Thanks to all country and partner participants for another successful #TNA5 Global Workshop! Martin Krause, Director of the UN Environment Programme's Climate Change Division summed up the spirit of the TNA V global workshop in his opening remarks: "We know now what the needed technologies are. It is now critical to make the connection from known, proven and accessible technologies to implementation via tailored funding mechanisms.” With presentations from multi-lateral development banks, climate mitigation agencies, and country representatives, the workshop brought together a wide range of perspectives on how to scale-up private and public finance for climate technologies. Now that most critical mitigation and adaptation technologies have been proven and become more accessible, the challenge lies in converting countries' planning and policies into bankable projects that donors can take up reliably and on a large scale. In addition to market stimulation and human capacity development; early-stage decisions on financing can help match country plans and technology priorities with funding sources. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more TNA updates and country experiences emerging from the workshop! Thank you so much to our partners in the Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund, UN Climate Change, United Nations Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), NDC Partnership, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and IFU for your support. Read more about the workshop via the link below:
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
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We are a leading advisory institution on energy, climate and sustainable development (formerly UNEP DTU Partnership)
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UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (formerly UNEP DTU Partnership) is a leading international advisory institution on climate, energy and sustainable development. The centre is located at the UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark and operationally supported by UNOPS. UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is an active participant in both the planning and implementation of UNEP’s Climate Change Strategy and Energy Programme.
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- Cleaner Energy Development, Climate Resilient Development, Low Carbon Development, Energy Efficiency, Technology, Transparency, Finance, Climate Action, Climate technology og climate adaptation
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📣 Climate Weeks return May 19-23, 2025 in Panama City! The Climate Weeks will help build political momentum before key UN climate meetings, and showcase how strong climate actions benefit people's daily lives and the real economy. More 👉 #ClimateAction
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Today, urban Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects are predominantly financed from public and non-profit sources. However, these sources alone are insufficient to support the renaturing efforts required to restore urban ecosystems and address the climate challenges our cities are facing. In this new UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre handbook, we aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the different financing sources and mechanisms that are - or could be - utilized for NbS financing in urban areas. Besides public and non-profit sources, the publication also explores various private financing options, which are currently severely underutilized but hold significant potential for urban NbS financing. To support NBS project developers in creating innovative financing strategies and accessing additional financing sources, the publication also includes a set of business model canvases tailored for different types of urban NbS projects. These canvases provide an overview of the diverse environmental and socio-economic benefits that NbS projects can offer in cities and outline key cost types, financing sources, potential revenue streams and cost-saving opportunities. Gabriela Prata Dias Clara Camarasa, Ph.D. Vanesa Rodríguez Osuna, PhD Talat Munshi Julia Rocha Romero UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
🌏As cities across the globe grapple with climate change, financing Nature-Based Solutions is crucial to building resilience💰 However, there are barriers to access #finance for these solutions, especially in developing countries. 📕A new UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre publication, “Business Models for Financing Nature-Based Solutions in urban #ClimateAction”, offers practical guidance on creating business models to support #NatureBasedSolutions (#NbS) in #urban areas. This publication, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, is designed for stakeholders in both public and private sectors, aiming to make #sustainable, climate-resilient #cities a reality. 🔑 Key Takeaways: 🌱NbS offer a powerful tool to tackle climate challenges in urban environments. 🌱Value-proposition-based NbS business models emphasize the environmental, social, and economic benefits, showcasing both monetary and non-monetary values to strengthen stakeholder support. 🌱Innovative financing models are essential to scale these solutions, particularly in developing countries. 🌱Public-private collaboration and investment mechanisms can help unlock the potential of NbS and are needed to scale NbS in growing cities We need to recognize climate action as a strategic investment, ensuring that urban spaces are both sustainable and resilient to the impacts of climate change.🌿🌍 🔗 Read the full report here: 🌎💚 Gabriela Prata Dias, Dora Almassy, Julia Rocha Romero, Talat Munshi, Clara Camarasa, Ph.D., Najma Mohamed, Vanesa Rodríguez Osuna, PhD, UN Environment Programme
