Meet us in Munich at the FabricationGap symposium next week! Design-to-Production has been streamlining construction processes since 2007, exploiting scalable digital approaches and nudging AEC from projects to products. Thus, we are proud to support this event to discuss new ideas for the construction industry. Meet Fabian and Bastian at the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences next Thursday and Friday!
We're on the final stretch! Next Thursday, March 20th, we meet in Munich for FabricationGap 2025 and discuss how to turn construction into an industry: What needs to change? Who can drive this change? What are the success criteria? What are the blockers? We are thrilled to welcome an impressive list of speakers (see program attached) and a lively audience to the Aula of Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences! Registration is still possible: Free admission made possible through generous support by Design-to-Production, ZÜBLIN, Autodesk, Timber Homes Raummodule, HENN and our Media partners | PSA Publishers Ltd. & Bauwelt.