Aspen Institute Central Europe

Aspen Institute Central Europe


We connect and inspire people who are passionate about improving society.

O nás

The Aspen Institute Central Europe is an open and interdisciplinary dialogue platform where political, business and non-profit leaders, as well as leading personalities from art, sports and science meet and interact. We organize public conferences, seminars, and expert discussions on the most pressing issues with the goal of having an impact beyond the conference room. Our programs aim to improve the quality of decision-making processes. Every year we gather at the flagship event called The Shape of (Central) Europe, a conference where expert groups present their year-round work and offer a comprehensive look at the development of the region and further recommendations. We also organize both public and policy debates on European and transatlantic matters, technology and digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, education, reskilling & upskilling and many others. Thanks to our Leadership Programs, more than 300 exceptional leaders across various professional fields from Central Europe have already been challenged to explore their core values and got engaged in dialogue about issues critical for society’s development. As a regional partner of the global Aspen Institute network, we provide the local audience with world-renowned experts from various disciplines.

Velikost společnosti
2 – 10 zaměstnanců
Neziskové organizace
Datum založení
leadership support, platform for policy innovation, interdisciplinary dialogue, transatlantic matters, artificial intelligence, education, technology, digitalization a good governance


Zaměstnanci společnosti Aspen Institute Central Europe


  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    🎗️ FutureEdu 2024: Education and Leadership Shaping the Future is happening next week, and you can join us online! 🖥️ The conference will be streamed in both English and Czech  👉 The conference will take place on September 17, 2024, at Opero, and will highlight the best of British and Czech perspectives on leadership development in education. Aspen Institute Central Europe is proud to be a content partner. Our Executive Director, Jakub Landovský, will participate in a panel discussion on the future of leadership in formal and informal education, alongside distinguished speakers: Jiri Nantl (Ministry of Education, Prague, Czech Republic), Stanislav Pavlin (Fostra Group), Michal Uhl(Czech National Agency for International Education and Research), and Aleš Pokorný (PwC). Many thanks to OPERO for organizing such an important event!

    Zobrazit stránku organizace OPERO, grafika

    2 913 sledujících uživatelů

    👉💡Víte, kam směřuje vzdělávání? Přidejte se k nám na konferenci FutureEdu, kde vás čeští i zahraniční odborníci provedou svými vizemi a poodhalí představy, jak bude vypadat budoucnost vzdělávání a leadershipu. 👉Můžete se těšit na Matta Fielda, britského diplomata a velvyslance v České republice, který díky své praxi a zkušenostem z oblasti leadershipu zahájí konferenci. Úžasná Lucy Crehan, nás provede tématem “Key features of a high performing curriculum“ a pronikneme do tajů pravdivých a nepravdivých informací. Naváže na ni uznávaný profesor University of South Wales a odborník na vzdělávání mladých lidí, Howard Williamson s učením pro leadership a život. Neváhejte a připojte se zdarma na konferenci FutureEdu, která proběhne už 17. září přes live stream na Zjistěte více o stírání hranic mezi formálním a neformálním vzděláváním! British Embassy Prague #FutureEdu #inovationeducation #operoprague

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    On August 31, Aspen Institute Central Europe hosted a side session at the GLOBSEC conference titled "Defending Europe: NATO's Role in Regional Stability." This session, led by our Executive Director Jakub Landovský, brought together special guests to discuss the critical importance of NATO in safeguarding Europe's most vulnerable regions, including Finland, the Baltics, and Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the security challenges posed by Russia to these nations. The discussion also covered the impact of US-EU relations on European security post-US Presidential elections and strategies for collective security in upholding our fundamental values. 🤝 Many thanks to Imants Lieģis, Former Minister of Defence of Latvia & Advisor to the Minister of Defence of Latvia, and to Martin Sklenar, Former Minister of Defence of Slovakia & Distinguished Fellow at GLOBSEC, for their valuable insights. We are also thankful to the organizers of GLOBSEC for bringing many high-level statesmen, policymakers, and experts to Prague, and we are happy that Aspen Institute Central Europe could contribute to the program.

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    7️⃣ Seven Transversal Signals from the Aspen Ideas Festival 2024 "Becoming a Fellow of the Ideas Festival, The Aspen Institute’s flagship event held for 20 years in the heart of the Elk Mountains over 2,000 meters above sea level, was a humbling and mind-opening experience. Aspen programs are designed to take you out of your comfort zone and into the realm of deep thinking. Why do I feel uncomfortable hearing this? What do I want to learn? What emotions and past experiences does it trigger? This is my thread of ideas that have woven into the fabric of potential futures." 👉 Read about the seven thought-provoking insights from our alumna Petra Dzurovcinova in our latest Aspen Review article, which also includes links to videos from the festival. 🛋️ Enjoy the reading (12min): #AspenReview

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    What a fulfilling and memorable time we’ve had! It’s hard to capture all the energy, new experiences, thoughts, and ideas—and it’s not over yet. The Aspen Young Leaders community has grown, ready to advance their projects and continue supporting each other. We deeply appreciate the time our guests, speakers, and participants have dedicated to the Aspen Young Leaders Program 2024. 🤝 #AYLP is all about people who are passionate and committed to making a positive impact on society. 🌐 Many thanks to everyone for this incredible experience and for your dedication in facing the challenges of our time. ivan Hodac Ursula Kralova Pavel Rehak Jakub Landovský Peter Bator Roman Blazhan Jarosław Gwizdak Sandor Lederer Peter Pistek Adam Taborsky Ivan Stefanec ...

