NEBA: New European Bauhaus Initiative’s cover photo
NEBA: New European Bauhaus Initiative

NEBA: New European Bauhaus Initiative

Non-profit Organizations

NEBA empowers regions with enriching, sustainable, and inclusive territorial planning, inspired by New European Bauhaus.

About us

Supporting the integration of New European Bauhaus values and principles into the regional planning processes (NEBA) initiative is aimed at strengthening the capacities of regions and cities to develop and introduce inclusive and sustainable territorial planning policy instruments in order to increase their resilience and adaptation to climate change. NEBA aims to bring the values and principles of the New European Bauhaus to the regions and to integrate them into territorial planning in a way that is most beneficial for the local communities and the environment. As the effects of climate change become more apparent, there is an emerging need not only to develop environmentally friendly technological solutions, but also to ensure the involvement of citizens in solving these issues, thus ensuring social justice and people's interest in contributing to global problems at a local level. Even though NEB idea is relative new, there are perceived gaps between regions that are already benefiting from its application and the ones which are just getting on board. By bringing together regions with different experiences of NEB application and their unique local backgrounds NEBA will explore the best practices and ensure synergies of interregional cooperation in the area of integrating NEB values and principles into regional planning processes. NEBA will empower regions to rethink their territorial planning instruments and improve them so that new initiatives are enriching, sustainable and inclusive.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
New European Bauhaus and Interreg Europe


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