Thank you Frances Williams at Architects’ Journal for shining a light on the creation of ‘Reflect’, a pavilion for play, designed and part made by young people in Euston.
“Co-designed by local young people under the guidance of MATT+FIONA and local charity Fitzrovia Youth in Action, ‘Reflect’ is a new centrepiece for a meanwhile garden on a former HS2 construction compound.
“The project occupies the site of the former National Temperance Hospital – one of several empty plots in the Euston area to be transformed by HS2 into a meanwhile garden for public use, following the pause of the UK’s huge infrastructure project. It is the only one in the series to be co-designed with a local youth group, as well as the community that will use it.
“Working with the Camden-based charity Fitzrovia Youth in Action, MATT+FIONA gathered ideas through large-scale ink drawings and sketches, which were then developed into a plan.
“Forty-eight young people initially took part in this consultation, with 18 young placemakers coming together over the course of 12 weeks to develop the concept for a multifunctional pavilion to become the focal point of a garden designed by LDA Design.”
For the full article:
We feel there has been as much beauty in the process - the teamwork, collaboration & dedication of all the project partners behind the scenes - as there is in the resulting space.
It was a pleasure to work with the young people and Eleanor Rudd at Fitzrovia Youth in Action, Manfredi Pedone amd Dafydd Warburton at LDA Design, Integral Engineering Design, Danny Allen, Nassar Ali, Sarah Mann, Gairey Thomas at HS2 (High Speed Two) Ltd, Natalie Kirkwood at Mace and Nabil Al-Kinani amongst many others.
Thank you Claire Curtice and Sabine Zetteler at Zetteler for all your support in sharing the story.
And thank you as always to all the team involved, past and present: Jon Shmulevitch, George Pope, Chloe Lai, Eve Nixon and Matthew Springett
#reflect #codesign #meanwhile #youthled