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    🌟 Inspiring, holistic, fresh, empowering, actionable, uplifting... These are just a few of the words we’ve heard about the program so far. We’ve focused on values-based leadership in politics & diplomacy, business, society, art, and cybersecurity, with speakers sharing insights from their long-term experiences and unique expertise. We’ve tackled many challenging topics and discussions, and despite the packed agenda, there’s still room for fun. It’s exciting to discover that we have also talented guitarists among us! 🎵 #AYLP

  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    The values-based leadership session is where #AYLP participants experience diverse perspectives and opinions as we discuss the values that are important in our workspaces and interactions across different social bubbles. One of the many thrilling debates emerged around the meaning of "respect"—we delved into how it can be perceived, understood, and interpreted differently depending on our experiences, education, and cultural backgrounds. Respect was explored as a core value for open dialogue, humility, and even as obedience within a hierarchy, among many other ideas, as we uncovered our complex internal value systems during the open-minded discussions. What does respect mean to you?🤔 Many thanks to Pavel Rehak and Ursula Kralova for guiding us through the values-based leadership topics and facilitating the discussion. 

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    We’re very grateful for the opportunity to get to know incredible young leaders during today’s welcoming introduction session. The energy, passion, and fresh perspectives they brought have already been a huge source of inspiration. ❤️ We also had the opportunity to learn about the motivations behind each participant’s decision to join our Aspen Young Leaders Program. Though we come from different backgrounds and unique stories, we all share a common purpose: to exchange experiences, broaden our perspectives, learn, stay open-minded, and step out of our comfort zones in a safe and supportive environment. Among us, we have professionals and enthusiasts from diverse fields—culture, art, tech, math, business, NGOs, media, healthcare, palliative care, communications, environmental work, sports, education, public service, law, and more. Despite our varied paths, we all share the same goal: to bring a positive impact to society.🌍 Many thanks to ivan Hodac, founder of the Aspen Institute CE, Pavel Rehak, president of the board, and board member Ursula Kralova for their inspirational welcoming speeches. #AYLP

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    The Aspen Young Leaders Program 2024 #AYLP starts tomorrow! 🌲 We’re escaping the daily routine and heading into a remote environment with a diverse, interdisciplinary group of 40 young leaders from Central Europe! With inspiring speakers from various sectors, we’ll be debating the role of leaders, their core values, the challenges we face in today’s society, and the roles we play in solving them.💡 The Aspen Young Leaders Program is defined by its strong emphasis on the diversity of speakers and participants—from business, arts, academia, politics, science, sports, and the non-profit sector—as well as on the wide range of topics, perspectives, and open dialogues. 👉 Follow us and stay tuned! #AYLP

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    🇺🇦 “For almost a year now, Russia has taken the initiative on the front. Despite their considerable military superiority, however, the Russian forces have not been spectacularly successful. There are also no signs that the Ukrainian defense could collapse in the coming months. Russia is not in a position to claim victory on the battlefield, but is hoping for a favorable political settlement. The outcome of the war depends largely on the West’s determination to continue supporting Kyiv,” says Wojciech Konończuk. 👉 In the latest Aspen Review article "Neither David nor Goliath: Perspectives on the Ukraine Defense", you can read about: · Why Western support for Ukraine is crucial · The strategic goals of Moscow and the self-limitations of the West · The aim of the unprecedented operation by Ukrainian troops 🛋️ Enjoy the reading (7min):  #AspenReview

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace Aspen Institute Central Europe, grafika

    4 984 sledujících uživatelů

    🎗️ The prestigious international conference, FutureEdu 2024: Education and Leadership Shaping the Future, organized by OPERO, will take place on September 17, 2024, revealing the future of connecting education and leadership. The conference will showcase the best of the British and Czech visions for the development of this strategically important field. Aspen Institute Central Europe is proud to be a content partner for the conference. 👉 🖥️ The conference will be available to watch in both English and Czech without registration via an online stream on Aktuálně.cz. Our executive director, Jakub Landovský, will be part of the panel discussion on the future of leadership in formal and informal education, alongside other distinguished speakers: Jiri Nantl (Ministry of Education, Prague, Czech Republic), Stanislav Pavlin (Fostra Group), Michal Uhl (Czech National Agency for International Education and Research), and Aleš Pokorný (PwC). The conference will be addressed by Lucy Crehan, author of the book Chytrozemě, Mikulas Bek, Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports, and Matt Field OBE, British Ambassador to the Czech Republic British Embassy Prague. You can look forward to many unique and thought-provoking topics and speakers. Join us at this day-long festival of ideas that goes far beyond conventional thinking about education.💡

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