CRP faculty Jocelyn Poe and Jennifer Minner, along with Architecture faculty Felix Heisel, are among several coauthors who recently published Embodying Justice in the Built Environment: Circularity in Practice. The guide and workbook seek to help policymakers, practitioners, and communities center justice principles while implementing strategies related to materials resource management, new construction, and alternatives to demolition. Read the full article: Jocelyn Poe, Jennifer Minner, Felix Heisel, Cornell University
Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning’s Post
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I am looking forward to lecture on transformation and systemic change.
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👏 P U B L I C S T A T E M E N T: And here is the public statement from Moriyama Teshima Architects on the recent and abrupt closure of the Ontario Science Centre by the Ontario Government | Gouvernement de l’Ontario The landmark 1969 building by renowned Japanese Canadian architect Raymond Moriyama was closed following an engineering report by Rimkus with the Ontario government citing that the report found “serious structural issues with the Ontario Science Centre building.” While these issues would not be expected to materialize until the winter, according to Infrastructure Ontario, the intervening months were needed “for staff to safely vacate the building.” A deep dive into the engineering report revealed a different story. It suggests that the building’s key exhibition areas could continue to operate safely for years to come—even if the Ontario government chooses not to invest in any structural roof repairs this year. #OntarioScienceCentre #SaveTheScienceCentre #architecture #heritage #historiclandmark #canadianarchitecture Elizabeth Pagliacolo Stefan Novakovic Eric Mutrie AZURE Media Canadian Architect magazine
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