Choose the experimental features you want to try

This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

    Create an account


    My EUR-Lex is your personal space on EUR-Lex, where you can access more functionalities than a non-registered user.

    You can:

    • save documents
    • save searches
    • use RRS feeds to stay informed of any new publication on a selected topic
    • export a large number of documents
    • set personal preferences, including a predefined multilingual view with your preferred languages
    • for webservice users, automatically generate the input of the web service, called the ‘webservice template’, corresponding to a search on the website.

    To register, you only need to create an EU Login account.

    Once registered, you access your personal space by clicking ‘My EUR-Lex’ at the top right-hand corner of any EUR-Lex page.
