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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

    What can be found on EUR-Lex


    EUR-Lex gives you access to EU legislation, case-law and other legal documents coming mostly from the EU institutions, but also from EU Member States, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) institutions, etc., including:

    EUR-Lex publishes the authentic version of the Official Journal of the European Union.

    In addition, it provides:

    • the main stages of the procedures leading to the adoption of legal acts;
    • consolidated texts combining the initial legal acts and all their amendments into single documents;
    • over 2,000 summaries of EU legislation explaining EU legislation in a plain, easy-to-read and concise way.

    From the start of the eighth parliamentary term (25 May 2014), parliamentary questions are no longer published in the Official Journal or on EUR-Lex. They are now published on the European Parliament’s website.

    Detailed overview of the types of documents available on EUR-Lex.

    EUR-Lex is updated daily with the publication of the Official Journal, individual documents published in the Official Journal, other documents or procedures, case-law and legal and bibliographic information (metadata).

    The authentic electronic version of the Official Journal is published in PDF, together with its electronic signature. The HTML version is also available for information purposes, but it is not authentic.

    Each document published in the Official Journal is processed for publication on EUR-Lex. On the day of publication, only the title and publication references are available with the individual act. Full legal and bibliographic information is published within 2 working days. This explains why there is a short time lapse between the availability of the Official Journal itself and the subsequent ability to find individual acts.

    The frequency of updates of other documents varies because they come from different institutional sources. For instance, the national transposition measures are updated once a week.
