Frederick Vallaeys

Frederick Vallaeys


About Frederick Vallaeys

Frederick (“Fred”) Vallaeys was one of the first 500 employees at Google where he spent 10 years building Google Ads and teaching advertisers how to get the most out of it as the first Google AdWords Evangelist. Today he is the Cofounder and CEO of Optmyzr, a PPC management SaaS company focused on making search, shopping, and display ads easier to manage with rules, scripts, reports, audits, and more. He is a frequent guest speaker at events where he inspires organizations to be more innovative and use AI and Automation Layering to become better marketers. His latest book, Unlevel the Playing Field, follows his best-seller, Digital Marketing in an AI World.

Frederick Vallaeys's latest articles


How To Manage Bids For AdWords Shopping Ads

Last month, I covered the basics of how Shopping campaigns in AdWords differ from Search campaigns. The key finding I had was that, with Search, you have to add keywords to target more queries. In Shopping, all queries that match your products are targeted by default, and one of the main reasons to divide products […]


4 Steps To The Perfect AdWords Audit

I recently participated in a few SEM tune-up clinics where we did live reviews of AdWords accounts. While I hope I provided a few interesting tidbits, I think the thing advertisers are looking for in these sessions is insight into the process that other practitioners go through when checking an account. So whether you’re doing […]


A Former Googler’s Routine For AdWords Management

It’s been seven months since we launched Optmyzr’s first tool  at SMX Advanced in Seattle — the Quality Score Tracker — and we’ve been busy adding tools, reports and optimizations since then. Now, one of the most common questions we get is when to use various optimizations — and, of course, these apply no matter what tools […]

Google Ads

AdWords Bid Management And Account Structure Mistakes To Avoid

On my one-year anniversary of working as an AdWords practitioner instead of a Googler, Brad Geddes interviewed me about Quality Score for his show, Marketing Nirvana. He asked for my thoughts on AdWords now that I’m a user rather than someone building it, and I thought that was a great question and one worth covering […]


3 Ways AdWords Scripts Will Make Your Holidays Merrier

The holidays are officially upon us, and if you’re reading this, I must give thanks to you for your time. When I still worked at Google, this was the time of year when new product launches came to a crawl since most advertisers were too busy to deal with change, and only the most persistent […]


5 Conversion Tracking Tips For AdWords

Last month, I covered how to use call tracking for AdWords to shed some light on how to track phone calls as conversions. This month, I’d like to continue in that vein and share some more tips for tracking and optimizing by conversions, whether they are of the call or online variety. When I first […]

Google Ads

Demystifying Call Tracking In AdWords

Recently, I’ve been helping more companies in the local vertical; and for many of them, the ultimate goal of buying search ads is to get a phone call from a new prospect. Tracking these types of offline conversions has always been complicated, and I have to admit that one of the product areas I found […]

Google Ads

4 New Reports To Optimize AdWords For Better Results

There have been quite a few new tools and features launched in Google AdWords (my former employer) over the past couple of months that may not have gotten the attention they deserve amidst the much more hotly debated launch of Enhanced Campaigns. Now that we’ve all transitioned and Enhanced Campaigns can just be called “campaigns,” […]

Google Ads

Quality Score Explained By A Former Googler

With the continuing expansion of ad space at the top of the page (from ad extensions like sitelinks with descriptions), it’s more important than ever to make sure your ads have a great ad rank. But CPCs are on the rise — so unless you can improve your conversion rate so you can increase bids, Quality Score […]

Google Ads

How to Automate AdWords Ad Creation & Landing Page Checks

Automating AdWords as much as possible is every advertiser’s dream, especially when dealing with the massive accounts we see in enterprise-level SEM. This article provides a few examples of how we at Top Tier Marketing have automated some of the more laborious tasks of running AdWords. Hopefully, these examples will give you some ideas for […]

Google Ads

4 Ways To Take Your AdWords Scripts To The Next Level

Last week, I presented at HeroConf in Austin and shared some advanced tips for automating AdWords account management with an audience of PPC account managers. They seemed to like what I had to say; so, I’ll share a few of the more advanced scripting tips with you here. When you manage PPC accounts, you likely […]


Workarounds To Make Enhanced Campaigns More Flexible

Last week at SMX West, I was on the “SEM Best Practices Debate” panel. Several of the topics we debated were related to Enhanced Campaigns, clearly something on the minds of search marketers these days. This month, I’ll recap a few take-aways from the event and share some ideas for workarounds and automation that may […]

Google Ads

How Account Quality Score Can Guide AdWords Optimization

Last month, I covered four ways to use AdWords Scripts to improve AdWords account management. I didn’t share any actual code for fear of geeking out too much, but people seemed interested enough in how to use Scripts to track historical Quality Score (QS), so this month, I’ll share step-by-step instructions and give you the […]

Google Ads

Search Funnel Data Now More Actionable In AdWords

Google just announced that data from search funnels will now be incorporated in the campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads tabs where it will be easier to act on. This is a welcome change for all advertisers; advanced advertisers will find it easier to incorporate the additional conversion metrics into their strategies and newer advertisers may […]

Google Ads

Four Ways You Can Benefit By Using AdWords Scripts

The best kept secret for saving time and improving results in AdWords may very well be AdWords Scripts, a lightweight automation tool that is easier to use than the API but more powerful than the standard interface and the AdWords Editor. As highly as I think of the AdWords UI (I helped build it for […]

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