Google has updated its prohibited practices to include “Linked account suspensions”

Removing or unlinking the suspended Google Ads account from your Merchant Center account won’t unsuspend or resolve your Merchant Center account issue.

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Google has a new issue status in Merchant Center.

This new issue status is a clarification of our existing enforcement to provide retailers with better instructions on how to resolve their account issues. This issue status means that a suspended Google Ads account is linked to your Merchant Center account. The Google Ads suspension must be fixed first before your Merchant Center suspension can be reviewed.

Why we care. If you have a suspended Merchant Center account, you’ll need to resolve the issue before you can request a review.

Additional prohibited practices. Google prohibits the following practices from its ad network. You can read their entire help guide here.

  • Abuse of the ad network
  • Irresponsible data collection & use
  • Misrepresentation

Resolving issues. If your products are disapproved, visit the help guide to get your account reinstated.

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About the author

Nicole Farley
Nicole Farley is the founder of Web Sprout, an inbound marketing agency. She formerly was PPC Editor for Search Engine Land (from 2022-2023), covering paid search, paid social, Google Analytics and more. In addition to being a Marine Corps veteran, she has an extensive background in digital marketing, an MBA and a penchant for true crime, podcasts, travel, and snacks.

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