Transport aérien

Construction Of Novel CERTification methOds and means of compliance for disruptive technologies

À propos

CONCERTO (Construction Of Novel CERTification methOds and means of compliance for disruptive technologies) is an EU-funded project, under the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking programme. The project's overall objective is to develop technical data which will constitute draft regulatory material for future breakthrough innovations. Its aim is twofold: 1. to develop a comprehensive set of regulations on certification of aircrafts, together with a preliminary description of Methods of Compliance (MoCs) applicable to the three "thrusts" of Clean Aviation (Hybrid electric regional aircraft, Ultra-efficient short and short-medium range aircraft, Disruptive technologies to enable hydrogen-powered aircraft) 2. to assess the feasibility of a digital certification framework to support collaboration and model based certification. Certification is expected to improve safety, while shortening time to bring new safe products to market and into service and maintaining European leadership and competitiveness. The results are expected to be transposable and scalable to different product lines and aircraft segments such as general aviation, rotorcraft, business jets and commercial medium-long range, affecting the complete fleet. The project is supported by the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking and its members. Funded by the European Union, under Grant Agreement No 101101999. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor Clean Aviation JU can be held responsible for them.

Transport aérien
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social



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