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Topsy Launches Twitter Expert Search; Better Options Exist

Topsy, the Twitter-focused real-time search engine, has launched a new tool aimed at helping users find the right people to follow called Topsy Expert Search. The blog post seems to suggest that this is a “labs” product, but there’s a prominent link to Expert Search right from Topsy’s home page. Either way, Expert Search seems […]

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Twitter Adds Usernames To Search Results

As TechCrunch discovered today, Twitter is now showing a sample of matching usernames/accounts for name-based queries on Twitter.com. A search for matt mcgee (without the @ symbol) now shows my account and the names of two others above the tweets that match the search query. There’s also a small link to view a more complete […]


Twitter Search Queries Up 33%, 24 Billion Searches Per Month

VentureBeat reports Twitter’s co-founder, Biz Stone saying that Twitter’s search volume is up 33%. That is 800 million queries a day or 24 billion search queries per month, up from 19 billion as reported in April. 24 billion is a huge number, it is larger than Yahoo and Bing, almost as large as them together. […]


Twitter Helps You Find More Friends Via LinkedIn & Facebook

Twitter announced two new ways to find new friends on Twitter. Twitter added to the find friends section, a LinkedIn and Facebook tab to allow you to connect with your LinkedIn connections via Twitter and friends on Facebook. The only issue is that as soon as Twitter announced this feature, the Facebook connection tool was […]


Google, Twitter Argue Against Throttling Speed Of News

Google and Twitter have teamed up to support a web site that’s facing legal trouble for reporting news too quickly. Reuters reports that Google and Twitter filed a brief Monday in an appeals court case involving theflyonthewall.com, a web site that reports financial industry and stock market news. A U.S. District Court ruled earlier this […]


Will Quora Challenge Google? No. Is It Useful? Yes

Yesterday the Wall Street Journal ran an article in conjunction with Quora‘s public beta launch. The article framed the discussion as Quora (and its kin) vs. Google: The race to build a successor to Web search is heating up as a number of young companies seek to fill gaps they see with Google Inc. One […]


Twitter Places: How It Might Challenge Google’s Local Dominance

One of the big, unanswered questions in the local search space is, Who’s going to do the best job of marrying location with real-time context. Twitter is hardly the first to try, but it may have the best chance to succeed. On Monday, the company announced Twitter Places, a new feature that’s being rolled out […]

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Live Blog: @bpglobalpr On “When Twitter Trashes Your Brand”

I’m at TWTRCON today, where “Terry” — AKA “Leroy Stick” — the mystery man behind the wonderfully entertainly parody @bpglobalpr account is speaking. Will we learn his real identity? I’m not expecting this. CBS News had a video interview with him where his identity was kept hidden. That was also true of his statement to […]


Twitter Expanding URL Shortener To Long URLs In Tweets

The Twitter Blog announced they are now testing expanding their Twitter based URL shortening service, t.co on URLs that are long. The main difference here is that they will show a portion of the real URL, but pass it through t.co for security reasons. Twitter explained: When this is rolled out more broadly to users […]

Google Ads

Google Rolls Out More Tweet-Based Ads

Two months ago, Google confirmed an “alpha” test of new ads distributed on its AdSense network that featured tweets. Today, it appears more of these tweet-based ads are live an in the wild. Magne Uppman is part of that test and he has shared screen shots and examples of his Twitter Google AdSense ads in […]

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FAQ: Twitter’s New Rules On Third-Party Ads

Earlier today, Twitter posted new rules about how third party ad companies can insert ads into the Twitter “timeline” of tweets. Is this a death knell for those third party companies? Not necessarily, but it’s sure a crimp in some of their plans. Below, what the new rules seem to ban and allow. The Background […]


Battle Lines Being Drawn Over Twitter-Based Ads

A battle appears to be brewing over the promise of monetizing Twitter and, more specifically, over the placement of ads on the Twitter platform. NOTE: See our follow-up post to this article, FAQ: Twitter’s New Rules On Third-Party Ads In a lengthy blog post today, Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer, Dick Costolo, announced that the company […]

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Twitter Will Put Retweets Back In Search Results

There’s been some commotion from bloggers and Twitter users who noticed this week that retweets had suddenly disappeared from Twitter search results. But Twitter says this isn’t part of a “war” on traditional retweets, and things will soon revert back to normal. The issue is that retweets weren’t showing up in search results for logged-in […]

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Twitter’s Trending Topics Algorithm Updated To Show “Immediately Popular” Trends

Mashable reports that Twitter has confirmed they changed their trending topics algorithm last week. Twitter’s Trending Topics, which later allowed localize trends, shows the most popular subjects being talked about on Twitter. Twitter said they now not only look at what is most popular, but what is “immediately” most popular on Twitter. Meaning, the Twitter […]

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The Twitter Search Landscape

Twitter reports serving 19 billion searches per month, and that doesn’t even count Twitter-powered searches at the major search engines of Google, Yahoo and Bing. Where are all those searches happening? Who are the big players in Twitter search? No one really knows so far, which makes life tough for search marketers trying to decide […]


Google Testing A Twitter Follower Finder Tool

A month ago in this space, I wrote up a a fairly lengthy article — How To Find The Right People To Follow On Twitter — that listed numerous tools and tips for finding the the right Twitter users to follow. Google, which wants to be involved in pretty much any search-related activity you do, […]


Bing Testing Twitter In Search Results

As part of a new test, some Bing users may be seeing Twitter messages mixed in with the regular search results on Bing.com. In a blog post today, Bing explained that the test involves two types of Twitter integration: First, on searches that Bing identifies as hot/trending, tweets will show up in the search results […]


Twitter Promoted Tweets: Scandal Or Big Yawn?

