Green Deal ARV la ut dette på nytt
We zijn vereerd met hoog bezoek op ons Energielab. Patrick Child, plaatsvervangend algemeen directeur Environment bij de Europese Commissie, kwam gister langs binnen een reeks bezoeken in de regio Utrecht. Hij heeft gezien hoe wij praktijkonderzoek aanpakken, in het lab en in Kanaleneiland en Overvecht in Green Deal ARV.
We had the honor of hosting Patrick Child, Deputy Director General for Environment at the European Commission, for a series of insightful visits across our Utrecht region. During his time here, he explored various key institutions, including RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (Hogeschool Utrecht), Utrecht University Utrecht and the Gemeente Utrecht. A highlight was his visit to the energy laboratory at Hogeschool Utrecht, where we had the opportunity to showcase our commitment to applied energy research, e.g. in the Green Deal ARV project. We presented our portfolio of applied sustainability projects (TROEF Energy), educational initiatives (SEED), and ecosystem projects like sprong sure, demonstrating how we as a University of Applied Science are paving the way for energy and climate neutral cities. Centre of Expertise Smart Sustainable Cities Lectoraat Nieuwe Energie in de Stad