenews

    Marsupials key to discovering the origin of heater organs in mammals

    Marsupials key to discovering the origin of heater organs in mammals

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