Twitter’s rumored Promoted Tweets are now official, launching only a day after the very similar TweetUp launched (will that be DOA?). Promoted Tweets has two phases, which might be described as an AdWords phase and an AdSense phase. The AdWords part is what is launching first. Marketers buy keywords (for now on a CPM basis) […]


Twitter To Launch Its Advertising Platform Tuesday

Hot on the heels of the TweetUp announcement comes news that Twitter plans to announce its own advertising platform on Tuesday. The New York Times says the program will be called “Promoted Tweets.” The advertising program, which Twitter calls Promoted Tweets, will show up when Twitter users search for keywords that the advertisers have bought […]


TweetUp Brings AdWords Concept To Twitter

Bill Gross, who all but created paid search in the late 1990s when he founded GoTo.com, has launched TweetUp, an advertising ecosystem that does for Twitter search what AdWords (and other paid search platforms) does for web search. It’s not officially tied to Twitter, and will compete with Twitter’s expected ad platform (whenever it launches). […]

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Twitter Quietly Rolls Out ‘Most Popular Tweets’

Twitter’s search results have changed thanks to the addition of a feature that wasn’t much of a secret in recent weeks. When using search.twitter.com, or the search box on Twitter.com, the results now show up to three “most popular tweets” at the top, above the most recent results. For example, a search tonight for ipad […]

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Twitter: How Our New ‘Top Tweets’ Works

As Twitter continues to roll out its new home page, more users — new and old — are being exposed to the new “Top Tweets” feature. As we said yesterday, Top Tweets shows a collection of recent messages that scroll every couple seconds. That’s what it does, but the bigger question is, How does it […]

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Twitter’s New Home Page Focuses On Content, Users

Twitter is testing a new home page design that introduces new users to a wider view of the site’s functionality by focusing on specific content and users rather than the more nebulous idea of trending keywords and hashtags. I can’t get the new home page to load, so here’s a look at the screenshot Twitter […]

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Twitter Working On ‘Most Popular Tweets’ Search Project

Twitter’s search team is working on a project to uncover the most popular tweets for any search query, but it’s unclear when or where the project might be implemented. Taylor Singletary, a Developer Advocate at Twitter, announced and described the project today in a post on the Twitter API Announcements group. The Search team is […]

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Twitter To Launch Ad Platform On April 13th?

Peter Kafka from AllThingsD is guessing that Twitter will be launching an ad platform on or about April 13th. Some suspected Twitter would announce an ad platform yesterday during Ev Williams Keynote at SXSW but he did not. So why on April 13th? (1) Twitter’s developer conference, Chirp, is the day after. (2) AdAge’s Digital […]

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How To Find The Right People To Follow On Twitter

While many of us in the marketing world tend to focus on how many followers we have and how to get more, for many Twitter users the other side of that coin is a real challenge: How do I find good people to follow on Twitter? Twitter itself has underscored the challenge as far back […]

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Twitter Announces @Anywhere Platform For Web Sites

You may have caught this in Danny Sullivan’s liveblogging of Ev William’s keynote at SXSW today, but just in case … Twitter has introduced a new platform called @anywhere that will allow web sites to integrate Twitter features more easily. The details seem a bit foggy to me, but it sounds like @anywhere takes many […]


Twitter’s Traffic Up 9%, Thanks To Google

VentureBeat reports Twitter has increased their traffic by 9 percent from December to January. After deeper insight from ComScore and Hitwise, it appears that most, if not all, came from Google. When Google added real-time results to their search interface in December, it had a major impact on people discovering Tweets in the search results. […]

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Is Celebrity Tweetvertising Worth Paying For?

Last January, I wrote about finding The Value of a Facebook Fan, which effectively took the number of fans a brand has on Facebook, multiplied that by the average number of friends a Facebook user has to determine the number of impressions each brand would receive from each users network, and then applied an average […]

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Twitter Testing Local Trends

Lisa Barone has screen captures of Twitter testing a localized version of Twitter Trends. Twitter Trends shows you what Tweet topics are currently hot and trending on Twitter. The local trends version does all that but breaks it out by region, country and city. Here is one of the pictures from @LisaBarone: You can see […]


Brittany Murphy’s Death & Google’s Real Time Search Results

The death of actress Brittany Murphy is probably the first test for Google’s new real time search results. Earlier this year, when Michael Jackson died, it took several minutes for the news to make it into Google despite the extraordinary number of searches it was getting. The integration of real time results was designed in […]

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