📣New knowledge resource for energy efficiency implementation💡 UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre has successfully completed the Capacity Building Programme for #EnergyEfficiency Leaders in #LatinAmerica. A joint initiative of the Centre with the Proyecto de Integración y Desarrollo de Mesoaméricaérica and the Inter-American Development Bank. The Programme strengthens capacities by developing and disseminating knowledge and tools to support policy making and the design and implementation of energy efficiency projects. Topics covered included: 🌱Energy efficiency opportunities and barriers 🌱Energy efficiency public policies and regulations 🌱Efficiency opportunities in different energy-consuming sectors: #buildings, #transport, and #industry. 🌱Financing instruments and incentives to promote energy efficiency 🌱Energy efficiency indicators 🌱Guidelines for the development of an energy efficiency roadmap 🌱Advances in energy efficiency in appliances and equipment: U4E tools and experiences. We invite you to watch the recordings of the sessions at the following link: Comisión Nacional para el Uso Eficiente de la Energía, Programa ONU Medio Ambiente América Latina y el Caribe, BASE Foundation, Roberto Carlos SALAZAR FIGUEROA, Eduardo Palucho, Jose Antonio Urteaga Dufour, Andrea Heins, Clara Camarasa, Ph.D., Rocio Soledad Garcia, Daniel Magallon, Roberto Borjabad García
🌏As cities across the globe grapple with climate change, financing Nature-Based Solutions is crucial to building resilience💰 However, there are barriers to access #finance for these solutions, especially in developing countries. 📕A new UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre publication, “Business Models for Financing Nature-Based Solutions in urban #ClimateAction”, offers practical guidance on creating business models to support #NatureBasedSolutions (#NbS) in #urban areas. This publication, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, is designed for stakeholders in both public and private sectors, aiming to make #sustainable, climate-resilient #cities a reality. 🔑 Key Takeaways: 🌱NbS offer a powerful tool to tackle climate challenges in urban environments. 🌱Value-proposition-based NbS business models emphasize the environmental, social, and economic benefits, showcasing both monetary and non-monetary values to strengthen stakeholder support. 🌱Innovative financing models are essential to scale these solutions, particularly in developing countries. 🌱Public-private collaboration and investment mechanisms can help unlock the potential of NbS and are needed to scale NbS in growing cities We need to recognize climate action as a strategic investment, ensuring that urban spaces are both sustainable and resilient to the impacts of climate change.🌿🌍 🔗 Read the full report here: 🌎💚 Gabriela Prata Dias, Dora Almassy, Julia Rocha Romero, Talat Munshi, Clara Camarasa, Ph.D., Najma Mohamed, Vanesa Rodríguez Osuna, PhD, UN Environment Programme
UNEP-CCC has released an updated version of its Greenhouse gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) tool! This update (version 2.2) includes: ✅ An additional Step 9 “Results in BTR format”. This new Step 9 includes two tables identical to the CTF Tables of the Biennial Transparency Report, namely CTF Tables 7 (Projections in scenario with measures) and CTF Table 9 (Projections in scenario without measures). #GACMO automatically converts the results from the “Results” sheet and automatically filled in the two tables of the “Results BTR” sheet. ✅A revised sectoral disaggregation in the emissions data for the start year and projected years (Step 3 and Step 6). The revised disaggregation is now defined so that the categories are identical to the categories of the Common Reporting Tables (#CRT) agreed upon by the Parties to the #ParisAgreement. These changes have been made to align the GACMO input tables and output results with the #IPCC inventory categories. ✅A disaggregation of the projections by gases: CO2, CH4, and N2O in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent. ✅New results tables in Step 8 (“Results” sheet) incorporating total GHG emissions projections with and without #LULUCF, as well as total #GHG emissions projections by sectors and by sub-sectors (in line with CRT) and by gases. You can find the updated GACMO tool here:
👉Check out this good example of how our research collaborations on #CleanEnergy can help inform our action oriented work with partner countries. -in this case for the multistakeholder SOLCO Partnership work with Last Mile Climate and the Global Platform for Action (GPA) in #Uganda, #Rwanda and #Nigeria
🌍 Energy Access & Food Security in Refugee Settlements 📢 We are excited to share our latest research, now officially published! 🏡 Did you know? 65% of refugee households in Uganda, Malawi, and Zambia experience severe food insecurity, while 76% lack reliable electricity. Our study investigates the critical link between energy access and food security in protracted refugee settlements, revealing how electricity access can mitigate food insecurity and enhance livelihood opportunities. 🔍 Key findings: ✅ Electricity access can reduce the likelihood of severe food insecurity. ✅ Female-headed households face higher food insecurity risks. ✅ Policies supporting economic empowerment and the right to work are key. ✅ Integrated humanitarian approaches to energy & food security are needed. This open-access research, published in @Energy for Sustainable Development, is the result of a fantastic collaboration between: 📌 Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) 📌 Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University 📌 UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre 📌 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory 📌 MonEner 📌 Università degli Studi di Bari 🔗 Read the full study: 💡 We welcome collaborations! Let’s work together to drive policy impact and sustainable solutions for displaced communities. #EnergyForAll #FoodSecurity #HumanitarianEnergy #RenewableEnergy #RefugeeResilience #SustainableDevelopment #UNEP #UtrechtUniversity #CopenhagenBusinessSchool Hedda Most, Magda Moner-Girona, Paola Casati, Manuel Llorca, James Haselip, Elena Fumagalli Acknowledgements: UNHCR Division of Resilience and Solutions UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, GPA, Estefania Custodio, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Raffaella Bellanca Climate Action at the Last Mile, in support of the SDG principle of “leave no-one behind” Photo’s caption: Nyomon Blandina, 72, cooks food outside her home in Kyangwali refugee settlement, Uganda, 2023. © WFP/Beth Njoroge.
