Herstellung von Sportartikeln

Voice of the mountains.


Bei ORTOVOX dreht sich alles um Schutz. Schutz am Berg durch innovative Produkte und Wissensvermittlung - Schutz der Natur durch sozial und ökologisch nachhaltiges Handeln. Das Unternehmen aus dem Münchener Süden produziert Notfallausrüstung, Rucksäcke sowie Funktionsbekleidung aus und mit nachhaltiger Wolle für anspruchsvolle Bergsportlerinnen und Bergsportler – seit 1980. Innovative Ausrüstung, aber auch die umfangreichen Ausbildungsmaßnahmen der ORTOVOX SAFETY ACADEMY mit ihren Praxiskursen sowie digitalen Ausbildungs-Tools tragen täglich dazu bei, den Bergsport ein Stück sicherer zu machen und Menschenleben zu retten. Die ORTOVOX Sportartikel GmbH ist Teil der Schwanhäußer Industrie Holding GmbH & Co. KG.

Herstellung von Sportartikeln
51–200 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von ORTOVOX


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    🐑🐑 WELCOME TO THE MOUNTAIN PARADISE FOR SHEEP 🐑🐑 Since 1988, ORTOVOX has relied on wool, and since 2011, we’ve been incorporating Swisswool - nature your life into our insulation products. Swisswool is more than just a supplier to us – it's an initiative committed to supporting regional mountain farming and ensuring its survival. Over 25 collection points have been established across various Swiss valleys, where sheep farmers can bring their wool twice a year. ⛰️ Last week, we embarked on a journey to Haslital, Switzerland, together with French media and content creators. There, we visited wool farmers Ruth and Heinz Brog, who run a farm with around 500 ewes. Since the sheep spend their summers in the mountainous landscape of the Swiss Alps, we laced up our hiking boots and joined Heinz on a hike to Burgalp – with the great hope of spotting the sheep in their vast habitat. And we were not disappointed! We spent a ☀️ sunny day with happy sheep, 🐕 eager herding dogs, and enjoyed delicious 🧀 cheese from the local dairy. ▶️ Curious to learn more about Swisswool, the wool’s journey, and its benefits? Click here: https://lnkd.in/dzrzwABc

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    ORTOVOX x VDBS - PARTNERING WITH THE BEST 🤝 From our earliest days, we have been dedicated to advancing our knowledge and skills in alpine #safety – supported by the expertise of our esteemed partners, including the French Mountain Guide Association SNGM, the Canadian (ACMG) and American Mountain Guide Associations (AMGA) as well as the Association of German Mountain and Ski Guides (VDBS). 💯 The VDBS has been our partner for 15 (!!!) years. A few weeks ago, Michael Lentrodt and Martin Schmidt from Verband Deutscher Berg- Und Skiführer visited us at our HQ in Taufkirchen to extend the contract for another four years 📝. "The VDBS has been a valued partner for many years and we look forward to continuing to work together in order to protect mountains and mountaineers", ORTOVOX CEO Christian Schneidermeier explains. ➡️ What does the partnership with the VDBS entail? We officially equip the teaching teams (mountain and ski guides, freeride guides and mountain hiking guides) with clothing, avalanche emergency equipment and first aid products and the VDBS even tests and recommends selected products. “We are deeply anchored in our cooperation with the VDBS and majorly benefit from their feedback when it comes to product development", Max Bolland, Professional Relation Manager, says. At the same time, we actively incorporate the know-how of the VDBS into our Safety Academy training measures: The content for our digital training platforms Lab Ice, Lab Rock and Lab Snow as well as our Guidebooks was created in collaboration with the VDBS. We are already looking forward to the next four years together with the VDBS. 👉🏻 Because their demanding standards drive our developments.

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    🤝 MEET OUR AMBASSADOR JULIAN 🤝 ⛰️ For us as a brand, ambassadors are the voice of our mountain sports community. As passionate mountain athletes, they are connected by their deep appreciation of our mountains. That's why they are an essential part of our brand. ⚡️ They inspire us with their stories and at the same time improve our products through their experience. But it's not just about improving our products - our ambassadors play an important role in product development as they are (literally) super close to the mountains. 👦🏻 Today we would like to introduce you to Julian, who has been an ORTOVOX ambassador for 5 years. As a mountain guide, you can find him almost 24/7 outdoors. Originally active in 🚴♂️ cycling, he switched to mountain sports many years ago and relocated to Innsbruck, the capital of the Alps. Oh, and he loves testing prototypes, picking up ✂️ scissors as well as needle and thread himself and making adjustments and suggestions for improvements. If you're wondering what Julian's camera roll looks like, take a look at the video and get excited for the upcoming winter season❄️!

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    ❗️❗️ Today is not just another day. Today is August 1st. Today marks EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY. Today we have used up all of nature's resources available for this year. In "we" mean you, us and the entire humanity. ▶️ We are currently using nature 1.7 times faster than our planet’s ecosystems can regenerate. ▶️ The consequences of our ecologial overspending are evident and we are all experiencing them: deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity loss, and the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 📣 Let’s be honest: We as a company know, that we are part of the problem. But we know, that we can and have to also be part of the solution. It is our corporate aspiration to take an active role in shaping the transition towards a more responsible society. This requires commitment and a definite stance. We also strongly believe, that we can only really foster big change when we cooperate with others. The Impact Accelerator Fund, a collaborative fund dedicated to supporting decarbonisation projects and climate mitigation actions within supply chains shows, what can be achieved when brands, retailers, and other associated stakeholder work together (https://lnkd.in/gA2_D9Mz). ❕❕ Today, we as a company, as individuals and als the mountain sports community should take a moment and think about what we can do for moving #EarthOvershootDay back to where it belongs - the end of the year. Source: Global Foodprint Network

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    💯 We're super excited to present the 🌍 PLANET REPORT 2024 🌎 which marks the conclusion of our ProtACT 2024 sustainability strategy. 👉🏼 What makes the Planet Report 2024 so special is its comprehensive approach to #sustainability. It highlights our significant achievements in #climate and environmental #protection as well as circular economy initiatives. BUT we are not resting on our laurels. We work continuously to further minimize our negative impact in order to protect our planet. This is why we are reflecting on our past experiences to better understand how we can enhance our future initiatives. 💡 3 Exciting Key Insights: 1️⃣ CLIMATE PROTECTION: Reducing 42 % of our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2030 compared to the 2022 baseline. 2️⃣ CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Focusing upon extending the use phase of our products and aiming to turn used products into new ones. 3️⃣ SUPPLY CHAIN MONITORING: Devleoping a concept that creates an evaluation framework for new and existing suppliers. ⏩ Read the full report here: https://lnkd.in/dscrZG37

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    🌞 ORTOVOX SUMMERSPORTSDAY 2024 🌞 What began early in the morning with a cloudy sky and some rain turned into a dream day with loooots of sunshine and happy faces. Last Friday, the #ORTOVOX crew met at the Moarhof at Samerberg for the Summersportsday 2024. ▶️ After a little snack, the teams set off for #mountainbiking, #hiking and #roadcycling. Because there is hardly anything better than spending time together outdoors doing sports, right? And there was also plenty to do afterwards: from a professional table tennis tournament (👑 kudos to Andrej Zwer and Philipp Mattes) to a delicious barbecue and watching the ⚽European Football Championships together. By the way, even the German national team's painful defeat against Spain couldn't dampen the fantastic mood of the ORTOVOX flock. WHAT A DAY! ✨

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  • Unternehmensseite von ORTOVOX anzeigen, Grafik

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    ✨What a start to the new week✨ We at #ORTOVOX were SUPER excited when we spotted Chris Martin from #Coldplay recording the vocal for their new song in our 150 COOL LOGO LS: https://lnkd.in/dYSmbevb. 🎤 Chris Martin shows us that our functional, super comfortable and versatile shirts can not only be worn for ⛰️ mountaineering, but also for creating the next world hit #feelslikeimfallinginlove! 🌿 Here's a little side fact: #Coldplay and ORTOVOX have more in common than one might think at first glance. The topic of #sustainability plays an important role for both. Coldplay has defined several principles for making their Music Of Spheres Tour as sustainable and low-carbon as possible (https://lnkd.in/de8Rxf4s). At ORTOVOX, the significance of sustainability is reflected in the commitment to our #CSR goals as an integral component of the ORTOVOX strategic corporate objectives (read more about it here: https://lnkd.in/dscrZG37). 💃 So what is your favorite Coldplay song? Let us know in the comments!

