How to measure Google’s E-A-T criteria and improve your organic results

In this live webinar, learn how to measure your website’s Topical Authority for any given topic.

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Google’s three pillars of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) is the Search Engine’s quality control to protect searchers from low-quality content.

While it is an important initiative to evaluate subject matter, most content creators find it challenging to measure E-A-T objectively. This can bring significant implications on how you manage your SEO initiatives.

Join iQuanti’s Ajay Rama as he discusses how to use the Topical Authority metric to improve your organic rank, and much more.

Register now for “How to Measure Google’s E-A-T Criteria and Improve Your Organic Results,” presented by iQuanti.

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About the author

Cynthia Ramsaran
Cynthia Ramsaran was director of custom content at Third Door Media, publishers of Search Engine Land and MarTech. A multi-channel storyteller with over two decades of editorial/content marketing experience, Cynthia’s expertise spans the marketing, technology, finance, manufacturing and gaming industries. She was a writer/producer for and produced thought leadership for KPMG. Cynthia hails from Queens, NY and earned her Bachelor's and MBA from St. John's University.

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