Shoshana Zuboff’s Response to Martin Schulz : The New Weapons of Mass Detection
Von Shoshana Zuboff
Lesezeit: 17 Min.
I’ve been holding my breath since the Guardian broke its first Snowden story on June 5, 2013 revealing the NSA’s bulk collection of phone data. There is a tragic deja vu for me. In 1988, when Google founder Larry Page was fifteen years old and the word “internet” was at least ten years away from public recognition, I published In the Age of the Smart Machine. The book was based on a decade of fieldwork inside a range of newly computerizing workplaces. During those years I watched each group succumb to the same pattern. Computer systems that offered rich new learning opportunities at all levels of the firm were hijacked by a narrow economic model and a managerial ideology of unilateral control.
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