🔔 New update of the Article 6 Pipeline! UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre continues to track and analyze the emerging #carbonmarkets under #Article6 of the #ParisAgreement. This update includes new bilateral cooperation and additional projects - both old and new - planning to register under the Paris Agreement Crediting Mechanism (#PACM). The 25 activities added in the last month alone, are estimated to reduce emissions by up to 17 million tonnes per year. The overview below summarizes the main updates. 👉 Find more details here:
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🌍 Energy Access & Food Security in Refugee Settlements 📢 We are excited to share our latest research, now officially published! 🏡 Did you know? 65% of refugee households in Uganda, Malawi, and Zambia experience severe food insecurity, while 76% lack reliable electricity. Our study investigates the critical link between energy access and food security in protracted refugee settlements, revealing how electricity access can mitigate food insecurity and enhance livelihood opportunities. 🔍 Key findings: ✅ Electricity access can reduce the likelihood of severe food insecurity. ✅ Female-headed households face higher food insecurity risks. ✅ Policies supporting economic empowerment and the right to work are key. ✅ Integrated humanitarian approaches to energy & food security are needed. This open-access research, published in @Energy for Sustainable Development, is the result of a fantastic collaboration between: 📌 Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) 📌 Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University 📌 UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre 📌 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory 📌 MonEner 📌 Università degli Studi di Bari 🔗 Read the full study: 💡 We welcome collaborations! Let’s work together to drive policy impact and sustainable solutions for displaced communities. #EnergyForAll #FoodSecurity #HumanitarianEnergy #RenewableEnergy #RefugeeResilience #SustainableDevelopment #UNEP #UtrechtUniversity #CopenhagenBusinessSchool Hedda Most, Magda Moner-Girona, Paola Casati, Manuel Llorca, James Haselip, Elena Fumagalli Acknowledgements: UNHCR Division of Resilience and Solutions UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, GPA, Estefania Custodio, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Raffaella Bellanca Climate Action at the Last Mile, in support of the SDG principle of “leave no-one behind” Photo’s caption: Nyomon Blandina, 72, cooks food outside her home in Kyangwali refugee settlement, Uganda, 2023. © WFP/Beth Njoroge.
The fifth Technology Needs Assessment global workshop is underway! Representatives from 34 countries participating in TNA IV and TNA V are gathering in Nairobi, #Kenya to advance efforts to attract finance and scale up implementation of climate technologies. 🏦 In addition to stakeholders from the private sector and multi-lateral development banks, this year's workshop featured panelists from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). 🌍 Panelists stressed that the #TNA and #MDBs have common objectives, particularly in the pursuit of the environmental and social co-benefits resulting from effective #climateinvestment. Martin Krause Director, Climate Change Division at UNEP and Moritz Weigel (UN Climate Change) opened the workshop, which began with a discussion on mechanisms to de-risk climate investments and unlock private sector capital. Panelists included - Margaret Barihaihi Musana of NDC Partnership, Andrew Githaiga from IFU, Jens-Peter Kamanga Dyrbak, Chief Governance and Climate advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and Vladimir Hecl, Senior Climate Finance Specialist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The second session focused on mobilising both public and private capital to fund climate technology investments. Panelists included - Zhaojing Mu, @Saby Mitra, Urjit Patel, Kumassi Philippe KOUADIO, Tselmeg Shinetogtokh, and Sara Lærke Meltofte Trærup. The work of the TNA is supported by Global Environment Facility Green Climate Fund, United Nations Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) and UN Climate Change. Read more about the event via the link below: