Google Analytics vs. Google Analytics 360

Learn about the pros and cons of upgrading to Google Analytics 360

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Today, data is the currency of the digital economy. Marketers need data-driven insights to understand who their most valuable customers are, which experiences led them to act, and how to get more of them.

And when it comes to analytics platforms, Google Analytics dominates the space. Cardinal Path research shows that 77% of the Fortune 1000 rely on Google Analytics to drive their data analytics practice.

Google Analytics 360 is designed not only to help you collect data across your digital properties, but to turn raw data into insights, and then to take action on those insights across the broader Google Marketing Platform.

Download The Ultimate Guide to Google Analytics 360 from Cardinal Path to learn more. It covers:

  • Google Analytics vs. Google Analytics 360
  • The pros and cons of upgrading
  • How to determine if Google Analytics 360 is right for your organization
  • Key considerations for implementation

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