How to find your niche in SEO

Get insights on how to narrow your focus, cater to specific market needs, and differentiate yourself in the competitive SEO industry.

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In the era of E-E-A-T, it’s not just websites that need top-notch standards for visibility and conversions. SEO professionals also need to step up. 

I’ve talked to many colleagues, and many struggle with nailing down their areas of expertise.

To stand out in SEO and digital marketing, the key is to niche down and pinpoint your unique selling proposition (USP). 

Throughout my career, I’ve delved deep into niche specialization to unearth my authentic voice and area of expertise. 

In this article, I’ll share insights to help you enhance your distinctiveness in SEO, boosting your personal and brand identity.

The power of niching down in SEO

In SEO, a jack-of-all-trades approach might seem appealing, but it can dilute expertise.

Consider someone claiming expertise in every aspect of SEO. Can they genuinely master the nuanced art of link-building when others dedicate their entire career to just that?

Think about a real-life situation. You have bought an older home to renovate it. The bathroom, in particular, had beautiful but worn-out mosaic tile flooring that you wanted to restore.

Now, you are faced with a decision: should you hire a general contractor who handles a range of home renovations or a specialized mosaic tiler?

A general contractor might offer a one-stop solution, overseeing the floor and other aspects of the bathroom renovation. Their broad experience could be advantageous in addressing any unexpected issues that arise during the project. Plus, their wider network could offer more flexibility regarding materials and design.

On the other hand, a specialized mosaic tiler would bring a depth of expertise specific to the work that your floor requires. They likely have a keen eye for detail essential for mosaic restoration, ensuring the patterns and designs are preserved and highlighted. Their specialized tools and techniques could guarantee a more authentic and durable finish, reflecting the artistry of the original work.

Your dilemma as a homeowner boils down to this: do you prioritize the convenience and broad oversight of a generalist, or do you opt for the precision and expertise of a specialist? Your decision ultimately depends on your renovation goals, budget, and how much you value the unique craftsmanship of your mosaic floor.

This analogy mirrors the SEO landscape.

Businesses yearning for a transformative SEO impact lean toward specialists. Yet, those viewing SEO as just another checkbox might gravitate to generalists, enticed by their versatility and affordability.

Herein lies the magic of niching down. 

Niching down refers to the strategic process of focusing on a narrower or more specific market or industry segment. 

Instead of trying to serve a broad audience, those who niche down tailor their products, services, or expertise to cater to a particular subgroup or specialized need

As an SEO professional, you identify and leverage your unique strengths by niching down and focusing your efforts on specific services where you truly excel. 

The rationale: A clear niche highlights your expertise, making you the go-to authority for your target audience. Establishing authority in a focused niche is easier than in a broad field.

Specialization enhances your brand value and often commands a premium, rewarding your wallet and reputation and making it hard for others to copy you.

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How to niche down in SEO

Niching down is a strategic approach aimed at honing in on your ideal customer and directly addressing their unique needs. 

Rather than offering broad solutions, the focus shifts to providing products or services tailored to solve specific problems for a narrower market segment. This prevents dilution of expertise and allows for more precise targeting.

Picture this as an inverted pyramid. At its broadest top, you find general SEO services commonly provided by newcomers to the industry. 

As you move downward, the services evolve, becoming progressively specialized and culminating at the narrowest point of the pyramid, where there’s a deep specialization in SEO. 

This apex almost always merges SEO expertise with another distinct discipline.

Niching down

This is the framework I’ve used to offer extremely specialized services in an extremely specialized niche and that I recommend to people wanting to find their unique USP in SEO.

1. Evaluate your professional background and interests

Selecting a niche that aligns with your professional experience or passion can greatly enhance your long-term commitment and drive. 

(Professor Melissa Cardon’s framework for establishing and measuring passion among entrepreneurs is a great starting point to assess your interest.) 

This alignment often results in heightened motivation and sharper focus, fostering endurance in your endeavors. However, it’s equally crucial to assess the viability of your chosen niche to ensure it supports your long-term plans. 

When making this choice, balance intuition with evaluating your strengths and capabilities. Ensure you approach this introspection honestly.

Avoid being overconfident or underselling your skills. A balanced perspective will guide you to a sustainable niche and authentically resonate with your expertise and passion.

2. Identify the problem that you can solve

Every impactful solution is rooted in identifying a genuine challenge or need. 

Success comes from addressing unique challenges that match your strengths, not following trends or copying others.

Whether it’s derived from your skills, past experiences, or deep insights, SEO professionals can succeed by matching their expertise to unmet market demands.

Identifying these gaps provides direction and fuels purpose-driven action, making your efforts impactful.

