We're delighted that the #Audiobook is now out! Would you like to be part of the draw for a copy? Take part on Marsha 's post below!
Author: Building Inclusion, A Practical Guide to EDI in Architecture & Built Environment, pub Routledge | Global Award-winning inclusion strategist/leader in org culture using CQ | Compassionate & honest agent of change
🎧 🤸 AUDIOBOOK GIVEAWAY! I have three (3) Building Inclusion - The Book #Audiobooks to #GiveAway to people who REALLY want one! These will be available via the Audiobooks.com platform. In order to put your name in the hat, please comment below what you hope to learn from having access to #BuildingInclusion and how you hope to adopt changes in what you do. If you've already got a copy, but think your network might benefit, please do #share this, and tag people who might want one. I'll put all suitable responses into a virtual hat, and do a live pulling out names on Friday 28th March at 1200 GMT. I hope this is of interest to you!