


Pan European logistics developer.

Over ons

Mountpark develops logistics and industrial buildings across Europe for world leading companies and investors. Collectively, over the past 35 years we have successfully delivered over 50 million sq ft of logistics assets. Our team brings together decades of experience in commercial property, land assembly, planning, finance, strategy and innovation from the breadth of Europe – and beyond. Valuing long-standing relationships with our customers and staying up to date with the ever-changing needs of the market, we create spaces designed to enable businesses to operate to their full potential. Our sustainable, Grade A properties are responsibly developed, prioritising customer wellbeing and aiming to make a positive impact every day. Big Space. Small World.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Logistics Warehouses, Responsible development, Sustainability, Operations solutions, Industrial property, Supply chain, E-commerce, Retail, 3PL, Manufacturing, Data Centre, Land acquisition, Planning, Speculative development, Build to suit en Asset management


Medewerkers van Mountpark


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    6.376 volgers

    Patrycja Wojciechowska, pełniąca w Mountpark funkcję Development Director CE, miała zaszczyt wystąpić podczas zeszłotygodniowej 20. Konferencji Magazynów i Logistyki w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w Warszawie.   Coroczne spotkanie zgromadziło ekspertów z branży magazynowej i logistycznej z całego regionu. Uczestnicząc w panelu dyskusyjnym na temat „starych i nowych” magazynów, Patrycja i współpaneliści zgłębiali temat innowacji w zakresie nowo budowanych magazynów oraz możliwości, jakie stwarzają one dla wzmocnienia rynku Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej.   Dziękujemy Eurobuild Conferences za zorganizowanie interesującej konferencji, która połączyła najnowsze informacje rynkowe, dogłębne analizy i prognozy z fantastyczną okazją do nawiązania kontaktów z kolegami z branży.  --- Patrycja Wojciechowska, Mountpark’s Development Director for Central Europe, was honoured to speak at last week’s 20th CEE Warehouse and Logistics Conference in Warsaw. The annual autumn gathering brought together warehouse and logistics experts from across the region. Participating in a panel discussion on ‘Old and New’ warehouses, Patrycja and her fellow speakers explored the latest innovations within new build warehouses and the opportunities these present to strengthen the CEE market. Thanks to Eurobuild Conferences for delivering an insightful conference that combined the latest market information, in-depth analysis and forecasts, with a fantastic opportunity to network with industry peers. #EurobuildCEE #logistics #warehousing #responsibledevelopment

@Patrycja Wojciechowska, Mountpark’s Development Director for Central Europe, was honoured to speak at last week’s 20th CEE Warehouse and Logistics Conference in Warsaw.
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    ¡Éxito rotundo en la 5ª edición del Torneo de Pádel de Mountpark! 🌟 El pasado viernes 20 de septiembre, disfrutamos de una jornada inolvidable, llena de deporte, momentos especiales y la mejor compañía. Fue un día que fusionó la pasión por el pádel, el networking y la gastronomía, creando un ambiente único para todos los que se unieron a esta experiencia. Queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a todos los participantes, y en especial a los agentes inmobiliarios que nos acompañaron. Su apoyo y entusiasmo contribuyeron de manera invaluable a hacer de este torneo un evento memorable. ¡Os esperamos en la próxima edición!  ---- A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for our 5th annual Mountpark Padel Tournament in Spain! 🌟   Held in Illescas, the event celebrated the sport of padel, which was invented in Spain, with some fast-paced on court action.   Having battled it out to claim the coveted Mountpark trophies, attendees enjoyed some well-earned refreshments and the opportunity to network with our Spanish team.   Thanks to all who attended, especially the property agents whose support and enthusiasm was invaluable in making this tournament truly unforgettable.    #padel #logistics #networking #Spain #Iberia