3. Identify your ideal customer

Who will benefit most from the solution you offer? Precision in targeting is paramount. 

Ensure you understand the long-term feasibility of your ideal customer: is this a niche destined to live for a long time? Or is it just a trend? 

Generic SEO strategies put you in a crowded, competitive market, often with lower prices. 

On the other hand, specializing in niche-specific SEO sets you apart and establishes you as the expert, creating a unique space for your expertise.

4. Evaluate competition

Assessing your competition in similar markets and industries is crucial. Focus on what makes your offering different and special in your field. 

Carving out a niche often happens when competitors provide poor offerings or when there’s high demand but a lack of expertise.

Alternatively, zero in on a specific pain point that remains largely unaddressed. 

By tailoring your services to these gaps, you address a genuine need and elevate your brand’s distinction and relevance.

5. Define your product/service

After defining your ideal customer and industry niche, design your services, providing a specialized solution to a distinct problem.

Tailoring your marketing to a specific demographic captivates their attention, fosters engagement, and builds trust, leading to lasting relationships, conversions, and referrals, solidifying your expert status.

This approach sets you apart from competitors and fosters a loyal clientele who value your expertise and advocate for you within their networks. 

Your ultimate goal is to be the solution for people and companies looking to solve a specific issue. You want to be helpful, just like your content. 

As long as you have the skills and can prove your value with real examples, being the solution implies establishing trust, gaining widespread recognition, and becoming irreplaceable.

Dig deeper: Authority management: A new discipline in the era of SGE and E-E-A-T

How to make niching down work for you 

So you have niched down, what’s now? Consider the following steps to ensure your niche decision truly resonates and delivers results.

Ask for feedback

Engaging them for feedback is essential if you’ve already established a client base. Understanding their experiences can offer invaluable insights into your business’s strengths and areas for improvement. 

Ask specific questions: 

  • How did they perceive the quality of your deliverables? 
  • Were their expectations met? 
  • Were there any gaps or areas they felt needed enhancement? 

Their feedback informs your current performance and guides future strategies, helping you adapt to evolving client needs.

Analyze the data

Once you’ve gathered project data, deep analysis can uncover valuable insights. 

For instance, if your expertise is SEO data science in a specific market segment, identifying a strong demand for in-depth user behavior analysis can be a golden opportunity. 

Focusing on this specialized niche positions you as an expert, attracting clients willing to invest more for premium insights. 

Consider whether you want to expand your skills to meet this demand.

Be meticulous

Niching down involves introspection and strategy, finding the intersection of passion and expertise. It’s about aligning your heart’s calling with surpassing the competition. 

Specialization requires unwavering selectiveness, making every decision deliberate, including:

  • Project selection: Align only with projects that perfectly fit within your specialized domain. Regardless of how lucrative it might seem, anything misaligned dilutes your niche focus.
  • Refined clientele: Embrace the power of ‘no’. By turning down opportunities that don’t align with your specialization, you further cement your expertise in your chosen niche.
  • Pricing power: Expertise comes at a premium. With specialized knowledge, you’re justified in commanding higher fees. Clients seeking your niche expertise often recognize its value and are prepared to compensate accordingly.
  • Strategic visibility: Your presence matters. Choose to speak or participate only in events that closely resonate with your area of specialization. This reinforces your authority in that domain and ensures your message reaches the right audience.

By leveraging these strategies, you solidify your position as a niche expert and amplify your value proposition, ensuring you’re sought after by those who truly appreciate and are willing to invest in your unique expertise.

Niche down to stand out

Niching down is more than just finding a specialized sector. It’s about discovering where your unique talents meet market demand, crafting a narrative only you can tell, and consistently delivering unparalleled value. 

As the digital landscape becomes even more crowded, those who carve out a distinct niche will stand tall and resonate more deeply with an audience that values specificity. 

Sometimes, the most powerful voice is not the loudest but the most distinct. Dive deep, find your niche, and let it be the compass that guides you to success.

Dig deeper: 11 tips for using social to become an authority in your niche

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About the author

Veruska Anconitano
Veruska Anconitano is a Multilingual SEO and Localization Consultant with 20+ years of experience working with established brands that seek to enter non-English-speaking markets. Her work is at the intersection of SEO and Localization, where she manages workflows and processes to facilitate the collaboration of both teams to increase brand loyalty, visibility, and conversions in specific markets. She's a polyglot and she follows a culturalized approach to SEO and Localization that merges sociology, neuroscience, and data. Aside from SEO and Localization, Veruska is also a food-travel writer, professional pizza eater, and smiler with a strong passion for everything Korean and Japanese.

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