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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

    Refine your query


    Filters on the left-hand side of the results page help you narrow your search results.

    Screenshot showing how you can refine your search by using the filters

    The filters are arranged by category.

    For each filter, the number of related results is displayed in parentheses. In general, filters are ordered by the number of related results in descending order (the filters with the highest numbers are listed first).

    Only the filters with the highest numbers of related results are displayed.

    When you click a filter:

    • the list of results is updated and shows only those results corresponding to the new criterion you selected
    • the new criterion is added to the Search criteria box above the list of results
    • all the filters you selected are listed at the top of the filter list under the heading ‘You have selected’
    • if you save the search at this point, it will be saved in its new form, taking into account the filters you selected.

    You can select more than one filter. More filters mean fewer and more targeted results.

    To widen your search again, remove filters under the heading ‘You have selected’ by clicking the cross (x).

    Some filters have sublevels.
    For example, when you click a year under ‘By year of document’, the next level (months) is displayed. ‘By directory code’ and ‘By EuroVoc’ work the same way.
    Once you reach the lowest level of a filter, it disappears from the filter list. To return to the top level, remove the corresponding filter(s) under the heading ‘You have selected’.