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    Construction has commenced at Mountpark Grange Castle West, our latest development in Ireland!   Phase 1 enabling works are now underway to facilitate the delivery of five new facilities in Dublin’s premier logistics location. Units 1 (115,00 sq ft), 2 (197,000 sq ft) and 4 (97,000 sq ft) are being developed on an inventory basis, with specifications targeting BREEAM outstanding and BER A1 ratings upon completion.   Ready for occupation from Q2 2025, interested parties can contact our Savills Ireland team: Jarlath Lynn, Gavin Butler, and Billy Flynn.   This brand-new logistics campus will provide over €325m+ of inward investment into Ireland and offers the potential to create around 1,000 jobs across the entire 78-acre development. Read the full story on our website:   #Mountpark #MountparkGrangeCastleWest #Logistics #Construction #Ireland #Sustainability #JobCreation

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    W Polsce trwa sezon siatkarski, a już w najbliższą sobotę odbędzie się coroczny turniej siatkówki halowej o Puchar Mountpark. Już drugi rok sponsorujemy to fantastyczne wydarzenie, które odbędzie się w hali sportowej w Kątach Wrocławskich.   Od rana na parkiecie walczyć będą drużyny z I i II Ligi Dolnośląskiej oraz Otwartych Mistrzostw Wrocławia (OMW): ⨠SPS Mountpark Kąty Wrocławskie ⨠SKSM Adrenalina Sobótka ⨠SPS Modeko Brzeg Dolny ⨠ Czarnków ⨠Rockets Wrocław   Wstęp na turniej jest bezpłatny, więc dołącz do nas, aby doświadczyć tych niesamowitych emocji na żywo. Pierwszy serwis będzie miał miejsce o 9 rano w Hali Widowiskowo-Sportowej. Powodzenia dla wszystkich drużyn! .... The volleyball season continues in Poland where this Saturday the annual tournament to win the highly coveted Mountpark Cup will be held.   This is the second year we have sponsored this fantastic event which will take place at the Kąty Wrocławskie stadium.   Teams from the 1st and 2nd Lower Silesian League and Wroclaw Open Championship (OMW) will battle it out on court from 9am: ⨠SPS Mountpark Kąty Wrocławskie ⨠SKSM Adrenalina Sobótka ⨠SPS Modeko Brzeg Dolny ⨠ Czarnków ⨠Rockets Wrocław   Entry to the tournament is free so please join us to experience this live action event. First serve will be at 9am in the Sports and Entertainment Hall. Good luck to all the teams!

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    Suite à son récent succès en France, Mountpark a mandaté Prisme Real Estate Consulting & Asset Management (PREC AM), basée à Paris, pour l'accompagner dans sa stratégie d'acquisition de terrains dans tout le pays.   Ce partenariat permettra à Mountpark de poursuivre ses ambitions en France, PREC AM aidant à la recherche et l'acquisition de fonciers et de friches industrielles pour le développement de plateformes logistiques, ainsi que l'identification d'opportunités pour des développements à usage mixte.   Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter Nick Jordan.   *** Following recent success in France, Mountpark has appointed Paris based Prisme Real Estate Consulting & Asset Management (PREC AM) to support its land procurement strategy across the country. Unlocking land in France remains a complicated process, this partnership with PREC AM will allow Mountpark to pursue ambitious plans in France, with PREC AM assisting with search and acquisition of greenfield and brownfield sites for the delivery of logistics, alongside identifying opportunities for mixed use developments. For more information, please contact Nick Jordan. Read more:

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    Exciting news! Mountpark has secured planning permission to redevelop the former Coal Yard at Ferrybridge Power Station. The 110-acre site will feature up to 1.64 million sq ft of industrial and logistics space, with detailed consent on significant on-site and off-site infrastructure works. The development is expected to bring over 2,000 jobs back to Ferrybridge. Huge thanks to our wider project team including Oxalis Planning, (SMR) Smalley Marsey Rispin Architects Ltd, Markides Associates and Hydrock, now Stantec for helping secure the green light to transform this landmark site. Please get in touch with our joint agents for more information on availability: JLL - Ed Cole, Sophie Kettlewell and Harry Fullerton Carter Towler - Ian Greenwood and Josh Holmes Read the full story here: #Ferrybridge #Mountpark #teamwork #responsibledevelopment #community

