DuckDuckGo showing instant answers for MLB scores & schedules via Bleacher Report

The privacy search engine announced in a tweet that it was #OpeningDay for Bleacher Report instant answers.

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Privacy search engine DuckDuckGo shared news via a tweet yesterday that it is now displaying Major League Baseball scores and upcoming game schedules via instant answers with content pulled from the Bleacher Report.

Sharing an image of a search for “Giants game,” the DuckDuckGo tweet announced, “It’s #OpeningDay for Major League Baseball and for @BleacherReport Instant Answers.”

The Bleacher Report-powered instant answers appear to be only for the MLB, as other searches for NBA or NHL teams failed to return the same results.

Here’s a screen shot of DuckDuckGo’s MLB instant answer for a “Giants game” search:
DuckDuckGo MLB stats Bleacher Report

Clicking on the individual game-score card will expand the card to show a breakdown of runs per inning, along with hits and error stats for each team.

DuckDuckGo expanded MLB instant answer

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About the author

Amy Gesenhues
Amy Gesenhues was a senior editor for Third Door Media, covering the latest news and updates for Search Engine Land, MarTech and MarTech Today. From 2009 to 2012, she was an award-winning syndicated columnist for a number of daily newspapers from New York to Texas. With more than ten years of marketing management experience, she has contributed to a variety of traditional and online publications, including MarketingProfs, SoftwareCEO, and Sales and Marketing Management Magazine. Read more of Amy's articles.

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