    Coldplay on Instagram: "Recording the vocal for feelslikeimfallinginlove (out today) 🩷 #coldplay #flifil"

    Coldplay on Instagram: "Recording the vocal for feelslikeimfallinginlove (out today) 🩷 #coldplay #flifil"


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    Our canteen is not just a canteen. It is the 💜 heart of #ORTOVOX – this is where employees come together, enjoy the delicious #food on the terrace in the sun and catch up. Speaking of food: It is prepared every day by our amazing chef Simon with lots of love, fresh vegetables and herbs from the garden and other organic ingredients. By the way, you can see a tasty spaghetti bolognese cooking in the video. With meat or without, it's up to you to decide 😉. 🌿 This commitment to #quality and sustainability is something we take pride in, ensuring that every meal is not only delicious but also nourishing. Our canteen fosters a sense of #community, making it a cornerstone of our company culture. 👉🏻 As Simon will soon be leaving the ORTOVOX kitchen, we are looking for a new chef. If you would like to be a part of the ORTOVOX flock, you can find more information here: https://lnkd.in/dr7fmsuq

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    ORTOVOX – BEHIND THE SCENES🎬 Meet Mirella – Passionate Backpack Developer and Winter Enthusiast🎒 If ORTOVOX backpacks like the RAVINE, FREE RIDER, and LiTRIC make your heart skip a beat, you're not alone. Our backpack development manager, Mirella Schmidt, shares your enthusiasm. For Mirella, backpack development is a fascinating quest for innovative solutions, where unpacking the first samples feels like Christmas and Easter combined. Curious to learn more? Get an inside look with Mirella in this Behind the Scenes interview and discover the passion and dedication that go into creating our backpacks!🔍✨ What’s your role as a backpack developer, and how does the development process work? 💬 Mirella: "As a backpack developer, I ensure our backpacks are highly functional and user-friendly. Designed for challenging conditions, they must meet various needs like functionality, comfort, and practicality while providing an exceptional user experience. I am part of a larger team of product managers, designers, material experts, and manufacturers that collaborates closely to achieve this goal. Together, we undergo numerous rounds of testing and feedback. We develop the initial shape and volume prototype in-house, while working in close cooperation with our manufacturers on the workmanship and feature details." What is essential for your job? 💬 Mirella: "I’m a winter person who loves ski touring and freeriding. This passion is crucial to understanding the products and their specific demands. For instance, adjusting your skis to your backpack without removing it in steep terrain is vital for safety. Experiencing these scenarios firsthand is essential for developing functional and reliable backpacks." What inspires you, and what challenges do you face? 💬 Mirella: "Creative ideas often come when you’re outside the office with a clear mind. Much of my research happens during my tours, observing how people use their backpacks and identifying what’s essential for them. One thing that makes my developer heart ache is seeing a helmet net dangling outside a backpack when there’s a zipper pocket for it. 😉 This inspires me to think about what we can do to improve the user experience." What thrives you and keeps you motivated? 💬 Mirella: "Backpacks are fascinating because, unlike clothing, you can't change them during a tour. They must meet all your needs in one piece, making their development both thrilling and challenging. Seeing a backpack I've developed being used in real life is incredibly motivating  –  it means someone else found it compelling enough to buy." Finally, what’s your favorite ORTOVOX backpack? 💬 Mirella: "I love the TRAD 30 DRY. It's versatile yet simple – what’s not to love?"🎒❤️

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    👋 from OutDoor by ISPO. Watch this video statement from our CEO Christian Schneidermeier and find out more about the importance of the fair for us as a brand. Ultimately, it's all about the people – at OutDoor by ISPO we have the great opportunity to come together, network, exchange ideas, share different perspectives and strengthen our partnerships. ✨💬 Come by and say hello at our booth at the Climbing Hub 📍 A1.442!

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