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    At Mountpark we understand the importance of #responsibledevelopment. When we develop a site, we provide buildings that are constructed to a high specification, as well as spaces that can benefit our occupiers and their employees. For this reason, we have included a beautiful wildflower meadow at our logistics facility in Sered to boost local biodiversity and increase employee wellbeing through access to a green space. The meadow offers a place for local flora and fauna to flourish, while providing a place for employees to take breaks and feel connected to nature.   Manicured green spaces have their place but there are numerous benefits to having a wildflower meadow in place. These include increased rainwater retention in the soil, making the plants more drought resistant and hardier in times of heat, as well as assisting in the lifecycle of pollinators in the area and providing habitats for small animals and insects.   If you are interested in occupying space at Sered or looking for logistics space elsewhere in Slovakia or Poland, please get in touch with Patrycja Wojciechowska or Jakub Pelikán today.   #responsibledevelopment #employeewellbeing #socialimpact *** V Mountpark rozumieme, aké dôležitý je #responsibledevelopment (zodpovedný rozvoj). Keď budujeme nové lokality, staváme budovy v najvyššej možnej kvalite. Priestory, ktoré sú prínosom pre našich nájomcov a ich zamestnancov. Preto sme v našom logistickom parku v Seredi vysadili krásnu lúku s divokými kvetmi, ktorá je v súlade s miestnou biodiverzitou. Pohľad na krásnu zeleň prináša väčšiu pohodu do života zamestnancov. Lúka ponúka miesto pre rozvoj miestnej flóry a fauny, poskytuje priestor zamestnancom na oddych počas prestávok a možnosť byť obklopený prírodou. Upravené zelené plochy majú svoje miesto v našich parkoch, ale existuje mnoho výhod, prečo mať aj lúky s divokými kvetmi. Zadržiavajú viac dažďovej vody v pôde, čo posilňuje odolnosť rastlín voči suchu a ich vytrvalosť v obdobiach horúčav. Lúky poskytujú útočisko opeľovačom a podporujú ich zdravý vývoj v danej oblasti. Ďalej poskytujú vhodný biotop pre malé živočíchy a hmyz. Ak máte záujem o prenájom priestorov v Seredi alebo hľadáte logistické priestory inde na Slovensku či v Poľsku, kontaktujte dnes Patrycju alebo Jakuba. #responsibledevelopment #employeewellbeing #socialimpact

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    Institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Global Alternatives have partnered with Mountpark to deliver an exciting new project to the French healthcare sector. An agreement has been reached with Alliance Healthcare France to construct a 25,000 sq m extension to its existing building at Mountpark Orléans in Meung-sur-Loire.   Reflecting the occupier’s commitment to a healthier future, the extension will target BREEAM ‘Very Good’ and BiodiverCity certification with photovoltaic roof panels generating on-site renewable energy.   Mountpark will act as development manager for J.P. Morgan on this extension, with delivery scheduled for the first quarter of 2025.   Read the full story on this project and our growing partnership with J.P. Morgan here: ---- Des investisseurs institutionnels conseillés par J.P. Morgan Global Alternatives se sont associés à Mountpark pour réaliser un nouveau projet dans le secteur de la santé.   Un accord a été conclu avec Alliance Healthcare France pour la construction d'une extension de 25 000 m² au bâtiment qu'ils occupent sur le site Mountpark Orléans à Meung-sur-Loire.   Afin d’illustrer l'engagement de l’occupant, l’extension visera les certifications BREEAM 'Very Good' et BiodiverCity, et intégrera des panneaux solaires en toiture pour une production d'énergie verte sur le site.   Mountpark agira en tant que chef de projet pour J.P. Morgan sur cette opération, dont la livraison est prévue pour le premier trimestre 2025.   Découvrez les détails de ce projet et de notre partenariat grandissant avec J.P. Morgan ici:

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