După ce ai stat să îți aduni curajul și te-ai gândit luni întregi dacă ar trebui să o faci, ai zis "Gata, mă apuc de terapie"! Dar nu știai ce te așteaptă mai departe. Exact așa am simțit și noi când am început. 🤗 Printre cele mai dificile părți din procesul terapeutic este să îți găsești terapeutul potrivit. De aceea am pregătit acest articol unde povestim pas cu pas despre cum poți face asta (și cum poți simplifica major procesul cu ajutorul Calmly 😊). Check it out!
Omg, it's live! 🥳 Yesterday, I went on a long rant about everything I’ve had to learn while co-running Calmly - feeling both amazed and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of strength and consistency it takes. But yesterday wasn’t just about challenges - it was also a day of wins! I published my first blog on Calmly’s website. At times, I was so frustrated with WordPress and figuring out SEO, but I kept telling myself, “If a 14-year-old can do it, so can I!” (Back when I was a teen, it felt like everyone had a blog.) So, after some sweat and a few moments of doubt, I finally hit ‘Post.’ For a lot of people, this might not seem like a big deal - maybe even a little silly. But I think it’s time we start celebrating the small wins, the so-called ‘insignificant’ milestones. Because that’s how you learn to love the process, not just the outcome.