

Petrolio e gas

Rome, Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1 1.302.233 follower

Chi siamo

We are an integrated energy company operating across 69 countries, with a dedicated team of over 30,000 people committed to the development and sale of increasingly decarbonised products and services. 30,000 people who, with their expertise, are making this transformation possible. A change that positions us at the forefront of the entire energy supply chain, where each technology works in synergy and complements the others to make a tangible contribution, both today and tomorrow, in reducing CO2 emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. A goal that becomes more tangible each year, thanks to our satellite model with differentiated and synergistic businesses. To meet this challenge, we address the energy trilemma – achieving environmental sustainability, energy security, and economic accessibility – through the use of innovative resources. At the heart of our strategic vision is innovation, which is why we invest significantly in scientific research and technology and are always in pursuit of cutting-edge solutions.

Petrolio e gas
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rome, Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1
Società quotata


Dipendenti presso Eni


  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

    1.302.233 follower

    A significant milestone for Plenitude and our progress in the #energytransition. Green Volt, developed by Flotation Energy and Vårgrønn, a JV between Plenitude and HitecVision, is now the only floating project to secure the UK’s Contract for Difference, setting it on course to become the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm, underpinned by government’s support scheme, with a 560 MW capacity. This recognition highlights our dedication to achieving carbon neutrality and driving innovation in the renewable energy sector.

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Vårgrønn, immagine

    14.881 follower

    Vårgrønn is thrilled to announce that together with Flotation Energy, we have been awarded a UK Government Contract for Difference for our project Green Volt, the first commercial scale floating offshore wind project in Europe.   What does Green Volt mean for the offshore wind industry and the UK?   ▪ The project is a catalyst for the creation of a robust floating wind supply chain in the UK. It is an essential steppingstone from current small-scale projects to gigawatt-size developments.   ▪ It represents an important leap towards the 5GW floating offshore wind target the UK has set for 2030.   The benefits of Green Volt will be felt beyond the UK, being a catalyst for the development of floating wind elsewhere in Europe. https://lnkd.in/dUNwaGE4

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

    1.302.233 follower

    Carbon Capture and Storage is one of the key solutions within our strategy to bridge traditional energy with the energy of the future. And now, a project of great significance for the energy transition has become an industrial reality.   Phase 1 of Ravenna CCS, Italy’s first Carbon Capture and Storage project, developed in joint venture with Snam, represents a fundamental contribution to the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors and to achieving Italy’s carbon neutrality goals by 2050. By leveraging our depleted fields in the Adriatic Sea, existing infrastructure and extensive know-how in reinjection techniques, Ravenna CCS provides a concrete and effective solution to support the competitiveness of Italy’s industrial activities, including the energy-intensive sectors of the Emilia-Romagna region.   #EnergyTransition #Decarbonisation #CCS https://bit.ly/3APlmez

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

    1.302.233 follower

    Lo sport è un viaggio di sfide, passione e determinazione. Insieme al Comitato Italiano Paralimpico, siamo pronti a vivere ancora una volta l'emozione dei Giochi di Parigi, dove ogni atleta rappresenta l'essenza del coraggio e della tenacia. Sosteniamo l’Italia Paralympic Team uniti dai valori che rendono grande lo sport: inclusione, rispetto e spirito di squadra. Non ci resta che unirci al tifo! #Paris2024 #Paralympics #Paralimpiadi [Credits: Bizzi/CIP]

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

    1.302.233 follower

    The approval of the Northern Hub and Gendalo&Gandang Development Plans by the Indonesian authorities is a key moment towards the FID of both gas projects, in line with our decarbonisation and energy security strategy. The creation of a new production hub in the Kutei basin is the result of the strong relation with the Indonesian authorities, our partners and a coherent strategy that ensures us strong leadership in a global basin, close to existing infrastructure and very important markets. https://lnkd.in/dBuM3FZS

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

    1.302.233 follower

    Tante soluzioni diverse che nascono da un’unica grande energia, la nostra. Anche quest’anno siamo al Meeting di Rimini, insieme a Enilive, Plenitude e Versalis, per presentare i servizi che ogni giorno soddisfano le esigenze energetiche delle persone, a 360°. Un impegno che rispecchia la nostra visione di un'energia unica e che continua a evolversi verso il traguardo Net Zero. Scopri di più: https://bit.ly/4dvUq1R Fondazione Meeting per l’amicizia fra i popoli ETS #EnergiaUnica Enilive Plenitude Versalis

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    • Nessuna descrizione alternativa per questa immagine
    • Nessuna descrizione alternativa per questa immagine
    • Nessuna descrizione alternativa per questa immagine
  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

    1.302.233 follower

    Argo Cassiopea, which began production just three years after the start of works and operated in joint venture with Energean, is the most important gas development project in Italy and plays a central role in our strategy to increase the use of domestic natural gas for #energysecurity and as a low-emission source. The gas, produced and tested from one of the four subsea wells in the Strait of Sicily, has been transported through a 60 km pipeline to the Gela processing plant, where it will be processed and then fed into the national grid. https://bit.ly/46O2FnD

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Eni, immagine

    1.302.233 follower

    A Parigi abbiamo vissuto giorni emozionanti, dove rispetto e complicità hanno superato ogni forma di competizione, incontrandosi in una condivisone di valori forte e comune. Valori che, insieme a Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 ci accompagnano verso il prossimo grande traguardo: I Giochi Olimpici e Paralimpici Invernali di Milano Cortina 2026. #CasaItalia #Parigi2024 #MilanoCortina2026 #FuoriCasa

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Eni 1 round in totale

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210.000.000,00 USD

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