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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

    How to search


    You can search EUR-Lex in different ways, depending on your needs and on your specific criteria.

    Quick search

    • For general searches
    • Type keywords or numbers in a free text field to find documents and procedures
    • Available from any EUR-Lex page.

    More on quick search

    Advanced search

    • For targeted searches, combining several criteria.
    • There are pre-defined, dynamic advanced search forms for each collection (for example legal acts, case-law). Once you select one, only the relevant search criteria are displayed.
    • You can also search simultaneously in more than one collection.
    • Advanced search is available from any pages of EUR-Lex.

    More on advanced search

    Expert search

    • For very specific and complex searches, usually performed by specialist users
    • You need to build your own search query with Boolean operators by choosing from the available metadata
    • To use the expert search, you need to have your own account on EUR-Lex and to sign in
    • Once signed in, you can launch an expert search from any EUR-Lex page

    More on expert search

    Screenshot showing where the expert search can be found

    Search by document number

    • Recommended if you know the references of the document you are looking for.
    • You can find a document by typing the year, number and type. The results are limited to that document and its corrigenda, if any.
    • Available only on the EUR-Lex home page.
    Screenshot showing how to search by document number

    Search by Celex number

    • Recommended if you are familiar with Celex numbers.
    • Type the Celex number of the document you are looking for and it returns the results as in Search by document number. More on Celex numbers.
    • Available only on the EUR-Lex home page.
    Screenshot showing where the search by celex number can be found

    Official Journal of the European Union

    • You can access the latest issues of the Official Journal directly from the EUR-Lex home page.

    • Screenshot showing where the Official Journal can be found
    • Click More to reach the Official Journal access page, where you can select several criteria to search for an Official Journal issue.

    Browse by institutions

    • You can also browse by institutions that adopt EU acts: European Parliament, European Council, Council of the European Union, European Commission, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Central Bank, Court of Auditors, European Economic and Social Committee, European Committee of the Regions.
    • The European Central Bank has a specific section with customised search tools, a β€�Recently published’ widget and statistics on ECB legal acts.
    • You can access β€�Browse by institutions’ on the EUR-Lex home page and on any other pages by clicking Menu.

    See more on Browse by institutions.

    Browse by EuroVoc

    • EuroVoc is a thesaurus in multiple languages covering a wide range of fields related to the European Union’s activities (e.g. law, finance, trade). It is used to describe and index the documents in EUR-Lex and improve access to legislation. It is organised in 21 domains and 127 sub-domains.
    • You can access β€�Browse by EuroVoc’ on the EUR-Lex home page and on any other pages by clicking Menu.

    More on Browse by EuroVoc
