ECD Architects Ltd successfully addressed retrofitting challenges for a Category B listed building. Their study balanced energy efficiency with heritage preservation, potentially cutting carbon emissions by 75%. #listedbuilding #blistedbuilding #conservation #heritage #university #retrofit #carbonemissions #ecdarchitects #univeresityofdundee #retrofitfeasibilitystudy #feasibilitystudy #ecdarchitects #retrofitstrategy
Listed buildings may be harder to retrofit, but it is possible, and can help to ensure they’re fully used so that more people can enjoy them. ECD carried out a retrofit feasibility study for the Category B listed Perth Road building, highlighting necessary maintenance works and some easy wins in a light retrofit strategy. Two deeper retrofit strategies proposed more invasive works, balancing these with the building’s heritage features. Getting a full understanding of the building’s construction, its energy losses and its heritage significance were key to this, demonstrating how the building’s heating demand and its carbon emissions could be cut by around 75%. #listedbuilding #BListedBuilding #university #retrofit #carbonemissions #ECDArchitects #UniversityofDundee #RetrofitFeasibilityStudy #RetrofitStrategy