Cool Coalition

Cool Coalition

Affaires étrangères

Paris, Île-de-France 5 562 abonnés

Multi-stakeholder partnership accelerating the transition to efficient, climate-friendly cooling #GlobalCoolingPledge

À propos

The UNEP-led Cool Coalition is a global multi-stakeholder network that connects a wide range of key actors from government, international organizations, businesses, financial institutions, academia, and civil society to facilitate knowledge exchange, advocacy, and joint action toward a rapid global transition to efficient and climate-friendly cooling. The Cool Coalition promotes a ‘reduce-shift-improve-protect-leverage,’ cross-sectoral approach to meet the cooling needs of both industrialized and developing countries through better building design, energy efficiency, renewables, and thermal storage, as well as phasing down HFCs. Cool Coalition partners are collaborating on policy, finance, technology, and science to meet growing demands for cooling in a comprehensive manner, all aimed at raising climate ambition in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals while complementing the goals of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Agreement. The Cool Coalition advocates for a structured approach to efficient, climate-friendly cooling for all, which means: REDUCING the need for mechanical cooling through better urban planning and building, including nature-based solutions such as green spaces, roofs, and walls. SHIFTING cooling to renewables, thermal storage, and district cooling approaches. IMPROVING conventional cooling by increasing efficiency and reducing the GWP of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment and demand response measures. PROTECTING vulnerable people from the effects of extreme heat and the consequences of unreliable medical and agricultural cold chains. LEVERAGING cooperation between different actors to achieve a greater collective impact. Discover the 160+ partners of the Cool Coalition :

Affaires étrangères
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Fondée en



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