Lori Weiman

Lori Weiman


About Lori Weiman

Lori Weiman is CEO and co-founder of The Search Monitor, which provides marketing intelligence to SEM, SEO, and Affiliate Marketers. Prior to TSM, Lori developed real-time bidding and tracking products for paid search and affiliate marketing. Lori is a frequent speaker at conferences such as SES, SMX, Search Insider Summit, and Affiliate Summit.

Lori Weiman's latest articles


The Affiliate Industry Strives To Clean Up Its Act

Unfortunately, affiliates do not always abide by the rules and requirements of your program.  For example, you may specifically prohibit keyword sponsorship of your best terms or your brand terms. You may look to keep your affiliates from co-promoting you alongside of your competitor(s) on the same landing page, you may have restrictions on paid […]

Google Ads

Has Google’s New Trademark Policy Caused A Spike In Use?

As you may know, Google recently loosened its policy in the USA related to the use of trademarks in ad copy text, which went into effect on June 15, 2009. The big question is: has this change resulted in an increase in trademark use? The answer is yes. The Search Monitor tracks and monitors trademark […]


Display URL: Traffic Tricks Used By Brand Hijackers

The display URL is the part of your ad copy text that tells consumers where they will go if they click on your ad. Therefore, it is a very important tool for branding yourself, as it is how consumers will recognize you in list of sponsored results. Each of the major search providers typically enforces […]


How To Protect Your Brand Under Google’s New Trademark Policies

If you are a Google Adwords customer you may have read that the Adwords’ trademark enforcement policies are going through a big change which will impact the control that you have over use of your brands on paid search.  The new policies will impact you starting on June 4th and June 15th, 2009. Earlier this […]


Measure Your Brand Success Using Competitive Intelligence

Your brand is important to you.  Consumers looking for you or a product like yours will often search using your brand in their keyword phrases.   Your competitors know this and will likely try to advertise on your brands, slogans, and catchy phrases.  How can you tell if you are winning out on your brand terms?  […]


Direct Linking Affiliates: Nuisance Or Serious Problem?

Most affiliate managers and brand owners agree that they are not fond of the practice where affiliate marketers direct link from a search campaign to the advertiser’s web site.   While frowned upon, the practice may be simply a nuisance because you just don’t like it or could become a more serious problem that is costing […]


The Armchair Sleuth: Competitive Intelligence Via Search

Would you like to have a heads-up any time your competitors are about ready to launch a new product? In many cases you can get good advance warning with clever use of search. There are specific competitive intelligence tactics that make this relatively straightforward. But first, take a step back and think about the things […]

Google Ads

Does Auto-Matching Cause Unintentional Trademark Abuse?

Auto-matching is a feature provided by both Google and Yahoo which allows the search provider to autonomously select new keywords for you and to create new ad copy for you, without the advertiser’s advance permission. The new keywords are selected from various places including your ad copy text, your display URLs, your landing page and/or […]


Reputation Management: That Brand Thief Stole My Clicks!

You may not be aware of it, but brand thieves are everywhere, lurking in the shadows of sponsored search, working hard to exploit your brand and steal your clicks. Their favorite tactics include hiding in lower positions during off hours, and targeting markets that you cannot see. Who are these brand thieves? How do they […]

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